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Xp Gain Reduced By Nearly 75%? Why?


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No. That's you saying "Go prove it yourself". That's not proof. It doesn't prove anything. You aren't even specific as to which Eximus units you're measuring the XP for. Crawlers? Ancients? Runners?


I don't have actual proof but other people posting here should already be convincing enough to be looked into for yourself.


And yet again, another person picking apart my post without acknowledging the post as a whole.


Either way, the 4k-5k exp per Eximus kill is most likely a lost cause at this point anyway, so I'll just drop the subject on my behalf here.


Also, I give a range because I'm GENERALIZING infested Eximus' exp acquired, there are no specifics.

Edited by Trowicia
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Alright, just so I understand this correctly.. where before, within what was it, 4 runs? 5? You could take a new item from 0 to 30. And this is all what some people did. So what happens when stuff is just *too* good? That's right, it gets adjusted. Happens everywhere, all the time. Hell, I am playing missions on Earth and getting a modest amount of affinity considering the level of stuff I have equipped.


Pretty much the only spot outside of ODD that was being used to power level everything is no more. Move onto another spot, the galaxy map is bigger than the one node on Pluto and one key in the Derelict.


</puts flame suit on.. this one might hurt lol>

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im fine with the infested eximus exp nerf since it was a bit large as much as it hurts but i think a few of the eximus leaders got borked as far as exp goes. i swear ive seen a heavy eximus leader die in the void and it only gave about 900 exp instead of something like 3k like they used to or some of the basic grunt eximus only give about 100 but i may have been just seeing things...

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For those crying for "omg prrooooof this you have nothing you just made it up".

Here, picture of pre-update gameplay, normal wave 8 infested unit giving 169 exp on kill


And normal wave 8 infested unit after update... giving 105... Both was taken with the rifle kill bonus of sechura...


Yea yea only the leaders are nerfed...

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Alright, just so I understand this correctly.. where before, within what was it, 4 runs? 5? You could take a new item from 0 to 30. And this is all what some people did. So what happens when stuff is just *too* good? That's right, it gets adjusted. Happens everywhere, all the time. Hell, I am playing missions on Earth and getting a modest amount of affinity considering the level of stuff I have equipped.


Pretty much the only spot outside of ODD that was being used to power level everything is no more. Move onto another spot, the galaxy map is bigger than the one node on Pluto and one key in the Derelict.


</puts flame suit on.. this one might hurt lol>


Do you enjoy grinding low level weapons so much that the thought of being forced to do more of it has crippled the parts of your brain that govern higher thought processes? That method of grinding was "too good" because those two spots on the map are some of the hardest content this game has to offer. Why is it a good thing that the rewards from doing very well in them has been nerfed? Without even a mention in any change notes anywhere? There is no spot that is anywhere close to being as effective as Sechura once was. It's possibly still the best way to level, but nobody knows yet because the data isn't readily available. What we do know is that it was needlessly nerfed. Why? What purpose does removing the hands down best ways to level the weapons that your going to need to Forma 5 or even 6 times serve. It's adds no content. It adds no fun. It adds nothing. It's just another time wall, and another "incentive" to spend money on boosters. Why would you think this is good?

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How is an XP nerf in any way a good thing?


What possible reason do you have for low leveled frames/weapons being ok to be stuck with?


People only "grind" when they are going to forma something, once or more, and nerfing the XP rate not only makes that seem like a massive chore, but new players will level up even slower, and only feel further left behind.


The XP rates were fine before, but this is another case of DE rubbing their sausage fingers around the game smudging up things that didn't need to be touched.


I'm sure we'll be seeing an affinity booster sale or deal here soon :^)

Edited by Clairissa
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Only leaders/Eximus have significant drop in Xp.

Rest is same as before.




For those crying for "omg prrooooof this you have nothing you just made it up".

Here, picture of pre-update gameplay, normal wave 8 infested unit giving 169 exp on kill


And normal wave 8 infested unit after update... giving 105... Both was taken with the rifle kill bonus of sechura...


Yea yea only the leaders are nerfed...


Quite a big difference, a 38% lowering of XP, nothing to scoff at.

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Quite a big difference, a 38% lowering of XP, nothing to scoff at.

38% is nothing for commons that makes about 90% of the spawns

75% is nothing for the eximus that makes the rest

Edited by Zappax
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For those crying for "omg prrooooof this you have nothing you just made it up".

Here, picture of pre-update gameplay, normal wave 8 infested unit giving 169 exp on kill


And normal wave 8 infested unit after update... giving 105... Both was taken with the rifle kill bonus of sechura...


Yea yea only the leaders are nerfed...

