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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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Mission bug


Setting: Any mission with a countdown/up timer 


Bug: Timers stop after pausing to look at mid mission progress screen


Defense is relatively unaffected by this, but survival becomes unplayable (enemies stop spawning and timer stops)


(Only tested on void defense I and survival I, in invite only mode with one other person in group)

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Mission problem:


There was a forma blueprint mission on Ares in Mars.  It had 1 hour remaining on its timer.

I joined a squad, which then formed up to start it.  The mission terminated at the loading screen with "Session unavailable"

I was then returned to the ship, and the mission was no longer present as an alert.

Same trouble:

host quit in the middle of the game => Host Migration => Lost Connection => Alert is gone.

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My sentinel randomly die during mission, without getting hit. In infested defnese mission, the infested carrier pathing is still terrible. They alway stuck somewhere or go off screen and then come back. And they sometime have strange damage mitigation like my orgis was hitting for 7k but it hit them for 28 damage.


Mine also died and I checked, that its related to the blasting of the penta (and other blast weapons probably). Whenever I exploded a mob with the penta, the sentinel shield fell (in some cases far enough to damage hp) until of course, it died.

It didn't matter if I aimed near or far with penta (which has that blast radius increasing mod).

My team mates sentinel also died, presumably due to the same problem, but it would be odd for my damage to affect his sentinel (so I'm just guessing that is what happened)


We were running Sechura, so just to be sure, I took Boltor Prime to the next mission, and no sentinel damage was done. (Team mate was using a bow).


Are the self destruct infested units supposed to blow up when we kill them? because they do and the pod is taking ridiculous amounts of damage. i swear my ogris isn't doing any damage to the pod so it must be the units. even shooting them normally causes them to explode, stagerring me if i'm nearby. Please confirm if this is a bug? tq

Maybe its actually those stupid runners, and not my weapon after all...

Edited by AhkNemet
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The new mission on Mercury are NOT on mercury.
While they appear to be, either some coding on DE's part got jumbled up, or they just decided to go abstract.

1) The new missions, Stalker appears. I just did a solo interception on Odin - Mercury, and he came. Unless it was rumors, I thought Stalker doesn't came on Mercury? And if it's too low of a level for him, why did you boost Mercury's enemies levels SO much to the point that he is able to come?
I didn't get a screenshot of him, but here is a screenshot of the Serration he dropped.

Second, as I mentioned before, the new missions only, not the old missions, drop Alloy Plates, Ruebdo, Detonite Injectors, and newly discovered Control Modules, as you can see above.
On Mercury?

Third, the enemies in the same match of Interception that the Stalker came in, set off the alarms twice, leading in a locking out. "Doors are locked, time to break in"
Since Interception is extract every 5 ways, I didn't see a point to it.

As you can see, the towers are visible on my minimap, yet I'm "locked out"

My last bug to report did not happen on Mercury, (or whatever planet this new missions take on), but Mars. The Forma Alert.
Since U14, I've had massive waiting times, before missions, but that might be on my end.
I decided to spam my mouse keys out of boredom while waiting, only to hear my penta shoot a grenade then blow up.
While on the loading screen.
I do it again, and hear myself go down, and die.

When we finally load, the other player jumps in, but I am given to chance to revive myself or forfeit.
Upon revival..: [Note, I am using Rhino Prime]
This is WITH Iron Skin enabled.

Without it:

What this is: DE's new feature, being able to see where users are across the map, even through objects. (Similar to looking through the codex scanner)


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#1 I a forced to reinstall the navigation segment after each completed mission. 


#2 I am stuck during the Vor's Prize quest after unlocking the foundry, I joined the next mission but received a session unavailable message and was booted. The mission still shows up as being in progress when looking at the Navigation area, but the mission itself is unavailable from the star chart.

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What this is: DE's new feature, being able to see where users are across the map, even through objects. (Similar to looking through the codex scanner)


Its some kind of "navigation" feature. Ive posted about 6 times in different sections, and I posted in Twitch Chat last night during the Dev Stream, asking them to add an option to switch it off, but it hasn't happened yet. If im honest, im skeptical towards if DE even know about this, because I haven't seen any mods discuss it at all.

Edited by ArgonTheFox
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well, i dont have many issues, the drop rates on the first kubrow egg are kinda insane, friend of mine did the missions about 40 times or so, b4 i just said screw it and gave him 65plat just so he could foucus on something else



oh, and the mercury nav coord thing, i cant access it, just wont work, might have had something to do with me mjust building the counter measure thing right off instead of doing the quest, doing that interrupted something too, went into the loot quest and got sent to a different mission entirely

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I had a problem with doors not opening in OD cap/ext missions. The host didn´t seem to be laggy and noone on the ream could go through. It seems to be fairly common (to me at least) as I had this happen 3 times out of 4 today.

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A constant problem that keeps happening is that everytime i'm in the ship, when i press the chat key, my cursor pops out and when that happens i cant move. The mouse cursor is on my screen and i can't click on any buttons at all. My character is stuck and i can't so anything. I dont' have a screenshot cuz steamoverlay never works in this game so DE if u can fix this problem please do so  ASAP. It's getting really annoying and stupid

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Bugged out with "corpus resource cache mission", relogged numerous times, but methinks caused by crafting bolt negator before completing mission (I had the resources ^.^). 


Bugged and froze at please wait.... screen when joining public invasion match.


Frozen UI after clicking escape once from arsenal screen.


Otherwise, epically made update.

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I've found a small but really bad bug/issue that I've never encountered i was trying to trade my arcane thrak for a blind rage and 30 plat and every time i tried to offer it simply said Failed to make offer no matter what i did nothing fixed it i re logged restarted and so did he we tried his dojo and my dojo but nothing worked just thought i would bring this to your attention since i just lost my chance at things i need still a great game though so thanks DE

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While doing Vor's Prize missions I got to the part where I need to find resources to build the blueprint Darvo gave me.  While entering the mission the game locked in a white screen.  Upon force closing the client and re-entering the mission shows up on the holoscreen but not upon entering the solar map.  The quest is now un-doable.  It may be worth noting that, having the resources already, I built the blueprint.  I believe this may have stuck me in a bad way, as my ship is incomplete.

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