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Silva & Aegis


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The stamina drain needs to be there, look at Vindictus, Fiona is the tank of the game, she uses both small and large shields with large shields giving her full invulnerability to unblockable attacks that no other character except her with a large shield can do, but which ever shield you use, they both have one thing in common: Stamina.


You can stay in heavy stander as long as you have stamina and she won't take any damage. If you've played Vindictus, then you know how strong Fiona's defensive game is, think about it if blocking didn't drain stamina. She would be pure agro with Taunt turning the game into an easy button.


Taking stamina out completely is a no no, especially in a game like Warframe where balancing is still a major issue. Being a tank means absorbing all the damage you can take, but it does take it's toll on you, you won't be a tank forever, you will get tired.


Ah, funny you mentioned Fiona.  She was my main back when I played Vindi.  I sorta miss my hammer fiona...


But you know what she was also specialized in?  Counter attacks.  When she blocked with her small shield she can attack and severely damage enemies.  Aegis should be able to do the same.

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Aramanth, on 23 Jul 2014 - 09:20 AM, said:Aramanth, on 23 Jul 2014 - 09:20 AM, said:

Ah, funny you mentioned Fiona.  She was my main back when I played Vindi.  I sorta miss my hammer fiona...


But you know what she was also specialized in?  Counter attacks.  When she blocked with her small shield she can attack and severely damage enemies.  Aegis should be able to do the same.

Except countering is very redundant in Warframe when you can just shoot enemies and Fionas countering ( like Ninja Gaiden ) is very simplistic, all you need to do is guard at the right moment and you can counter, but in Warframe, you need to wait for ranged units to melee you, then you need block and activate channeling at the right moment, then you have a small window to actually do the counter instead of having it automatically do the counter for you like Ninja Gaiden. Fiona's perfect block is guard then right click x2 and you have much more time to set up a perfect guard.


Warframe doesn't give you time to set it up, you either get it or you don't.

Edited by __Kanade__
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Except countering is very redundant in Warframe when you can just shoot enemies and Fionas countering ( like Ninja Gaiden ) is very simplistic, all you need to do is guard at the right moment and you can counter, but in Warframe, you need to wait for ranged units to melee you, then you need block and activate channeling at the right moment, then you have a small window to actually do the counter instead of having it automatically do the counter for you like Ninja Gaiden. Fiona's perfect block is guard then right click x2 and you have much more time to set up a perfect guard.


Warframe doesn't give you time to set it up, you either get it or you don't.


Well, then not the countering part, the shield bashing part.  Half of Silva and Aegis' attack should be using Aegis, not Silva, especially when you block with it.  Enemies really don't telegraph their attacks (and the ones that do die in one hit to everything anyway) so countering's not as useful, but being able to block then bum rush the enemy with your shield forward would make this weapon a monster.

Edited by Aramanth
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Why is it called an 'Aegis'? That would conjure images of an incredibly defensive shield. 

It's too offensive looking for such a defensive sounding name. 

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Why is it called an 'Aegis'? That would conjure images of an incredibly defensive shield. 


It's too offensive looking for such a defensive sounding name. 


In fact in greek mythology, aegis had the head of medusa on it (the one who stared people to stone) & terrified ennemies so much they fled as soon as they saw it. Sounds pretty offensive to me

Edited by manub
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In fact in greek mythology, aegis had the head of medusa on it (the one who stared people to stone) & terrified ennemies so much they fled as soon as they saw it. Sounds pretty offensive to me

Oh? I thought it was just a round, Goat-skin shield and her head was ON The Aegis, not an actual component of it. Huh. 

Still, to me at least, it conjures images of something very protective as opposed to 'Spiky death shield of fire.' 

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Indeed, Aegis held Medusa's Head for a grand time in Greek Mythology, then after a long while(due to Greek appeal and Ancient Deity swapping) her head was removed from the Aegis and the shield was in turn given to Athena alongside Silva(which is in fact a second Greek Mythological Weapon) by Ares, he had grown so overwhelmed with Athena's combat that he decided she deserved weapons as grand as his own. Thus this is the moment in which Athena is presented with her symbolic weapons, the Silva & Aegis, which at times are just described as brilliant gold weapons, and then at times they are stated as "brilliant, flamed, weapons handed off by the volcanic God of War" suggesting the weapons might have been set ablaze with godly fire by Ares before gifting them to Athena. This could also present background as to why they are fire-based in game, but this is all Mythological-speculation on my behalf.

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i would like to see the stamina slightly reduced but not gone. the stamina drain is needed and helps balance the weapon i like it. but as far as the damage is concerned i have waited for this since silverbones won. its an amaizing piece of work for what DE pulled off. i love the look. it should get a damage buff though i would like to see this weapon be able to be taken on a t4 run. or high level at the moment i dont think you can succesfully any way. I truly want to be able to bring this to a boss fight or high level t4 but without a drop in stamina drain and a buff in damage it looks like its just going to be a paperweight sitting on the shelf. (sorry silverbones was definately not what i had hoped it could be) still "looks" amazing

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Except countering is very redundant in Warframe when you can just shoot enemies and Fionas countering ( like Ninja Gaiden ) is very simplistic, all you need to do is guard at the right moment and you can counter, but in Warframe, you need to wait for ranged units to melee you, then you need block and activate channeling at the right moment, then you have a small window to actually do the counter instead of having it automatically do the counter for you like Ninja Gaiden. Fiona's perfect block is guard then right click x2 and you have much more time to set up a perfect guard.


