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Mirage Needs A Complete Rework


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Note: This is referring to the bug that affected Hall of Mirrors that has just been fixed as of this edit. With this Hotfix, Mirage is now a worthless frame.


Speaking as someone who is loving the 'bug' that makes her images just broken with Blind Rage because man is leveling so much easier, I'm realizing how without that damage bug, she's actually the worst frame in the game, by a good margin. I'd like to break down Mirage to really emphasize these points.


- Hall of Mirrors: Currently her only good ability, her images are invulnerable and can soak up incoming bullets and/or melee hits. Despite the plethora of bugs, Hall of Mirrors is a solid ability (and currently the only one worth a damn). PS: They should be recastable if you messed up your positioning of them as they block your shots (or they should be shoot-throughable)


- Sleight of Hand: SoH is simply too proactive for an fast-paced, action-packed, game like Warframe. Booby trapping object may be decent (not great) in Defense/Survival, but are worthless in any other mode because you're always going forward, not sitting in a spot waiting for enemies to come to you (unlike Defense/Survival).


- Eclipse: What I originally thought was doing all of my damage, I stopped using it and realized how meh it is overall. It's a good concept, but not properly executed. The damage boost is too small (even with over 100% Power Strength!!!) and Mirage is too squishy to really benefit from the damage resistance. On top of not having a big effect on your damage/resistance, you have to be standing in specific locations on the map just to get the biggest benefit (remember what I said about this game being "fast-paced"?)


- Prism: By far the biggest disappointment as I was crafting Mirage, Prism does next to no damage and drains your Energy so rapidly unless you're using Efficiency (and why would you at the moment?). It trolls people with how bright it is (moreso than Hall of Mirrors unless you use very vibrant/noticeable weapons) and even blinds people worse than that bug with Saryn's Molt being spammed.


So overall, her 2-4 need significant rework if she's to have any hopes of doing well when the bug goes away. Now for some of her other pros/cons...



- High Speed: Along with Nova, she's the second fastest frame in the game. Gotta go fast!

- High(er) Energy: Same as her more caster-oriented friendly frames, she gets into the 150/225 pool instead of the 100/150 pool. Not that you actually need it, because...

- Great Energy Efficiency: Mirage is probably the most efficient frame in the game (excluding Prism) to the point where you don't even need Fleeting Expertise/Streamline when using Blind Rage.

- Quick Wallrunning/Higher Climbing: Mirage seems to have a faster wall-run, which also lets her run up greater distances on walls too, allowing her to climb higher than most.

- Quick Rolling: If you actually use it, which I see no one ever does (myself included), her rolling animation is faster.



- Lowest combined Shield/Health: Starting at 80 and only going up to a paltry 240 each, she's going to be squishy regardless of what you put on her.

- Low Armor: Not the lowest, but she's got that low tier 65 armor.

- No Team Play: Besides her massive damage (which for the millionth time is the effect of an unintended bug), she has no benefits to her team. No CC outside of Prism's weak Blind CC, no buffs for allies, no debuffs for enemies, no healing, shield regeneration, no anything besides her massive damage (which again is from a BUG from Images).

- 3 Useless Abilities: I mean, just try her yourself and you'll see what I mean. SoH is simply too slow/pointless to use, Eclipse doesn't give you enough benefit (Images give significantly more offense through the bug and more defense from blocking enemies from hitting you), and Prism does almost no damage even with ridiculous amounts of Power Strength, plus it bugs people. I know every frame has at least 1 "poor" or "bad" ability, but it seems Mirage has 3 of them, which is ridiculous.


It's just really disappointing because she has so much potential, but is flat out ruined by poor scaling or bad design choices. There isn't a doubt in my mind that her images bug will be fixed and she'll go to being a worthless frame that'll just sit on my Warframes shelf. Please DE, consider reworking her from the ground up.




- Removed Pro/Con mentioning Polarities/Aura Slot because you can just Forma them anyways.

Edited by Polarthief
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Didnt read everything, but i glanced at ur cons. With regards to the aura slot, you can just forma it to w/e u want, like what any other person would do if it was any other frame. 


Oh I know, but that's not really the point. I could just remove it and the pro of polarities.


Regardless, she's worthless outside of this bug at the moment.

