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A Call To Pause New Content And To Work On Existing Content.


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As much as I love the new quest system and all it can bring us, I think we can all agree and get behind the idea of DE taking a moment to pause their new content production and work on what is already in the game.


I'm not talking about just taking the kubrows and fixing them, getting rid of the bugs, ect. I'm talking about EVERYTHING. Making the mission types more diverse with better rewards, have better enemy scaling for new and old players, make it so I don't have to spend 3 months farming for credits, mods, fusion cores to max out one rank 10 mod.


DE needs to take a moment, look at what they have made recently, look at the quality and features brought with them, and then go back and apply that to the older parts of the game.


Case in Point, Mirage. Mirage is a great example of a warframe that scales well. Her ultimate does damage, but it also has a utility purpose, as does most of her other powers, they serve some form of utility/power combo. Beyond that, DE has  been messing around with more unique ways to use powers, such as toggles, or Mirage's "Power usage + Duration" thing it has going on. DE should go back, look at some of the older warframes and apply these mechanics to them.


Going EVEN FURTHER, the Mods need balancing. There is basically a "Tier" system in place. Rifles are at the top, pistols being second, Shotguns being third, melee being fourth. Melee mods, and melee damage in general in my honest opinion, don't stack up to Rifles, heck they don't even stack up to pistols.


We have had Dev's mention in their livestreams that they are working on fixing the issue with Defense missions not stacking up with Survival because of the rewards, that was roughly 2-3 dev streams ago and while I understand they have been working on U14, I think it's time they take a moment, sit back, and work on what is on the plate.


There is the RNG Issues we are having with the void and in general, PvP imbalance and issues, Dark Sector's not being worth it when taxed, the method of your kubrow DNA degredation over time being considered "Cruel and Inhumane to Animals", ect, ect.


So please, DE, PLEASE! Put the NEW STUFF on hold and work on what is already here that needs work. Missions, RNG, Balance, please just sit back and work on this stuff. You have shown what you want to do, what you CAN do in terms of balancing things out, mission goals, ect, now is the time to take some of that and apply it to the old missions.

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It's like people refuse to understand the rule of this type of game.


It's like people don't understand that most people who work on games work on only one part of the game, and don't have the knowledge or experience to work on something else.

Edited by Farren
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That's just not how game development works. Ever.


I would advise you to watch the devstreams or look up other threads that state this exact same thing, as developers have also responded to this pretty basic aspect of game development as a whole.

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Won't happen. New content is the lifeblood of F2P games, and many veteran players only log in to check out new content (because they've done everything else).

I am a veteran player, and perhaps I worded it badly. Taking new systems and using it to rework the old, such as the new Rescue missions, how those work with doing X objective to get Y amount of points for Z reward, take THAT and apply it to other mission types. That would...be new content. It would be something NEW to do. That WOULD bring in more players because they would be all "Hey, we can go in and capture the VIP in under 5 minutes to get a ten pack of common 3 fusion cores!" or something like that...


Your thoughts are interesting and might be right, but I wanna see you saying that at level 17 and with 4000 plats you got from selling corrupted mods and primes.

It's hard to find balance.

What...does that have to do with balancing game mechanics?




That's just not how game development works. Ever.


I would advise you to watch the devstreams or look up other threads that state this exact same thing, as developers have also responded to this pretty basic aspect of game development as a whole.

DE has said they were looking into these things, yes, and I understand that they need "NEW SHINY THINGY!" To keep players interested. But what if the "NEW SHINY THINGY!" was just some old dusty part of the game that has been polished. If you take the old parts that are kinda...clunky, they don't match up to the newer stuff and are kinda just...left behind, if you polish those up to make them look and function as the new shiny things, that is still "new" content, it's refreshing and if done right it's different.


It's "new content" without coming up with something completely original and different.

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It's been pointed out already, but the people who fix bugs and balance are not the same people who make new guns and such.


Even if they were, they're not going to stop releasing content. Remember that week before U14 when all they released was the machete and there were all sorts of threads saying how boring it was and how they should have released content? Yeah, they kinda can't win I guess.

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It's been pointed out already, but the people who fix bugs and balance are not the same people who make new guns and such.


Even if they were, they're not going to stop releasing content. Remember that week before U14 when all they released was the machete and there were all sorts of threads saying how boring it was and how they should have released content? Yeah, they kinda can't win I guess.

If they are different groups, they why are we seeing so little return? I mean there was talk of a reword to sabotauge missions and we haven't seen or heard ANYTHING about that, if it is even still going on since it was announced. Beyond that there have been tons of threads about the balancing, yet not responses, there hasn't been a single thing about how to balance the scale of mods from rifles to melee, nothing about going back and reworking excalibur or vauban to be more balanced for end game or even having them in a clearly defined "tier" if they aren't going to balance them for end game.

