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Pc ---> Ps4 Update Difference Ruins The Surprise.

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UPDATE: Having read all of the complaints and thoughts on the idea, I've came to the conclusion that I'm content with waiting. I didn't realize the severity of the bugs that are presented to PC users and I applaud them for helping find these problems before they're introduced to the PS4.


Thanks for the opinions.

Edited by (PS4)Cincinnati-93
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It's not that big of a deal.


Uh huh.  Okay, then, let's have DE go ahead and delay the PC update so they can ship it out at the same time as the PS4 update.  Let's have DE be very clear on this intention and inform the player base about it.  Then we can see how big of a deal it is based on the backlash on the forums.  I can pretty much guarantee you it will seem like a pretty big deal.

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No there can't be simultaenous updates because they only start to work on the PS4 update after the PC one is finished.  And if you ask me update 14 has made it clear to me that this is a GOOD thing!  By the time we get the update it will be mostly fixed up and we will not have to suffer the game braking progress bugs and the Kubrow permadeaths...  So I think I can wait till they get things fixed.

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As much as it sucks that we have no surprise, I'm afraid we'll just have to put up with it.

Remember though, we actually benefit more than the PC players:

-We can prepare for what's to come (I was stocking on plat weeks before the Proto-skin hit Ps4 thanks to PC users).

-Our updates on considerably less buggy than they are on PC upon first release, update 14 is a real mess right now and Sony don't want to repeat what the Rhino prime update did to some Ps4s.

-We get our updates in big packages. Think of it this way, every 3 days we Ps4 players get a big dinner. PC users get 1 apple a day.

We should actually be thankful to have the PC users, I know I am.

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I can understand and relate to the feeling of having these surprises ruined because PC is ahead in content updates, but in the long run it's for your own good. While it appears that PC players all all furiously flinging poo everywhere because of the bugs and changes, you guys will get the much more polished version, ensuring you get the best U14 experience.

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I respect that you act as guinea pigs. Why don't they even release a test version where say 100 players go through and look for bugs before even releasing it on the computer?


Some bugs don't show up in controlled circumstances. Basically, 100 pairs of eyes might not be enough compared to the 40k pairs that a general release offers.

For instance, I didn't encounter any progression bugs at all, so releasing the update to me early for testing wouldn't have caught the progression bugs before general release, yeah? 


If you guys want updates at the same time we get them, I personally wouldn't mind even if our updates are slowed down. But I reserve the right to take great amusement in the PS4 players getting everything they asked for and seeing how terrible it truly is without PC players getting DE to fix the big flaws and bugs beforehand. Especially since Sony's cert process means you're waiting a week or more for fixes to those bugs. :3

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The attitude that keeps PS4 users dissatisfied with delayed updates is impatience. We aren't receiving hand me downs or second rate content, but a more polished update. Impatience and this 2 year old mentality of "gimme gimme now now" is blinding you to just how fortunate we are. Relax. It's getting old.

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So you basically want us to wait an entire month longer on PC so you get the update the same time? This would also mean that horrible balance issues and bugs and broken features will go out to the PS4 version...and "hotfixing" is not really that easy on PS4....

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Sony: So, how goes update 14 for Warframe?

DE: It looks promising! We are just about to release it on PC!

Sony: Excellent, we must ensure the update is prefect for PS4 release, now make the PC users do what they do best: test the inevitably buggy and game breaking update in preparation for the Ps4 version.

DE: Of course! PC Tenno, update 14 has arrived! Go forth and report bugs!

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It's no secret that the consoles take longer and may be harder to program updates, yet the huge difference in patches and the time in which these patches take place ruins the game for the console users. When I say ruin, I mean the surprises are out the door, we're aware of what's to come and really just sit around twidling our thumbs waiting to hear anything.


We're (PS4 users are) waiting for the next step in the battle against Alad V. It's just a thought that could help better the game for console users.


Thoughts? Is it possible to have simultaenous updates?

1.) The reason the patch times are so different is the huge expense it costs to upload patches to console networks. If that ruins it for you, unfortunately, that is the price you pay for not doing your homework as a consumer. As a rule of thumb console games are very iffy on PC and PC games are very delayed on the console.