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This is true, or just un-fix the bug that u guys just fixed


Was favorite

Now least favorite


What bug was "fixed"? She's still doing ludicrous amounts of damage.


Edit: Nvm. Sweet, the Hotfix just made her worthless.

Edited by Polarthief
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im gonna use her, i like all of her abilitys.. if you think about it, alot of frames have similar pros and cons


like valkyr who i use all the time, only one of her abilitys really does anything related to battle, ripline doesnt really do alot of damage so its mostly for selfish utility, i say it like that cause it can really only help her.. her roar gives a decent attack speed buff, considering how many team mates are useing there melee over there soma or prime this or that isnt very useful, paralize is a 1 second stun.. by the time the animation is done its over, and the most damage i have seen it do was 15.. which leaves her ulti the only "good" ability if you want to put it like that, i love valkyr and when im not using mirage i will be using her, no frame had a perfectly useful everything

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im gonna use her, i like all of her abilitys.. if you think about it, alot of frames have similar pros and cons


like valkyr who i use all the time, only one of her abilitys really does anything related to battle, ripline doesnt really do alot of damage so its mostly for selfish utility, i say it like that cause it can really only help her.. her roar gives a decent attack speed buff, considering how many team mates are useing there melee over there soma or prime this or that isnt very useful, paralize is a 1 second stun.. by the time the animation is done its over, and the most damage i have seen it do was 15.. which leaves her ulti the only "good" ability if you want to put it like that, i love valkyr and when im not using mirage i will be using her, no frame had a perfectly useful everything


Notice how she has a mobility ability, a buff to allies (a buff's a buff), a debuff/thing to do to enemies (shield removal and knockdown), and her ult which makes her an unstoppable death machine. That's quite a kit compared to the now useless Mirage.

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Eclipse by design is very well made power. in my opinion this is how cloaks of Loki and Ash should work really.


however in current state of game mechanics, this power is wortless.


as for the rest of her powers, well Hand is useless, Mirrors would do better to disappear upon taking damage. like each mirror have let say 50% of player's health, to allow Mirage to actually tank a little bit. Prism even with Natural talent is rather slow, nice show though.


overall Mirage is a medicore frame. welcome to 98%.

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im gonna use her, i like all of her abilitys.. if you think about it, alot of frames have similar pros and cons


like valkyr who i use all the time, only one of her abilitys really does anything related to battle, ripline doesnt really do alot of damage so its mostly for selfish utility, i say it like that cause it can really only help her.. her roar gives a decent attack speed buff, considering how many team mates are useing there melee over there soma or prime this or that isnt very useful, paralize is a 1 second stun.. by the time the animation is done its over, and the most damage i have seen it do was 15.. which leaves her ulti the only "good" ability if you want to put it like that, i love valkyr and when im not using mirage i will be using her, no frame had a perfectly useful everything

I'm debating forma'ing out Hysteria, and just leaving her to have Ripline and Warcry. With melee 2.0, I don't need hysteria to stay alive, EVER,  and I've used Ripline to help "unstick" those foolish speedrunners who don't wait.


As for this, I thought you were going to say something against Mirage, but I do agree, she needs MUCH better abilities. I could see Prism working with a Duration/Range build though, as it *DOES* blind enemies, but can be "Flung", and Detonated wherever you like.

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You just pointed out the biggest issue in Warframe : SCALING. Every aspect of every enemy scales infinitely, and at a rather bonkers rate when you reach the Void, but Warframes and their abilities don't scale. At all. NO scaling for the players in a game where scaling is the main tool used for enemies. That is what makes "Damage" frames... damaged. They just can't keep up. Only frames with abilities that don't give a damn about scaling can still do something at that point. And that's before enemy damage goes $&*&*#(%& too. This core element WILL keep fracking things up until it gets proper attention. As long as it stays the way it is now, nothing the devs do will change anything to this situation.

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How about for Hall of Mirrors: 


Mirage clones (or holograms) (or doppelgängers, take your pick) will have 75% of the original Mirage's Health and Shields, but will now deal 12.5% of the player's current weapon at Rank 0, +12.5% per rank until 50% at Rank 3. That way, it can be more of an offensive version of the Decoy.

