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Kubrow Feedback [Megathread]


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I really fail to see why anyone should actually care. You playing this entire game is meaningless already.


Either you enjoy playing it or you don't. If you thought ahead you would have realized that none of the rules are set in stone, and they get changed to benefit everyone.


If all this genetic breeding produced Kubrows with different stats, and bonuses, then maybe, I would be right behind you with DE making a patch that removed all that and made them all the same, but it is not, it's just a bunch of colors and sizes, and have ZERO effect on the game, you are complaining about cosmetic changes. DE learned from the Helmets "watergate" not to do THAT again.


I think that If you made 64 Kubrows you have bigger problems then color changes.


"... have become addicted to making new kubrows."


And there you go.

you misunderstand. i am not complaining, it is a concern and hope that there will still be a reason to continue breeding kubrows after the addition of the customization. i think the addition of customization is sweet and can't wait for 14.5


don't criticize others posts if you have no uderstanding of the point they are making.

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I got a Kubrow starter Kit and made my first Kubrow yesterday, with my current resources last night I managed to get another egg and the means to make a second one. My first Kubrow is the sneak one, I can never remember the types names still and a friend got the tank one. Weirdly, he used Rhino getting his egg and I was using Ash when I bought mine, maybe coincidence. I love the Kubrow and how he works, way more effective then I had imagined, making me invisible and opening random presses and Killing enemies. I had imagined to see him kind of damage enemies and be a result of possible baby sitting but not at all, he's great, but! Only thing I'm having trouble with is customization. He's a weird brown and green that just don't look good and now I've bred my friends one with mine I essentially have a large brown and green one, I was hoping for a new colour. even just brown would be better. Though i loved the wight and brown one from when you look at the types in the codex. Pretty disappointed with that because it does bug me that he's such a cool addition to the game and the way he moves even is great but he looks kinda S#&$ty and its purely because of the colour. Also I think if you breed a second at random, the chance of getting the same one again should be a lowered percentage if thats not already in place because it would be very frustrating to have to get all the resources and credits to do that again in hope you wont get another of the same.

But just those two things, I love the Kubrow other then that, great idea and executed really well. great job. 

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The fact you're Kubrow can die is just irritating and annoying. There's better ways to encourage us to log in. I thought i'd log in today and try to get back into the game, then it pops up in my inbox that my Kubrow is dead and well, i'll go play something else where my items and equipment don't degrade and then disappear. Especially when it's something you can buy.


It's not that hard to put it in stasis when you leave.  When you come back to the game he'll be ready to go right where he was. Items and equipment aren't alive.  Your post is ignorant on so many levels.



you misunderstand. i am not complaining, it is a concern and hope that there will still be a reason to continue breeding kubrows after the addition of the customization. i think the addition of customization is sweet and can't wait for 14.5


don't criticize others posts if you have no uderstanding of the point they are making.


I have been breeding Kubrow with Suma and many of them in that "tree" are my dogs.  We've been able to make some pretty awesome things through breeding.  With the new customization it's just going to feel so cheapened when people can just pick the dog they want without any breeding.  I like to bring my epic looking dog into a mission and show him off.  It's an achievement I've worked for.  Soon nobody will even care because anyone can have anything.  The achievement is being taken away.


There are two ways I can forsee this being neat and interesting.  1) If they only allow you to customize using only body/pattern/colors of the parent splices you are using.  OR 2) If it's so that when you splice you get to only set one aspect at a time per breeding attempt.  Let's say you choose for color1 to be the orange, or maybe you want to make sure the lotus symbol stays.


I'm excited as well for the new changes, but I also hope that all of my hard work breeding is either still going to be worth it somehow, or that they seriously reimburse me for it.  Selling puppies/adults for 50 plat might work.

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I just think the current system is far far far too harsh on the player. I love my kubrow but it is annoying that i have to be nervous every mission, because i dont want her to die and lose loyalty i can seldom replace. I dont Mind taking care of it thats cool but to be punished for her death when even i die on certain missions is just too much. They are dogs bred for war of course theyre going to die sometimes. My sentinel dies all the time in high lvl stuff but i dont get punished for it other than not having it the rest of the mission which is punishment enough. I feel the loyalty system should go completely or change what it effects not damage thats just dumb. We already have problems with there AI as is i dont want her to not 1 hit things when she does decide to attack because of a death she had hours before.

The command system mentioned in this thread is an extremely good idea they are our war pets. What kind of war pet do you know of that doesnt take and follow commands. Dont worry ill wait..... Think of any?,of course not because they dont exist. As of right now if the command system was implemented there ai is still atrocious. If were not issuing commands they should revert to our side and attack enemies within a certain radius of us unless directed otherwise.

