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Sexier Male Warframes


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After playing Warframe for a week or so and reminiscing the size of Loki's butt (which has a weird proportion), I realize that many of the male Warframes lack that "oomph" that would certainly make them a lot more suited as a masculine Warframe. I truly believe when in comparison to the female Warframes, majority of the male Warframes such as rhino do not show visual accuracy. To show what a strong design for a Warframe is, I decided to provide a link with Warframe's "old" concept art. A good masculine Warframe would be the one in the middle, although it might seem artificial, the lats and the abdominal bring out the ace in  male character design.





At the current state, male warframes lack, muscle definition and line. It would help to design an armor plate that has six pack definitions or muscle structure. Perhaps a sculpted plating that fits the impression of a bicep or a pec. In all odds, a warframe like rhino needs more muscle and line definition to visually promote his larger size. It certainly does not make sense that he is a huge warframe but yet he lacks the visual structure other warframes have. All I'm asking for is more visually appealing male warframes. (This does not mean sexualizing them) For example, ash's frontal body could use some sculpted abs rather than the awkwardly smooth covering. (In fact, it just makes him look fat.)


TL;DR: Need more muscle visuals (this does not mean, "bulking up" the warframes, athletic bodies can have the same muscle standards)





Edited by Spoolooni
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I like the Frost the way it is, so sleek and shiny. But the Ash's "back" could use a little edit, I guess.


Yep, Frost is a very sexy warframe since he has that fashionable design to him and they did quite well doing so but ash on the other hand...I agree with you. Gar...

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As much as I'd like to see more character in the warframes, a bulky Rhino warframe is as manly as you need for a space ninja. I'm with Geno here, although a little more definition could be nice I suppose.


Yea the problem about Rhino is that, the warframe indeed shows he is a huge beefy individual but his armor design doesn't show that detail. Maybe define the arms a bit and bring out the biceps. Atm... he just is what he is.....kinda like the michelin mascot. 

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OMG yes! And someone needs to photoshop the faces of the guys from Jersey Shore on to the warframes! That would be, FABULOUS! <3

(sarcasm and by fabulous I mean NO)

Edited by Greene413
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OMG yes! Someone needs to photoshop the faces of the guys from Jersey Shore on to the warframes! That would be, FABULOUS! <3

(sarcasm and by fabulous I mean NO)


Actually you got it all wrong, more like the muscles are photoshoped onto the guys from jersey shore. 

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Ninjas should be slim, not beefed up. It would be kinda weird seeing a huge guy running on walls and doing a backflip off a wall. If you want someone big, just play Rhino.



Body sizes vary constantly, and what I'm asking for is muscle definition not muscle mass. Many of the warframes already have muscle mass but lack the definition to prove that they do so. 

Edited by Spoolooni
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I think I'm comfortable enough with my sexuality to understand what's being asked for, and agree with it.


The female warframes, for the most part, tend to have certain features strengthened for the sake of sexuality (Though they can also use a little more definition in some areas). I wouldn't mind seeing the same for the male frames. There ARE women who play this game. I know a few myself, infact.

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The only way that "more muscle definition" would make sense is if you put the Tenno in morph suits and sent them out to fight for long hours on a sweaty grineer outpost.

These are Tenno who wear armor. I want to see my tenno wearing armor. Not a bathing suit. I will not play this game if it morphs into an anime with oversexed characters. Tenno are there to complete a mission with speed, precision, and no small amount of brutality. It is stupid to see tennos who appear to still be in puberty - oogling over some other tennos armored breasts while I'm trying to assassinate Hek by  myself. 

At this point I feel that the look of Excalibur  Rhino, and loki are by far the most polished of the warframes and have just enough muscles definition. And for anyone involved in the martial arts as a lifestyle and not a hobby will know that mature muscles is lean muscle. And the Tenno appear to have an exo-suit on. Showing some of the ligaments "Crysis" style might not be a bad approach. (kinda' already do that)

I for one feel that the WarFrame team has hit on a very good balance between "Ninja" and "WarMachine" with those first three Tennos. The females on the other hand have strayed a little too far towards the "pin-up" Tenno poster look. It's not necessary. It's not bad necessarily but it feels like the designs were rushed and "breasts" were thrown on them to compromise. I really think they should explore some more female designs.


But leave the Rhino, Excalibur, and Loki alone for now.

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Either the male 'frames get better muscle definition (not mass) or the female frames get a re-vamp.


I for one feel that the WarFrame team has hit on a very good balance between "Ninja" and "WarMachine" with those first three Tennos. The females on the other hand have strayed a little too far towards the "pin-up" Tenno poster look. It's not necessary. It's not bad necessarily but it feels like the designs were rushed and "breasts" were thrown on them to compromise. I really think they should explore some more female designs.


But leave the Rhino, Excalibur, and Loki alone for now.

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The warframes are suits, you won't see a lot of muscle definition... the suit covers that up. I don't think the devs were trying to set a renaissance theme to the game where the tenno have suits with six-packs and massive pecks, this isn't gladiator.

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The warframes are suits, you won't see a lot of muscle definition... the suit covers that up. I don't think the devs were trying to set a renaissance theme to the game where the tenno have suits with six-packs and massive pecks, this isn't gladiator.

This, exactly this.


And I think the female frames are fine. Yes, yes, they have boobs, but the only frame I feel is really "sexualized" is Saryn and maybe Ember. Having boobs does not automatically mean sexualization, especially when we're wearing exosuit armor (as opposed to REAL armor made for protection that doesn't involve "energy shields"). Also boobs are much easier to see through clothing than muscle definition.


Mag could use a redesign though (or the female hostage could) as she looks very bare, especially since the female hostage has nearly the same outfit as her.

Edited by AXCrusnik
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They don't need to be that specific, its a suit of armor. Totally unnecessary. You haven't even explained a good reason why this should be implemented.


Just because you hear some people say the females are oversexualized in the game doesn't make it true. The answer to that is most definitely not making males sexualized, because that would really make some people uncomfortable.


If you want to look at muscles, there are better places to go. Same for breasts.

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This topic is interesting. I suppose I would like some sharper lines on frames like Ash and Volt, and maybe even certain parts of Loki.

But I definitely agree about not bulking up the characters, there's a good diversity to them and they shouldn't become grotesques. And thankfully, though the female frames are attractive, they're not lascivious, which is a hard balance to achieve.

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