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You just pointed out the biggest issue in Warframe : SCALING. Every aspect of every enemy scales infinitely, and at a rather bonkers rate when you reach the Void, but Warframes and their abilities don't scale. At all. NO scaling for the players in a game where scaling is the main tool used for enemies. That is what makes "Damage" frames... damaged. They just can't keep up. Only frames with abilities that don't give a damn about scaling can still do something at that point. And that's before enemy damage goes $&*&*#(%& too. This core element WILL keep fracking things up until it gets proper attention. As long as it stays the way it is now, nothing the devs do will change anything to this situation.

Mag's "Shield Polarize" says "Hello"

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Ok, after reading this entire thing, i'm concerned that you're not even playing on the same frame that I have been. So far, Mirage has been my favorite frame I've ever played. Firstly, Hall of Mirrors is still great, even post-fix, it vastly increases damage, especially when combined with Eclipse, secondly, I do agree with how SoH is the "bad ability" on her, thirdly, prism's damage suffers against only really infested due to the fact it's radiation damage, and its CC is not weak, it is possibly one of the best ones in the game next to nova, seeing as the range of the blind is immense and lasts for a very long duration if you mod it that way (which you should because every ability minus SoH is improved through it. Additionally, she is not as squishy as you say, seeing as enemies also target your Hall of Mirror holograms, and lastly, you keep saying she's so efficient, and say she doesn't even need that much power, and then complain about prism taking up damage, duh, it's going to take up energy, it's an ultimate ability the best thing a warframe should have, dealing damage to literally everyone in a massive range over time and ends with a stun that affects even more, through walls.


P.S. The whole no team play thing, a few frames have realistically no team play, just a few things that with a long stretch of the imagination could be considered team play: Ash, Nova (no, her ult doesn't count if prism doesn't, exception being -power strength), and Saryn (Molt is as flimsy as tissue paper). These frames are rarely criticized for having no teamplay because their killing ability is very high.



Dromenon, The Trickster

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Obviously Prism is inefficient, but I feel like we're using two different ultimates. Prism for me does roughly low 60s damage to enemies with some resistances to Radiation (even when it's super close to them, and it's hard to keep it there since it bounces around like nuts), and maybe 300s to ones weak to it (only for a split second since it bounces away), and even with Stretch, I haven't seen the blind do much more outside of blind a couple mobs close to it.


SoH is obviously bad and everyone will agree on that.


As far as Eclipse goes, I'm not a big fan of it being triggered by having to stand in certain situations as you can often die, expecting the reduction, or do little damage, expecting the buff. Perhaps it could be a gradual decrease of the buff you were standing in and an instant buff in the one you just swapped to. Like I said, good concept, but poorly executed for a fast-paced shooter.

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Beat me to the punch, what I was going to post


So instead of making mirages powers have costs that make sense you go and break her one good ability and making her just another boring crap frame with a crap version of decoy that draws only a little aggro (and due to the crap aim of the enemy, half the time they will miss the decoy only to hit the player) and can deal a small of damage, with anything that is not a rocket launcher, which is probably what demanded the nerf to start with.


So really? why not just do a rework?

-Make her one ability (Hall) her four ability, her four ability her three (Disco Doom), Her three ability her two (eclipse), and her two ability her one (slight of hand).

-Make her now four ability (hall) have the clones unable to do AOEs or have massively reduced range

-Decrease the damage percent of hall at max to about 25% of what your actually doing (Because it was a wee bit high, but taking away its ability to do -Damage at anything above about level 15 without an orgis or bolter prime is way over reacting)

-Do something with power strength to make it not broken (IE, does not work with Hall of mirrors)

-Make her ult have a little less range, because it is over the top at the moment

-Make her ult have damage that makes sense, I see it hit anywhere from 9-170 damage per second

Edited by reltats
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I'd like to point out that I was posting this as the Hotfix was going and still responding to others and I didn't test the damage yet.


As of me posting this, the hotfix seems to have NOT affected the damage done by images, at least I believe it doesn't as I'm getting ludicrous numbers. The only thing that the hotfix did was make Synapse go crazy on my screen and now just scatters around like a lightning trap of sorts.


Edit: Lol nvm, first match was buggy/laggy.

