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Kubrow Feedback [Megathread]


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The problem with some of that is not everyone plays the game for such a detailed level of immersion. Take WoW and hunter ammo, just for one. Adds an element of realism, but for a game where the focus is hours upon hours of perfecting raid mechanics, it was annoying to more people than others.


But it's an OK principle. I'd be somewhat OK with the idea of performing some quick mission to toggle dogs. Say a thawing out mission with a special goal. But really. The game is structured around fast build switching, fast frame switching, and there isn't much end game other than playing around with min-maxing, speed runs, max runs etc. The dogs are a very unique block in that flow. 3 hours is just crazy. Even a quick mission would feel out of place.

Don't get me wrong, I hate that delay too. Really annoying. If anything 1minute seems great. Has that "thawing" effect and you still have to wait but no so long that you are limited greatly in your playstyle.



I have to say, I love my Kubrows and I take a lot of care into naming and customizing them.

That being said - whenever I am in my Arsenal tweaking my mods, the MOST.ANNOYING.DAMN.THING is that my doge will just not stop barking the exact same, repetitive way every few seconds! If this is fixed I will be a happy Tenno, I am actually at the point where I just mute my sound or am literally screaming at my dog to shut up

Reported bug, thanks :)


Kubs lose 20% loyalty for each day that you don't log in. Maybe they've extended this to days you don't play a mission with them, too.

That confirms it,

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The Kubrows just feel like another money spinner, the amount you have to pay (in credits) for the genetic stabilizers in ridiculous. Coupled with the three hour wait (unless you pay and forget about it)

It is actually not that much seriously. As a vet I can make my credits easily, I can see the issue from a new player perspective though. On my smurf acc I don't even dream of Kubrows which I why I proposed that the change in the quest is made :)


As for the three hour wait, we are all on the same page buddy :(

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true 75,000 might not seem like much to veteran, but if they're available from Jupiter, which is pretty early on. Plus you already have the loyalty stat. Why have 2 maintenance factors when sentinels have none?


Hell they could even add a craftable (or plat purchable) item that removes the genetic stability part.


My Kubros is permanently on ice because I can't be bothered dealing with all the hassle when a sentinel is so much more efficient.

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So here is my feedback, having raised three of the four kubrow types to level 30(still waiting on that last version). Mostly I get them to 30 for the mastery, and stick them on ice after modding them right.




They're just not worth waiting 3 hours just to change mods. In terms of usefulness they're no more useful/useless than any non-carrier sentinel. I've never had an issue with loyalty, since my doge's have died on me twice, ever, and petting them once or twice fixed it immediately. I'd love more interaction options just for fun, because otherwise they just sit in their bubble and do nothing.


They're cute in a horrible ugly pug kind of way. But that doesn't make me want to deal with the hassle of freezing/unfreezing them constantly just ot have a adorahorrible doge running around, I'll just use a specter.


I'd even be okay with the 3-hour wait limit(well, I wouldn't be okay, just only mildly inconvenienced), if I could mod and change my doges while they were in stasis. I cannot say how infuriating it is to get a new kubrow mod, and then have to wait three hours for each doge to install it.


Long story short: They're decent, but the constant 'unless-you-give-us-plat-your-doge-stays-sleepy' for three hours mechanic is horrifyingly unpleasant to deal with, so i just leave mine in a fridge and hang out with carrier-bro.

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Love my kubrow. Have barely touched my sentinel in months,


But I hate it when I'm trying to snipe and he keeps standing in front of me.


It's worse with projectile weapons rather than hit-scan.


I was trying to use dread to destroy a line of void dudes and he poked his head in my screen. The arrow disappeared into the shot-absorbing face of his as it asked, "Hey, what's goin on?"


I moved a little and he moved as well, "Can I have some bacon?"


The third time he blocked me I began to rage, but then he asked, "Hey bro, what ever did happen to my parents?"


Then someone had a somagasm all over the bad guys and I didn't get any kills and I felt bad for massacring so many hundreds of innocent kubrow just to get his egg. Twas a sad day. No bacon either.


tl;dr, please stop kubrow from standing in front of me when I'm trying to shoot.


I like that they stay up close where you can see them; real dogs do that too - ranging ahead and what not, but perhaps when you are either


1. Looking down your scope

2. Still in that ready-stance after you fire a shot


They could stay behind you.