Furthermore for the love of god speed up how fast they attack and how often etc. They are war dogs they need to be attacking just as much and as often and ferocious as the tenno in there warframes do. I highly doubt the orokin bred them inferior to the warframes in combat ability. Otherwise they wouldnt have made them. They created them to be able to keep up with tenno in the field in terms of combat otherwise why waste the time creating them at all.

I know some hate the random breeding traits thing but i like it it actually adds value to your dna prints. If everyone got to choose there would be no point in imprinting dna. You just created another job for our economy and i thank you DE for it we have farmers and now breeders. Improvements could be made i think there should be separate imprint counters 2 for the owner that way of they wanted they could clone ther kubrow to keep its genetic line going and 2 to sell or something like that. It kinda sucks only being able to sell 2 prints when id like to keep 1 for myself for breeding purposes. Breeders dont sell all there pups they keep 1 or 2 to continue the line but thats hard to do when we only get 2. Im sure we can figure out something to fix that shouldnt be too hard.

Edited by (PS4)yungluke222
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I just think the current system is far far far too harsh on the player. I love my kubrow but it is annoying that i have to be nervous every mission, because i dont want her to die and lose loyalty i can seldom replace....

The command system mentioned in this thread is an extremely good idea they are our war pets. What kind of war pet do you know of that doesnt take and follow commands....

Furthermore for the love of god speed up how fast they attack and how often etc. They are war dogs they need to be attacking just as much and as often and ferocious as the tenno in there warframes do...

I know some hate the random breeding traits thing but i like it it actually adds value to your dna prints. If everyone got to choose there would be no point in imprinting dna. You just created another job for our economy and i thank you DE for it we have farmers and now breeders. Improvements could be made i think there should be separate imprint counters 2 for the owner that way of they wanted they could clone ther kubrow to keep its genetic line going and 2 to sell or something like that. It kinda sucks only being able to sell 2 prints when id like to keep 1 for myself for breeding purposes. Breeders dont sell all there pups they keep 1 or 2 to continue the line but thats hard to do when we only get 2. Im sure we can figure out something to fix that shouldnt be too hard.


1) They only die if you take a bran new Kubrow out into a high level area.  If you bring it to a low level area it will gain 5-8 levels in the first mission.  Getting it a decent enough level to equip some important mods are kind-of the point to survivability.  You wouldn't survive without your shields, neither will the dog.  If you die.. you won't survive without the bleedout-timer.. neither will the dog.  I've never had a dog over level 10 die..


2) It's an alien dog that was bread for tasks.  Some dig, some hunt, some stealth, etc.  It does it's job perfectly, why would you want to bog down your own action by having to give a Kubrow instructions.  I sure don't. 


3) They attack again as soon as the animation is over.. if the first attack doesn't kill the thing on the first hit.  I think what you want is an ability on a kubrow that lets him pounce and then bite repeatedly or something.  Because currently they do attack fast.


4) on this point.. we couldn't agree more.  ^_^  Although I'm ok with either keeping the two prints for myself or selling them and not needing more than two, I do love the random aspect.  This is why in my post I suggested that we only be able to "pick what we want" based on the splices we input.

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It's not that hard to put it in stasis when you leave.  When you come back to the game he'll be ready to go right where he was. Items and equipment aren't alive.  Your post is ignorant on so many levels.


It's not ignorant on any level, you simply have a different opinion to me. Stasis is a complete bother when it takes 3 hours to defrost them, i'm not going to put my kubrow in statis every night because i might forget to log in for a while. I wasn't taking a long-term trip away from the game, i just wasn't playing much and i forgot about the silly degrade thing.


The Kubrow isn't alive, it's a digital item in a computer game that people can pay real cash in order to get quickly. It doesn't serve any purpose that it can die, other than to pointlessly punish people for forgetting about it. It's a game, it's about fun, not punishment.


It can't starve to death, i don't see why it has to die from DNA degradation. Yeah perhaps i should of been more attentive, but it's still just a game and i don't see the actual purpose from allowing them to die. I see the purpose behind the their damage lowering etc.

Edited by Zeromanicus
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First, the most important issue that requires immediate attention is turnover of Kubrow. I think DE initial approach was that they hope people will keep their kubrows around, ugly or cool. But it was an incredibly naive thinking (or greediness turned into stupidity) because dog owners behavior in the real world have already proven to us that pet lovers will go very VERY far to get the perfect best friend(s). Very bad idea to not have some sort of release option. Now players are forced to wait 10 days to let their kubrow degenerate in it is torture chamber until death. Players are irritated about the wait and kubrows are being inhumanly treated. VERY BAD idea. Stasis pod is really a poor solution for this because what if we cannot get the kubrow we want even after our 10th breeding? 