Edited by Polarthief
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You just pointed out the biggest issue in Warframe : SCALING. Every aspect of every enemy scales infinitely, and at a rather bonkers rate when you reach the Void, but Warframes and their abilities don't scale. At all. NO scaling for the players in a game where scaling is the main tool used for enemies. That is what makes "Damage" frames... damaged. They just can't keep up. Only frames with abilities that don't give a damn about scaling can still do something at that point. And that's before enemy damage goes &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp; too. This core element WILL keep fracking things up until it gets proper attention. As long as it stays the way it is now, nothing the devs do will change anything to this situation.


No. Wrong.


There is meant to NO scaling in the sense that you are implying.

The core game revolves on doing missions on the planets, and NOT wave 1287384 on Sechura. That type of "end game" is purely there for people that have done everything else and just want to throw their 500 Forma build at things.


If you have reached the stage where you can go for 2 hours in Survival you have broken the game, congrats. Borderlands 2 has a similar mechanic with the OP1-8 challenges, where the players DO NOT scale up past level 72, but their guns do, just to deal with the mobs, as once they get a few levels above the players they will basically one-shot you if you let them.


Warframe should be the same. There should be no ability that manages to scale upwards like Shield Polarize because you are NOT MEANT to fight level 1000 mobs. At that level they should have enough health and shield regen to soak up an entire team pool worth of ammo, and every single Ammo Rerstore they have and still not die.


If your only interest is messing with frames and guns to go fight on wave 100, you need to go find another game.


We are Ninjas doing missions, not turrets in a TD game.


Here is what you want http://store.steampowered.com/tag/en/Tower%20Defense/

Edited by DSpite
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Obviously Prism is inefficient, but I feel like we're using two different ultimates. Prism for me does roughly low 60s damage to enemies with some resistances to Radiation (even when it's super close to them, and it's hard to keep it there since it bounces around like nuts), and maybe 300s to ones weak to it (only for a split second since it bounces away), and even with Stretch, I haven't seen the blind do much more outside of blind a couple mobs close to it.


SoH is obviously bad and everyone will agree on that.


As far as Eclipse goes, I'm not a big fan of it being triggered by having to stand in certain situations as you can often die, expecting the reduction, or do little damage, expecting the buff. Perhaps it could be a gradual decrease of the buff you were standing in and an instant buff in the one you just swapped to. Like I said, good concept, but poorly executed for a fast-paced shooter.

Non-hostile/sarcastic question, who were you using prism against and where? Because I've been running tower IV defenses and survivals and it's been holding its ground. The perk isn't so much as the massive damage, as the massive number of targets over a fairly long period of time.


And about Eclipse I could honestly care less about the defensive part of it, I just mainly focus on how its damage boost works really well with HoM, and also i guess it depends on maps you're on. For example, Ceres is a horrible place to use eclipse, while places like Pluto and the Void are excellent places for it.


Also just to make sure we're getting similar results, my build is to use Energy Siphon, Continuity, Redirection (really anything you want to use, I'd not recommend a natural talent for the D slot), Constitution, Intensify, Fleeting Expertise, and stretch, everything but redirection maxed.

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Note: This is referring to the bug that affected Hall of Mirrors that has just been fixed as of this edit. With this Hotfix, Mirage is now a worthless frame.

Stopped reading here. Complete BS. No, not the fix that I was waiting for a while now, the last sentence. Learn to play.

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Notice how she has a mobility ability, a buff to allies (a buff's a buff), a debuff/thing to do to enemies (shield removal and knockdown), and her ult which makes her an unstoppable death machine. That's quite a kit compared to the now useless Mirage.

her paralyze doesnt take enemy sheilds it takes hers, and it doesnt knock them down they stop moving for litterally 1 sec that is the actual time in game, with that mind set - eclipse (a buff is a buff) - prism (does damage and blids which is a debuff) and so on..

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funny how I saw many people spam up posts how OP Mirage is, now that she has been tweaked it is declared the "worst or terrible idea" make up your minds people.

People got what they paid for(beefed up warframe) and lost it...


So you definitely get what you paid for.


Ever since the Molecular Prime fiasco, every new frame has sucked and most still suck. Seems all the focus is on utility and NONE on damage but at least the bugs focus on damage...

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