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Combo Moves Discovered


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Being stopped if you push shift (dash), space (jump) fast, the frame does directly forward flip, like "dash, slide, jump". I use it with my frost on def 3 from the corner to climb up the capsule and position my snow globe most centered possible.

Edited by Zeroabsolute
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It seems a fun combo mechanic which existed with the dual ichors is now gone. Likely a casualty of the introduction of holstering transition dynamics.


It was previously possible to buffer a dual ichor heavy attack charge into a jump attack, such that holding charge and jumping (with difficult timing - I don't recall whether you had to press attack in the air while still holding jump, or had to release jump earlier than melee before pressing melee again) allowed you to perform the charged attack in midair, followed by the standard jump attack. There were a variety of ways to "sneak" heavy attacks into jumping and light attack chains in this way for extra damage/hits without requiring as much time spent performing the attack animations as otherwise.


Bring dual ichor gimmicks back~

Edited by tels
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  • 2 weeks later...

Can do unlimited vertical run now by [holding down forward+jump and tapping crouch occasionally].


Yepp, my Clanmate and me discovered this too two days ago... Yesterday we glitched up the walls in Alad's Boss Chamber... xD






It's ridiculous... They should fix that... As it breaks the stamina system completely. ^^

Edited by MeduSalem
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Im still alive, no worries, and I will update the OP when there is something useful to be added. I keep coming back to this game because its really great in all aspects, in still improving! 


Regarding the crouch cancel on verticals, we had something like this before. It allowed you to jump a little higher once you reached the top of the vertical wall walk (really cool, not necessarily glitching or unfair advantage as you still had to press the button at the right time). But this... I bet all my multishot mods that they fix it within a week or so!


Also, charge + e + e + e +.. and so forth is not a real combo, its just a charge attack followed by a bunch of normal melee attacks, There is no real combo in it. 


Ah, if you know how to jump around and know all the movement tricks and have a mobile frame like Excalibur you can really have serious fun with the seismic shockwaves.


Im gonna leave this here for all you fancy Ninjas:


Wallwalk -> Superjump -> Slash Dash ==>> seismic shockwave 


Really hard to aim properly as the slash dash is a fixed distance, but hellalotta fun :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Regarding the crouch cancel on verticals, we had something like this before. It allowed you to jump a little higher once you reached the top of the vertical wall walk (really cool, not necessarily glitching or unfair advantage as you still had to press the button at the right time). But this... I bet all my multishot mods that they fix it within a week or so!


Pay up! xD

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

well it doesnt look like anyone has posted in a while, so might as well get it started again with some of my secret moves that ive been hiding away, note that these require proper timing to be executed correctly. 


repeated slide attack: hold shift+crouch+melee+crouch and melee(at the same time) results in a repeated slide attack, you can repeat step 4 as much as you want.


long range melee attack: hold shift+crouch+jump+crouch(midair)+melee+crouch(before you hit the ground) results in a long range attack that can leap over obstacles, and keeps you moving, you can also repeat from step 3 as much as you want.


basic melee combo: hold shift+melee+melee+crouch and melee(at the same time) results in 2 hits ending in a quick slide attack, not great for anything but good if you want to mix it up a bit.


thats all im sharing for now, but ive got more... 

Edited by dasheroo
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Because most infos are in the Codex/ Training now, i think...


Just stick with the post, follow it if you want to. Ill keep it updated, promised!


But I already made the decision to do a complete makeover once Melee 2.0 hits the fan. 


Right now im occupied with Zephyr, boy shes fun (bit squishy though), and Drakgoon (the dmg just reached a threshhold were it just became redicolous...) I havent found nor heard of any new combinations so far, thats why i didnt add anything to the op.

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