Also another thing: i think it's incredibly stupid to make players spend both time and money, no matter how catchy this tamagotchi system is. It's just gonna make everybody unhappy if you force this onto the players. If you are going to make people wait several days to breed a completely randomized kubrow, you do not want to also force us to spend platinum to get rid of our kubrow. Either make getting our desired kubrow easier (shorter time + easier eggs collecting + more easily controlled genetic inheritance system) and make turnover a platinum sink, or make breeding a time sink and allow convenient kubrow turnover. 

With the aforementioned premise, here is my proposed solution

---> Keep randomization of breeding, because lets face it, the gamble is what makes it exciting and fun, and the perfect kubrow that you obtain that much more valuable. It's a good time sink. Plus it adds a whole new economy and give players a new job of being a professional kubrow breeder = keep players playing. Thus, the only fixing that is needed is how to get rid of kubrow. I suggest we either:

a) allow us to craft a retrovirus serum injection that allows us to revert kubrow's genetic component into feral, making them suitable to survive on Earth once again. After the injection, we will do a mission on Earth with our kubrow to ultimately release our kubrow and let him live happily in the wild. The blueprint will be available on the market for credit, but is only one time use and must be purchased for every serum. And it cost 100k to buy and 100k to craft. The time to craft should be about 1-2 days Alternatively there are pre-made serum available for platinum (10 - 20p). 

b) the dojo Kubrow sanctuary idea already mentioned. I kind of like the idea, although it makes you wonder how many kubrows can that sanctuary fits then? it's still not an infinite kubrow sink, thus not a very permanent solution in my opinion. (Plus doesn't those kubrows need DNA stabilizer anyway? who's gonna fund it and how can we possibly fund it?)

Bonus idea: let players purchase extra chambers for breeding. This is a rough supplement to the whole idea of "professional kubrow breeder". And we should allow say... 3 chambers max, and with each chamber you are allowed to buy 5 more stasis pod for 10p each.. But chamber should be somewhat expensive, say 100p - 200p per chamber. It gives extra revenue to the game because lets face it, being a kubrow breeder sounds very very fun. But we should make it a prestige job (thus why the expensive chamber) and not just something everybody can do. This is just a rough idea.. so not really sure how plausible it is. Plus to make the whole breeder idea really interesting, ways to better genetically control the kubrow outcome is quite necessary (i.e. allow breeders to make more than 2 imprints), so it might be a lot of work to  figure out what works. Just throwing out some random idea. 


Personally, not too interested in customization freedom of how a Kubrow looks. I like how it requires breeding and the randomization right now, and it is sort of the whole reason why it is fun. With customization, it effectively kills the whole idea of every kubrow is born unique and the need for imprints in the market. The only customization I would be interested is accessories, such just kubrow tags, kubrow chains, kubrow armors, etc. 

Sorry if my ideas have been said before as I didn't follow all the pages of this thread. But I do feel the need to re-emphasize how important it is to implement a more humanistic approach to release unwanted Kubrow (because lets face it, most players do not want a plain brown kubrow.....)

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If it died, you were away an extended period of time.  They take a long time to die of neglect, and if you are going to be gone that long that's what stasis is for.  If you don't want to wait 3 hrs, that's what 10 pl is for.  Making plat isn't hard, and it's also for another thread.


Also, don't be so literal.  The dog is a living thing IN-GAME.  What they did is extremely easy to manage and makes total sense.  People just want to complain about something I guess..  Maybe I should stop feeding the troll.

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The blueprint will be available on the market for credit, but is only one time use and must be purchased for every serum. And it cost 100k to buy and 100k to craft.

Sounds a little expensive, considering that you were asking for "convenient" turnover. Make that 50k for the re-usable blueprint, 100k to craft and you're on par with the Incubator Power Core. Apart from that, your idea sounds good.


Just another small thing:

(i.e. allow breeders to make more than 2 imprints)

I guess that goes for anyone, not just "professional" breeders? Because 2 imprints is just not enough, when you manage to get a nice pattern (heck, my personal favourite so far is brown with grey stripes), no matter if you're doing it for fun or to earn plat. Because let's face it, we're breeding animals and don't try to control overpopulation in the People's Republic of China. And who knows, someone might manage to breed a Donnerhall Kubrow ...