Warframe doesn't give you time to set it up, you either get it or you don't.

That really needs to be fixed - having to channel to block? And a tiny window to do it? Really, are these space ninjas or space office workers?

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In fact in greek mythology, aegis had the head of medusa on it (the one who stared people to stone) & terrified ennemies so much they fled as soon as they saw it. Sounds pretty offensive to me


I don't think that was so much the shield itself, but that when people saw it they realized "Holy crap, this b@stard killed freggin Medusa!  Screw this! I'm gonna GTFO I never signed up for this!"


They would also have the same reaction if they were going off to fight and they saw Kratos in the enemy army running right towards them with his Blades of Athena.

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I was talking real greek mythology & not video game mythology

aegis was the shiled gifted to the goddess athena after perseus killed medusa, & myths clearly tell about its capacities


digression: what do players wait to ask for a dual scoliac so when can go "god of war" on ennemies in this game? :)

Edited by manub
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I have already stated the full mythological disclosure of the Silva & Aegis pairing in REAL mythology, but referring to NEW concepts... 


I really would like to see either One-Handed Axes/Maces/Warhammers or a Spear. A true polearm, not a double-bladed polearm. I want another melee weapon that deals good puncture damage other then Daggers. I want a spear with only one point, designed with a lot puncture damage. The amount of Armor Damaging Melee Weapons is too low. If you want a Puncture specific weapon you are only really going to get daggers, dual Daggers, or the Dark Set.(Dark Sword/Dark Dagger Radiation Damage against armor.)

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  • 1 month later...

" But I also said Tenno are naturally blind because most warframes don't have eyes"


It's a suit of highly advanced  tech, there's no reason they can't see out of it even if there are no visible eyes


"hat could do magic because "nano machines, son"


That is incorrect, the grineer believe it's nano tech, they are wrong as Vor says, it is because the Tenno wield the energies of the Void


I know im being anal, but I felt obligated to point this out


To be onto the subject at hand

Realism or not, the stamina drain is too much, the whole point of a shield is it's defensive properties, but to have it drain so much stamina you can hardly block makes it useless, and ergo makes the silva and aegis weak

The drain needs to be reduced a bit

Edited by NocturneOfSolace
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Overall I really liked this weapon , super fun and usefull , but there is someting rly bothering me - the shield block drains stamina like crazy... Whats the point in having a shield that drains stamina while blocking , then all other malee do it perfectly fine while also draining...

I think the stamina drain for the agies should be if not removed atleast reduced to a minimum...

well unless the sheild weighs like 5000 pounds this wouldn't make sense ._.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, what's the point of a shield if it doesn't increase your defensive powers?


This. Come on devs, make this weapon do what's it's supposed to be good at.


Combos are nice though. But a shield that sucks at blocking? It's the only thing stopping me from loving this thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I Disagree with this post so much. The weapon is fine, especially in terms of stamina. At times you don't ever really realize the drop in stamina with most weapons. Your too busy swinging at enemies, especially Infested. To be completely honest, the weapon itself brings so much variety to both Warframes and play styles, it overlooks the need to change something as simple as the stamina. For instance, I have an ember that was equiped with Silve and Aegis from day one. After a days worth of a trial, I decided to change the way I looked at not only This particualr warframe, but all others as well. I decided to make my Ember an Off-Tank, based entirely off S&A. With the amount of various mods to chose from, I landed on a decent build that has allowed me to view all Classes and Warframes in a different persepctive. As the Co-Founder of an alliance, S&A has also allowed me to view clan members and management in a different way as well. In other words, S&A is perfectly fine and needs no major changes. In fact, with how much it brings to the table with playstyles, customization, and even a RPG/ RP-RPG Clans, this is a weapon of choice for me.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I agree with you all on the concept of having it use less stamina overall, as it is a shield with innately defensive properties, but in this case, the weapon is designed with a balance in mind. All other weapons still actually have a percentage of damage pass through them to you, and you can die while blocking if not careful, where as Aegis is the first weapon to block 100% of all damage to come into contact with it while blocking. That is why it has increased stamina drain,it is easily countered with Marathon or Quick Rest though.

This seems counter productive. You'll be left unable to block a lot sooner and eating bullets. And considering the tiny risk in blocking with other weapons, the benefit is not felt, feels more like a hazard to use this over other weapons.

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Ok so I wasn't aware it blocks 100% damage (I still am not sure about that, pretty sure I've seen some slip through same as any weapon) so the extra stamina drain while blocking isn't all that bad. It promotes smarter use of the block rather than block spamming lazily. What does bother me about this weapon however is the lack of a defense boost. i mean, it's a shield after all. It would be nice if it gave a 10 or 15% armor boost (maybe only while main-handing the melee and not just quick-melee, or only while channeling) as an inherent feature of the weapon. That right there would make me happy with it - I wouldn't argue with a small base damage buff though lol. 

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how exactly do you block with this? I cant seem to even get the weapon to stay out. I can do one attack with it then it switches me back to my primary weapon.


There should be a button that lets you switch to a dedicated Melee Mode. I think it's F.

If that doesn't work, try holding your Switch Weapons key (instead of simply pressing it). That pulls out your melee weapon and gives you access to blocking and new combos and the like.



It's been so long... and the Silva&Aegis is:


- no better at damaging than a Skana

- no more effective at blocking than punching bullets away one by one (or batting them away one by one with a hammer)


I get that balancing is a delicate process and all, but come on, DE.

Edited by SortaRandom
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