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Kubrows Vs Sents


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I used one sentinel. The shade and that's it.

I prefer kubrows, mainly because I love them. I am a dog person so when my kubrow is sleeping on my ship I feel all cuddly inside. With that said, yeah there are differences between them but that doesn't mean either side sucks. 


A sentinel is a tool. Designed for a primary purpose




1. Understandable, at th emoment they are difficult to get.

2. Well to someone who loves kubrows, it's just another thing that makes them not care for them (in terms of upkeep, which btw it's just 100,000 creds. Go do a sechura run 4 or 5 times in 5 waves with a group and you get that in a flash).

3. I think rebecca said it best: The ones who work on the core fixes and other features WERE NOT designated to the kubrow development team.



If you love em and want to use them then go ahead, I won't think any less of you, but I and many others are sick and tired of DE getting stuck in this mindset that every new and cool thing has to be behind more and more levels of grindwalls and RNG.  It's getting ridiculous, and everyone wonders why a lot of the older players are leaving.  Warframe needs less and less RNG and Grindwalls and more ways of getting and using our cool stuff that is fun and intereactive.  Such as more quests, more lore, more immersive missions.  Ok so we have to get this data mass to reroute the ship, but WHERE are we rerouting the ship to and why?  Does it have valuable cargo?  Is there important data on board?  Are we going to convert it for our own use later on?  What's the deal here?  


Hyping up something this much and then floundering hard on the delivery with grindwalls and RNG galore is like giving us the middle finger.  HERE ARE THE AWZIM KUBROWS WE HYPED UP ALL YEAR!, BUT YOU CAN'T GET THEM YET CAUSE YOU HAVE TO GO THROUGH TONS OF RNG AND GRIND AND EVEN THEN ITS ALL STILL A CRAPSHOOT!  TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLO


or you can spend plat


and even if you spend plat there are still no guarantees


And I'm tired of people saying "It's only 100k credits".  How's about this?  All of you give me $10 a week,  I'll give you my paypal email and you can just gift it to me every week.  It's only $10 so you won't miss it.  Just put in some overtime at work, sell some crap you don't need, borrow from a fiend, or even steal something and sell it.  It's no biggie right?


And yes I know the kubrow team are not the same people who work on the "core fixes" but I'm still concerned that so much time and manpower went into making this(and to be honest it wasn't even done right)  when there are tons of other features or additions that could have been released instead of these damn space dogs.


And also if you have a game that's supposed to be about these really cool space ninjas running around with cool space battle suits with cool space combat abilities with cool space guns and cool space swords fighting cool space bad guys and the "most complicated and advanced things" are the damn space dogs, then that's a problem.


Like I said before, if you like the kubrows, then more power to you, I sincerely hope you enjoy them for a long time, but I and many others are not going to bother with going though all the hoops and grindwalls and RNG for this mess.  Or at least not until things get fixed.


I don't want to sound like a spiteful basher and I do love DE and respect all the hard work they put into the game and have bought the Grandmaster package and the Rhino Prime access, but to be honest with each and each update I see the game starting to go in directions that I and many other players really don't agree with nor want and until things change I'm not going to spend another cent on this game.  


Now with that being said,  if some awesome improvements are made then I'll whip out my wallet and start throwing my money at the screen.


If you can level 'em up enough, they turn into killing machines. 9l Lasers annihilate them, but yeah. Other than that; they will destroy things once they get out of their early rough patch.


Yes, that's great and so do the sentinels and I don't have to go through increasingly greater levels of grindwalls and RNG for those, nor do I have to put forth the time and effort into maintaining them which is quite hard thanks to a busy schedule of work, family, friends, my upcoming wedding, and frequent out of town trips.


Also to be honest I intentionally have my sentinel's weapon very lightly modded as I don't want it to do tons of damage and destroy things because then the damn thing always KSes me.   I like it because it picks stuff up, slows down enemies, and alerts me to danger, while I can focus on killing things.

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I read the rest of your post but this is what caught my attention.  Where was this said?


Well to be honest, I kind of misspoke.  Most people know exactly why the older players are leaving.  A lot of people have been here for a long time but they're sick of the grind and repetition, lack of lore, and RNG.  It has been going on ever since Warframe came out and even though many people have given good ideas to improve these areas and make the game a lot more fun DE still stubbornly insists on merely artificially lengthening the game by locking everything behind grindwalls and RNG.  "Oh you want this invasion reward? Run the same exact mission with the same exact enemies over and over and over again."  


"Oh you want this awesome new Prime frame and weapon we just released?  Well into the void you go and have fun with the dilluted drop tables.  Oh and BTW that one piece you need only appears in round 3 of survival missions and there's a lot of other rewards in the pot for that round too so you probably aren't going to get it unless you run a lot of 45 minute T4 survivals so good luck!"