Edited by Bibliothekar
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I find the upkeep/stasis bit of Kubrows to be inimicable to practical use and fun.  Having a resource like argon crystals that decays was already annoying.


It's enough to have incentives to login (login bonus) punishments for not logging in are just bad.  I know that for some people, their playtime and resources mean that the Kubrow "problems" are non-issues (or less of issues).  As a practical matter, if you play a couple nights a week, a Kubrow is a horrible idea.  Even if you put them in "stasis", you're then stuck playing over three hours (which many people may not have to play) before you can get to use your Kubrown, then putting them back on ice because you can't play often.  Otherwise, you're playing plat to make up for the fact you don't have the time, which makes the game more expensive to enjoy because you have less time to play?  


This basically nixes Kubrows for the casual player (if the credit total didn't already).  You'll never make a credit sink balanced for the top tier of the game without ruining things for the common player.  The whole tamagotchi concept was stupid even at the time.  The argument that it's living is just as stupid.  Aren't the players living as well?  We don't die or lose skills if we don't login.  


The fact the Kubrows are customizable, meant to be endearing, but can only leave by slow, lingering death is also bordering on making the game an animal neglect/abuse sim for Pokemon fans.

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While I enjoy using my huras kubrow (stealth ftw)....one flaw i see in the system is the loyalty and the THREE interactions per day......its stupid to have something limited like that b/c if our kubrow dies twice in a day we are screwed damage wise.....and if we use our kubrows alot, there is no way to increase that number.......and i would rather NOT have to use plat when I can use credits or resources (tons of ferrite and alloy plates)...b/c I dont try to get plat when i dont need it.

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I will edit the main thread later, but I like that idea. Of course it needs some depth and all but with the right difficulty and setting it should be a good way to balance it out :)

I just realized that my quest wasn't I'm the OP, not a problem but I just wanted to know if you had forgotten it or you were waiting for improvements.

Again, no problem, tell me what to do and I'll do it.

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I just realized that my quest wasn't I'm the OP, not a problem but I just wanted to know if you had forgotten it or you were waiting for improvements.

Again, no problem, tell me what to do and I'll do it.

No worries, it will be added in later. I'll make some time to edit this thread then, expect a PM when it's up :)

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I like the ideas of a mini-menu to command the kubrows.


Voice commands anyone? Next gen Pokemon!

Kubrow, dig! Kubrow, howl! Kubrow, hide!


Kubrow used Bite! It's super-effective! Grineer Butcher fainted!

We NEED this...

I support this 100% !

Yet, a possibility to control them without talk, is also necessary for those who don't have, or don't want to use their mic.

Personally, the non-waypoint system seems better for that aspect.

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I see two major flaws with voice commands.

  1. They interfere with the ingame and external (TS, Raidcall, ...) voicechat
  2. You need to have an extremely good system that filters out all game sounds, voice chat from other players and can recognize the commands even when given by someone with a speech impediment, strong accent or whose first language is not English

So while it might sound good at first glance and works for single-player, turn-based games like Pokemon, I doubt that we could get a working system for a multi-player, real-time shooter like Warframe with reasonable effort.

I don't know how "full" the PS4 and soon XBone controller already is regarding keybindings, but the best thing might be to limit the number of Kubrow commands to 4, so PC players can put them on e.g. F1-F4, while people who play with controller get a button that opens a command wheel (similar to the gear wheel) and just have to flick the joystick in the according direction.


/e: I just realized that F4 as command key might not be the best idea for someone like me, who uses Alt as push-to-talk key, but whatevs ...

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I see your point, and it's obvious that this idea of voice control, thought it's perfecty fitting the "bond" idea, is in actual times impossible to create or would require a complete new system that isolate your voice from anything else in the game to give proper orders.

Obviously this would ruin the idea.


Yet, the concept is interesting, after all, voicing our orders to our kubrows would give them more life, since in the moment they are....Quite... Not really alive to me. I'm just talking in terms of animations, as mentionned in the OP, they lack something I'd call a spirit, something that would let us imagine them real. But I digress.


I hope you'll understand what I mean.

Edited by Cyriann
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I don't know if this has been mentioned yet but is it possible to add the breed to the imprint so we can see it via trading? I spent 20 plat on what I thought was a raksa imprint but it was actually a sahasa. I mentioned this to the person who traded it to be but he ignored me, meaning he did it on purpose.



i feel like its too easy to scam with these imprints seeing as how some are going for 200 plat or more. (i saw a guy want 300 in the trade chat for a orange stripped raksa the other day. i think that's insane)

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