And now for the second part


Ever think the EXP was rebalanced for the new units and spawn rate

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Try bringing an unranked weapon to ODD / Sechura Pluto. ~25-30 waves would net you around 10-15 levels on the weapon, now you can barely get 5. This patch basically turned WF into a korea grind. Artificially increasing content longevity by nerfing XP rates isn't the way to go.


Glad I managed to forma my Boltor Prime 4 times and my Penta 6 times before the patch. With the current rates creating weapons like those would take weeks.

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How is an XP nerf in any way a good thing?


What possible reason do you have for low leveled frames/weapons being ok to be stuck with?


People only "grind" when they are going to forma something, once or more, and nerfing the XP rate not only makes that seem like a massive chore, but new players will level up even slower, and only feel further left behind.


The XP rates were fine before, but this is another case of DE rubbing their sausage fingers around the game smudging up things that didn't need to be touched.


I'm sure we'll be seeing an affinity booster sale or deal here soon :^)


Because they're planning on adding focus so it has to be fixed before it gets released? New players won't really feel anything since they didn't know about Leeching before. People like me probably grinded normally often instead of leechign 24/7 so we already had some other tricks in mind for a quick grind as well.


You don't need Affinity booster to level up fast. Void Survival is still a great place. You just can't do triple unranked weapon on an unranked frame leeching in Sechura anymore, which was obviously going to get fixed for overshadowing every other possible leveling spot.

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Leveling in general IS balls slow now.


When the update released my Hydroid was 18.


Today, it is 26.


In the time of the update, I've done....


~10 missions looking for a Kubrow egg.

~Vor's Prize (not counting the very first quest obviously)

~6-8 Lephantis Runs looking for Eleventh Storm

~3 Tower 2 Defense (15 waves)

~1 Tower 1 Survival to 20 minutes

~9 Infested Exterminates on Jupiter (6 of them solo)

~4 Derelict Exterminates looking for a vault


And I ONLY have 8 levels on Hydroid to show for that?

Edited by Xylia
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Leveling in general IS balls slow now.


When the update released my Hydroid was 18.


Today, it is 26.


In the time of the update, I've done....


~10 missions looking for a Kubrow egg.

~Vor's Prize (not counting the very first quest obviously)

~6-8 Lephantis Runs looking for Eleventh Storm

~3 Tower 2 Defense (15 waves)

~1 Tower 1 Survival to 20 minutes

~9 Infested Exterminates on Jupiter (6 of them solo)

~4 Derelict Exterminates looking for a vault


And I ONLY have 8 levels on Hydroid to show for that?



The only stages giving you any real exp are Leph at the boss, T2 and T1, with T2 defense starting giving it after wave 8-9 because that's when Heavies start to spawn.


Not to mention Warframe takes TWICE as long to level up.


So yeah....


You should have ran Survival 4-5x instead. That would have gotten you to almost maxed.

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I really just don't like survival missions. I prefer a very casual Dark Sector Defense with vortex and my unranked weapons. I would like to see the xp scale based on your game settings. If you are set to solo you get more, invite or private a little less, and public should be the least.

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This isn't the first time they've done it. In the Podcast they love to state "We don't want to make it grindy." Yet when updates come they'll be like, cut that EXP in half! Or for these Eximus units they didn't just half the exp they gave you. 

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I really just don't like survival missions. I prefer a very casual Dark Sector Defense with vortex and my unranked weapons. I would like to see the xp scale based on your game settings. If you are set to solo you get more, invite or private a little less, and public should be the least.


Casual method shouldn't be the most effective method. Actual survival run was giving no where near as much exp as Sechura at that time. Now with the nerf, I actually feel good again running Survival up to 30 minutes just to get my weapon from lv 20 to 30 immediately (no booster). It felt a lot better than hopping from room to room and leaving at wave 5 and getting 1 level per run. To not feeI horribad and be more natural, I usually bring a Nekros along to give more loots and contributes something but that random Rhino dude with all unranked stuffs? Disgusting.

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The only stages giving you any real exp are Leph at the boss, T2 and T1, with T2 defense starting giving it after wave 8-9 because that's when Heavies start to spawn.


Not to mention Warframe takes TWICE as long to level up.


So yeah....


You should have ran Survival 4-5x instead. That would have gotten you to almost maxed.


I remember when, not TOO long ago, Warframes leveled faster than anything else because they got 50% of all XP from everything, plus 100% of XP made through Power kills.


When did that change?


And I'm not saying this as a "I should be able to level in exterminates", but more of a "I've done a LOT of Warframe playing (~12 hours worth) of various different stuff and I ONLY have 8 levels?" as a kinda "They did nerf XP. Heavily."


