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Xp Gain Reduced By Nearly 75%? Why?


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Oh dear, i dident even notice this, because i havent been playing much surv/def. lately,..

but dang it! i was actually enjoing leveling my stuff on dark sector surv/def. because of the high amount of XP,

if thats been nerfed now, im gonna hate leveling my gear again....

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Shield recharge mobs are the weakest


They hardly do anything and are the elast threatening even in a crowd


Shock eximus for corpus appears far more often than leech and tend to be more dangerous so idk where you get that example from


And none of that changes your misleading title and OP looking for shock value


If someone is stupid enough to judge by the title without reading about it it's not my problem.

Maybe they appear at corpus but tell me, how many factions there are? There is still Grineer, Void and infested out there. None of these spawn shock or shield recharge mobs.

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DE already exclaimed that EXP gain will be a lot harder than before many months back, and they were right, with dark sectors and being able to unequip weapons and sentinels, players are earning EXP in hours, and its gonna break the game, warframe is based on progression, if we progress too quickly, DE will have to rush to bring new items to players in order for us to have fun and a good, and you guys see what happened to us in U14 release, many many bugs, and we were training so hard we needed that U14 release to come now, bringing on the stress to DE, so yea, DE definitely debuffed EXP gain way back in Mid Update 13. 


HOWEVER! EXP gain is still very quick, I can get a regular weapon leveled up to rank 30 in a day or in 4 hours, and a warframe can easily get to 30 in at most 2 weeks or lower, it is not hard to level guys, I prefer sechura pluto, or maybe you can do some quick and easy kubrow mod farming, they drop out tons of affinities, so leveling is like doing 10 min on a survival mission.


Now about the eximus excuse, people think that each eximus gives out the same amount of EXP, idk when this occured but its still the same for me. Eximus grants 5x the amount of XP its original version does. So an eximus lancer grants 348 EXP or around that range, thats about 3-5 times the original EXP gain of a lancer, which is 70-90. You guys either can't recognize the eximus or just don't have much luck finding them.



Oops, I didn't notice how eximus use to give out that "much" xp, yea, thats true, but then again, it would make the game unbalanced, and DE said they wouldn't reduce EXP gain, they only reduced the EXP bonus gain.

maybe if they create real content instead of more grindwalls

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 Leaders dont appear that much, the other infested gives the rest of the xp. 10 waves and a half level for a level 16 karak? Thats not just the leader xp reward but all others. Also as i saw from kubrow farm, the affinity orb drops are now have higher chance. It's like they're trying to force us to loot everything possible.


If you haven't noticed, they increased the pickup range by a significant amount.

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maybe if they create real content instead of more grindwalls

Maybe if you made a relevant comment..


New player experience, ships, companions, new UI...not new content! PvP, not new content! Your comment, also no content!

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Reduced XP sounds like a bad choice. It was already a grind, one that players repeated several times per weapon and frame to use forma. It doesn't need to be longer.




Seriously, for a weapon to 'really' be good, you need to level 2-4 times with Forma, not just the initial grind.

Edited by Hexagoros
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warframe is based on progression


Right now, it's based on artificial obsolescence.


They release ever stronger gear, and broken strong warframes. Things that would be desirable on their "newness" alone are made to also render similar gear from the past worthless in comparison.


Just about the only saving grace to this predatory buissness scheme is that you can simply take your obsolete gear to a sector with weaker enemies, and not lose much in terms of gameplay(because enemies only scale in boring ways).

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I get the feeling some of the numbers were entered wrong in this update. We're not getting a decent chunk of XP, true, and that makes leveling less than fun weapons for mastery excruciating. It's bothersome but so long as it gets addressed I'll be happy.

Bigger problems out there right now. Try not to worry, just jot it down on the long list and hope DE gets to it.

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So does anyone have any... proof of this? 


Go to Sechura, Pluto and kill some infested Eximus units. You'll realize the exp (was 4k-5k, is now 700-1.2k) given was tanked, hard.


I don't have actual proof but other people posting here should already be convincing enough to be looked into for yourself.



The infested Eximus units exp rewarded was that silver lining that kept me buying Affinity Boosters to maximize my gear. I have no further need to buy more Affinity Boosters or do Dark Sector missions now. Call me spoiled if you may, but that's just how it's been ever since infested Eximus units got that exp boost.

Edited by Trowicia
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Go to Sechura, Pluto and kill some Eximus units. You'll realize the exp (was 4k-5k, is now 700-1.2k) given was tanked, hard.


I don't have actual proof but other people posting here should already be convincing enough to be looked into for yourself.

But again, no change to any other enemy, correct? Just the Eximus?


If so I am perfectly fine with this change. Not like we kill hordes of them to make up for the Eximus XP loss anyway.

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But again, no change to any other enemy, correct? Just the Eximus?


If so I am perfectly fine with this change. Not like we kill hordes of them to make up for the Eximus XP loss anyway.

It's just the Eximus, correct.


Infested Survival spawn tons of Eximus units... it's a glorified exp paradise. Even that feels almost meaningless to me now.

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Go to Sechura, Pluto and kill some infested Eximus units. You'll realize the exp (was 4k-5k, is now 700-1.2k) given was tanked, hard.


No. That's you saying "Go prove it yourself". That's not proof. It doesn't prove anything. You aren't even specific as to which Eximus units you're measuring the XP for. Crawlers? Ancients? Runners?

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If someone is stupid enough to judge by the title without reading about it it's not my problem.

Maybe they appear at corpus but tell me, how many factions there are? There is still Grineer, Void and infested out there. None of these spawn shock or shield recharge mobs.

In what part of the OP did you specify leader units?


You literally blanketed it as all EXP nerfed by 75%


Are you serious trying to defend yourself or are you just a troll?

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I no longer really care about the Eximus exp drop anymore.


I care more about Survival having its spawn table changed to be easy modo starting in Cassini Saturn. I want my heavies at 5 minutes again with huge spawn rate even when solo, not empty rooms with a bunch of 70 exp grineers after 20 seconds of waiting for a spawn.


Anyway, fastest EXP method atm for me:


go to Void


Kill Heavy gunners.


They still give 800 exp each and spawn at a huge rate.

Edited by Zeitzbach
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there are many vids on youtube where you can see old XP numbers and compare


I no longer really care about the Eximus exp drop anymore.


I care more about Survival having its spawn table changed to be easy modo starting in Cassini Saturn. I want my heavies at 5 minutes again with huge spawn rate even when solo, not empty rooms with a bunch of 70 exp grineers after 20 seconds of waiting for a spawn.



noticed that too, cant even last 30 min - becase the spawns are too low now

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