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I would bet that DE has a road map of sorts that they've been following throughout the beta and to suddenly change course would probably make the teams lose the focus they've had.


As far as balancing, I believe the content they're putting in would allow a larger picture to look at weapon balance. This game is Open Beta, not because they want an excuse, but because the game is still rough around the edges and weapon balance is definitely a rough spot.


The important thing is to let the professionals handle the major decisions, while we report bugs and gameplay issues.

Edited by Sennera
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DE has said they were looking into these things, yes, and I understand that they need "NEW SHINY THINGY!" To keep players interested. But what if the "NEW SHINY THINGY!" was just some old dusty part of the game that has been polished. If you take the old parts that are kinda...clunky, they don't match up to the newer stuff and are kinda just...left behind, if you polish those up to make them look and function as the new shiny things, that is still "new" content, it's refreshing and if done right it's different.


It's "new content" without coming up with something completely original and different.

They will always be looking into things, because the people looking into things are not the people making 'NEW SHINY THINGY'. This is that aspect of game development I was referring to. The teams producing new art and new models are not the people fixing bugs, are not the people tweaking stats, and are not the people changing things around. Pablo will never fix Oberon for you because Oberon is not a UI element. Scott will never design a new warframe for you, because he's the guy who implements the designs and codes powers and whatnot. Mynki will never fix holes in tiles because he makes warframes. I can keep going if you'd like...

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If they are different groups, they why are we seeing so little return? I mean there was talk of a reword to sabotauge missions and we haven't seen or heard ANYTHING about that, if it is even still going on since it was announced. Beyond that there have been tons of threads about the balancing, yet not responses, there hasn't been a single thing about how to balance the scale of mods from rifles to melee, nothing about going back and reworking excalibur or vauban to be more balanced for end game or even having them in a clearly defined "tier" if they aren't going to balance them for end game.


Because it takes time to do stuff? Most games of this scale spend quite a long time in beta.

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I hate that DE makes weapons and they forget about the old ones. They make new weapons much more stronger and at the same time making the old ones absolutely useless and inefficient. So you can just forget about them and play with the new ones.

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Every game has players like this. "I know! Stop adding things and fix all the things! Solution!" It's never a solution. It's just a huge failure to understand how the design process works. Are you really pretending that a boatload of fixes don't come with every patch, and updates aren't massive tweaks with new content? Or are we pretending that existing content is never touched, in spite of...everything that is really what happens?

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This sounds good on paper, but in terms of practicality it's probably a lot more inefficient a strategy than you realize.


The drip feed of weekly updates and hotfixes belie the amount of fixing work they do every day.

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TL;DR  Balance is a moving target and fixes and reworks take time and resources, they are not concepts that you can merely just do overnight.  Tweaks are always needed and as long as the bugs are not preventing people from playing they aren't necessarily a priority.


Except as a "free to play" game they must keep pushing forward in content because they can't sit on subscription fees like MMOs can (which by the way I pay $30-40+ for 3+ months of waiting with less content given when the time comes than warframe does).  The true challenge is finding the balance between getting new content and balancing old content, and you should keep in mind that DE isn't some huge company.


Now that U14 has come (which wasn't all that long ago), DE said the shift would go into balancing for awhile and reworking content (like most development cycles of 3-4+ months). Just give things some time.


Mirage is not nearly a picture of balance or scaling of a warframe should.  Mirage is borderline OP simply because she confounds the system with exacerbating another problem you stated... Guns.  As far as Prism goes, DE has also said they are looking into give all powers (at least pure damage powers) some utility to combat the enemy scaling.


RNG is a difficult thing to fix... Why? Because if its working correctly its random. You can't blame a system from doing what its suppose to do.  The best ways to fix RNG is to ADD MORE STUFF to spread out the odds.  My personal opinion as far as mods go are to remove warframe powers, sentinals/kubrow precepts and a number of mission rewards out of the drop tables (eg my favorite drop table was tenno specters with low amount mods to drop from).  As far as the void goes I'd like them to "retire" some of the old weapons and move them to the orokin labs kinda like banshee and volt.


I'm not going to touch the PvP imbalances because I personally don't think PvP should exist much less have active balancing for it (of course this is just my opinion). And everyone should give their Kubrow feedback so that it can be worked on efficiently.  That said, kubrows are not nearly as bad as people make them out to be. They do however require a play-style change which many players do not want to do.  Currently, I'd like them to update gui/hud to make kubrows easier to monitor.

Edited by ZodiacShinryu
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