I don't care if some of that stuff was just exterminate, 12 hours over 3 days should have given me more than 8 levelups.


Also, I noticed that quite a few Eximus units in the Void (the grunts) were only giving 90XP.


That's like.. "lawl, you kidding me?"

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I remember when, not TOO long ago, Warframes leveled faster than anything else because they got 50% of all XP from everything, plus 100% of XP made through Power kills.


When did that change?


And I'm not saying this as a "I should be able to level in exterminates", but more of a "I've done a LOT of Warframe playing (~10 hours worth) of various different stuff and I ONLY have 8 levels?" as a kinda "They did nerf XP. Heavily."


I don't care if some of that stuff was just exterminate, 10 hours over 2 days should have given me more than 8 levelups.


you still get 100% exp to your warframe if you use powers to level. The thing is, you are killing stuffs that give 80-100 exp. You're only getting 80-100 per kills. Eximus exp was nerfed so you only get its normal amount instead of the 5x amount. They also reduced the Eximus spawn rate in the defense mission. Eximus used to be your main source of EXP and was over shadowing everything. THey make it so that those "Heavies" unit are your main exp sources again. (Heavies meaning Heavy Gunner, Corpus Tech, Shockwave Moa, Ancients, etc.)


When this happen, it's time to change stage. Survival Void still spawn 1-2 Heavy Gunners nonstop every 20-30 seconds. Why kill about 10 80-100 exp targets every 20-30 seconds for 800-1000 exp when you can go into the Survival and press 4 there and kill those 10 targets along with 1-2 more heavy gunner and earn 1600  - 2400 exp instead?


My Ash from pressing 4 all day only took like 2-3 hours to max. I don't get how you're taking 10 hours for 6-8 levels.

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you still get 100% exp to your warframe if you use powers to level. The thing is, you are killing stuffs that give 80-100 exp. You're only getting 80-100 per kills. Eximus exp was nerfed so you only get its normal amount instead of the 5x amount. They also reduced the Eximus spawn rate in the defense mission. Eximus used to be your main source of EXP and was over shadowing everything. THey make it so that those "Heavies" unit are your main exp sources again. (Heavies meaning Heavy Gunner, Corpus Tech, Shockwave Moa, Ancients, etc.)


When this happen, it's time to change stage. Survival Void still spawn 1-2 Heavy Gunners nonstop every 20-30 seconds. Why kill about 10 80-100 exp targets every 20-30 seconds for 800-1000 exp when you can go into the Survival and press 4 there and kill those 10 targets along with 1-2 more heavy gunner and earn 1600  - 2400 exp instead?


You're still missing the point.


We shouldn't be shoehorned into Survival to level our stuff.


I don't expect top-notch XP from non-Survival, but the nerfs are just too harsh. I remember when I could get 10+ levels on a Warframe on a night of solid play, especially out of Void. There was no real reason they had to do that; it felt like a good pace (especially with the bloody importance on Forma This, Forma That).


But nowadays, this Survival or GTFO is just ridiculous. It is bad enough that 75% of all the relevant rewards in the game come from Survivals, but now Survival is the only decent way to get XP too?


Why not just remove the other game modes entirely? I remember when an Earth Exterminate (before Junglefication!) used to give 4k XP on the weapon you used + 5-6k on your Warframe. Now you're lucky you get 2k on weapons and 3k on Warframe.


I remember when a Void Defense (even Tier 1) would easily get me 15+ levels on an unranked weapon and back then it was a mandatory 15 wave countdown. Nowadays? Well I haven't tried it with an unranked weapon, but the XP is just horrible. 10-15k or some-such. Used to be 50k+.


I'm sorry, I do NOT like this new system. It is way too grindy. Bad enough you don't get much of any reward out of non-Survival these days, they didn't have to nerf XP on top of that. And WTF is with the removal of Eximus bonus? Eximus units are usually much harder to kill, it made you enjoy seeing one come out... but now that they don't give you much of any XP for killing it, they just become an annoyance.

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I didn't mean that casual should be the most efficient. I just refused to go to sechura and leech. In that spirit I would play lower level missions mostly solo all the time. I am decent enough at the game but I don't feel I am in the level of some people who can go 30+ minutes solo even on a t1. I can barely make it to 10 minutes because I run out of LS.

The idea  of either being limited to using a specific frame or being forced to play with others  just doesn't sit well with me. There should be some kind of option for us introverts who really don't like playing with others to not be penalized so much.

Maybe some option to save exp  until the end of a mission and then you get to decide how much of a % to put where.

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