Also it's kind of common knowledge that a lot of the older players are leaving, or at least taking extended breaks from the game and then popping in later to check how things are.  I did that myself when I left for about 2 or 3 months during the winter, came back in, played for a couple of weeks, got bored, left for another month and then came back and have been pretty active since, though I may take a break again soon.

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Well to be honest, I kind of misspoke.  Most people know exactly why the older players are leaving.  A lot of people have been here for a long time but they're sick of the grind and repetition, lack of lore, and RNG.  It has been going on ever since Warframe came out and even though many people have given good ideas to improve these areas and make the game a lot more fun DE still stubbornly insists on merely artificially lengthening the game by locking everything behind grindwalls and RNG.  "Oh you want this invasion reward? Run the same exact mission with the same exact enemies over and over and over again."  


"Oh you want this awesome new Prime frame and weapon we just released?  Well into the void you go and have fun with the dilluted drop tables.  Oh and BTW that one piece you need only appears in round 3 of survival missions and there's a lot of other rewards in the pot for that round too so you probably aren't going to get it unless you run a lot of 45 minute T4 survivals so good luck!"



Also it's kind of common knowledge that a lot of the older players are leaving, or at least taking extended breaks from the game and then popping in later to check how things are.  I did that myself when I left for about 2 or 3 months during the winter, came back in, played for a couple of weeks, got bored, left for another month and then came back and have been pretty active since, though I may take a break again soon.


The problem is, everything you just mentioned is a staple of most MMOs.  You have to keep in mind, DE's a game company but they're still a company.  They need money.  Grind is both one way to keep people playing but to also get people to purchase things in the marketplace.  Making a game have insane grind but also offering the same gear in the cash shop means you don't have to worry about the grind- just pay for the gear now.  If they're leaving because of the grind, I don't see them playing most MMOs out there anytime soon.  Boredom, I can understand, but grind doesn't always equal boredom.

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I have a feeling that 90% of the sentinel advocates actually never looked into the dogs. Melee lifesteal, over 3k hp, better cloak than shade. Ihaven't even tried others than the cloaking one yet and I'm liking it a lot more than sentinels. Really missing the shield restore but win some lose some,


Melee Lifesteal. Okay, granted, kubrows have reasonable survivability once you dump an OCEAN of R5 cores into upgrading all their mods. Now your kubrow is staying alive. ...   So?  I hatched a Raksa.  You get:  A shield restore which it wastes the instant you take any hit at all.  And a crowd control ability which makes enemies run away so they are harder to kill. Each kubrow seems to have its own damage value, but the Raksa's only seems to be about 25 slash damage at its base. Which it will only manage to use every couple of seconds because it must run up to the target, find just the right spot, then jump at them. While it charges through fire, void lasers, corpus laser gates, poison clouds, and every other environmental hazard it can find.


Compare to my Wyrm Prime:

+ Restores shields only when I need it

+ AOE crowd control power that disables and immobilizes

+ 1K DPS from range, customizable, with elements and status effects of my choosing

+ Glued to my head: Immune to crowd control and will not be exposed to any environmental hazard that I can avoid

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I have a feeling that 90% of the sentinel advocates actually never looked into the dogs. Melee lifesteal, over 3k hp, better cloak than shade. Ihaven't even tried others than the cloaking one yet and I'm liking it a lot more than sentinels. Really missing the shield restore but win some lose some,

It's probably a preference thing including abilities aren't as great as Sentinels.  Take a Sunika for example, their 'unique' abilities are limited to capture and finishing attacks.  This would be nice if I spammed my Serro's jump attacks, or played Capture without Loki rushing.  


Sentinels are simply capable of much more; auto-scanning, cloaking(but apparently Kub's can do that too), Guardian, Sanctuary, Self-Destructing, Vacuum, Radial stun, and ragdolling/pull.  In addition to all those simply fantastic abilities, they don't require as much maintenance and patience as a Kubrow does.

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True each to there own but in terms of practicality a sentinel will win everytime and here are the reasons why. Someone above said who would win between a kubrow and carrier, carrier would win because kubros can not kill anything that flys too high plus because of the shoddy combat AI it would probably ignore the carrier until its killed by the prime laser. another reason is pathing, they do not parkour at all they either find another way back to you or just teleport. The combat AI even fully modded is still not enough for the kubrow to attack enough to really make him or her worthwhile. This is all from my own experience with my Huras, granted she has more shields than my Rhino Prime but if she doesn't attack as much as my spectre guess who goes into stasis.

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