2.) As for being aware of what is coming... This is a pretty common thing for online games in general, for example games like Tera, Aion and other Asian MMO's tend to be 6 months or more ahead (there are some games like Blade and Soul that ARE coming to NA and they've been out YEARS). Also, it's not exactly like you're forced to look into the changes to come; if you read about what the changes are and complain that it ruins any surprise for you then you're really doing the same thing as looking at review videos for movies that are full of spoilers and complaining about how that was ruined for you.

3.) Thoughts on simultaneous updates: It's a great way to further alienate the PC crowd by forcing them to wait the huge amount of time it takes to jump through console company's hoops for no other reason than to cater to a community that isn't part of theirs. Don't blame dev or publisher companies for making the patching process difficult and expensive (seriously, patches can cost upwards of 5k in many cases)

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It's not that big of a deal. All it would do would push back the updates another week or so. If they were in the console players shoes, they'd want the same thing.

I wouldn't play a game on console that I could play on PC. Ps4 will always be behind if you can't handle that dunno what to tell ya.... Other then get a PC.

Edited by DarthRevan84
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It's not that big of a deal. All it would do would push back the updates another week or so. If they were in the console players shoes, they'd want the same thing.


Yes, it is that big a deal.  There's already been a pretty big thread on this.  Warframe was designed ON the PC FOR the PC, and then ported out to PS4 and later on will be ported to Xbone.  When the PS4 was announced, us PC Gamers were worried that this would also mess with the PC versions and delay updates, but DE promised us that they wouldn't hold up things for the PC just to get them out at the same time for the PS4.


The main hold up is Sony.  When DE gets an update done for the PC it gets sent right out the door, but when one is made for PS4 it has to go through all of Sony's R & D and testing to make sure it's compatible, safe and all kinds of other things which can take a few weeks.  DE has promised that they're not gonna withhold a ready update from the PC base just because Sony has to jack around with the PS4 version because of their rules.  If you don't like it, then upgrade from your console to the PC.


Besides PC has been screwed over in almost all other games in favor of the consoles.  Most games are designed for the far inferior and console hardware and software and then S#&$tily imported to the PC even though the PC has the best hardware that upgrades all the time vs only getting major upgrades every 5 to 8 years on the consoles when the new, overpriced brick comes out that is really just a stripped down PC with less features and worse hardware.  


It's nice that PC players get the good end and the console players get the shaft for a change.  And like I said, if you don't like it then go get a PC.  You can make a great gaming PC for around 500 bucks, and then upgrade it over the years to keep up with technology.

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PC Master Race does explain itself now doesnt it? 


These are the issues you have to deal with. If you dont want spoilers (the only issue you really have with update missmatch and cert times) 

I reccomend you to not follow to much on what the PC players are working on. There is a PS4 site isnt there? Maybe its time we get that? Most of the pages in this site represent the PC version to dated threads and posts.


I understand the paint you have, but it's not the worst. The ammounts of factors and variables to this concern is not really worth digging to deep on about. You will piss of a few, and some might agree with you. But the fact is what it is. There will always be different perspectives on what migt be an real issue to the community. This is one of those that is not prioritize worthy. We are supposed to evolve, not freeze time and possibly go backwards. The only way we can grow bigger and evolve, is for things to stay as they are. Hope you understand this, as I understood what you might see as a problem for you and you'r fellow Tenno.  

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It's not even a "PC is the master race" issue... PC and Console are both great for gaming in different ways; but you can find 10 times more examples of crossplatform games super heavily favoring the consoles to the point that they are almost unplayable on the PC without essentially pretending you're on one (using a controller).

Being behind does suck, but it's 100 times better than primary standard inputs being invalid or so impractical without rebinding that it may as well be. (mouse and keyboard)

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Come two the Dark side and by a (p.c.) have the best Both worlds in the game..

When i was Young in the 90s i had sega mega drive / snes / atari s.t.f.m / and  p.c. Dx2 486

I played all sorts games that come out on the lot. 

Edited by gunsmoke77
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