Shots could also pass through them.


Though not torids or castanas. I love plastering him with torid babies then let him charge around for me killing everything.

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I cant think of one logical reason why it should take 3 hrs for kubrow to come out of stasis, makes picking which kubrow i wanna run with horrendous, i can change sentinels at will, why not kubrow? Change it plz unless you love all that free plat ur getting.


Because they want to make plat, and are trying to do it by blocking items behind artificial walls to annoy you into giving it to them.


Apparently, annoying the S#&$ out of your customers is a good business model now.

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I like my Kubrow, however, it seems that the recent update make him a bit annoying. After the recent 14.5 update, he seems to bark and howl every 10-15 seconds, which is starting to get very annoying. It went from being a quite, cute kubrow, to being a loud, annoying kubrow. Hopefully the barking and howling is scaled back some.

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I like my Kubrow, however, it seems that the recent update make him a bit annoying. After the recent 14.5 update, he seems to bark and howl every 10-15 seconds, which is starting to get very annoying. It went from being a quite, cute kubrow, to being a loud, annoying kubrow. Hopefully the barking and howling is scaled back some.

I've already reported it here but I will relay it to the sound section :)

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Because they want to make plat, and are trying to do it by blocking items behind artificial walls to annoy you into giving it to them.


Apparently, annoying the S#&$ out of your customers is a good business model now.

what blows my mind, is that DE has done a fairly good job of not inconveniencing the player with anything else up till now. Even RNG isn't so much of an inconvenience as it is a factor that gives things value based on supply and demand. What does having your Kubrow die if you don't take care of it do for the player?....Did DE ever ask that question, or did they use Tamagatchi as a model based on the idea that people will feel obligated to log in and play? I mean, honestly, the 3 hours it takes for your Kubrow to be usable after switching, and the clunkyness of switching Kubrows out between Stasis, is nearly an insult to the rest of the games structure.


The only thing in the entire game that "expires" is Argon Crystals, and I don't know if DE really considered how that affects gameplay, but honestly a player who needs Argon Crystals, is typically going to avoid getting them "until" they have all the other resources needed to build a weapon etc. You, as a player, want to avoid doing runs where you will get them only to have them remove themselves from your inventory should you have "other things" you can farm for instead. The only thing they end up doing is giving the player a reason to "not play", because the sense of accomplishment in finding them is fleeting if you can't use them on anything. in other words, I think Argon Crystal Decay is a petty attempt to encourage players to farm "more" after they acquire one, do to the fear of loosing it if they don't "use it".


It doesn't do anything for the player other then influence their priorities as a player, and that only applies if they need Argon Crystals for something they "have slots for". If players aren't using platinum to expand their arsenal, they have no need for farming them, because they literally won't likely be able to use them unless they make some room for a new weapon first. The decay then has no function other then serving as a discouragement to acquire them prematurely. The decay, in this manner, likely makes players feel less like doing runs that offer Argon Crystals, because it's not something you can "collect" and acquiring them early feels like a waste. In a game that promotes leveling up every weapon and thing to level 30, they don't really offer anything to the game other then creating a "window of time" for you to acquire the materials required for certain weapons and building them.


Kubrows are even worse however, requiring you to not only find an egg, and wait 140 hours before the "Sentinel Varient" becomes usable, but then you must also wait for 3 hours if you want to equip a new mod too a Kubrow that your not currently using, you have to put it in stasis if you only play for the wednesday updates or risk it dying if you don't know if you'll have time to play video games during the week (which for me is every week), and you have to wait 3 hours after pulling it out of stasis before you can use it....there is just so much waiting involved in SOMETHING YOU ALREADY HAVE EARNED that it goes against every expectation previously established by the game. it's nigh insulting to assume we will willfully spend money on them when the threat of "perma-death" floats over them whilst they sit in your ship.....A SHIP THAT IS MORE THEN EQUIPPED TO PUT YOUR DOG IN STASIS FOR YOU, YET OPTS TO WATCH THEM DIE SLOW AND PAINFULLY INSTEAD.


Thats right folks, when your Dog dies, because of mal-nutrients, it's not your fault, IT'S ORDIS' FAULT. What kind of self aware ship fully capable of working independent of a pilot, needs your permision to save the life of an animal already standing inside of a stasis pod!?!? Apparently a saddistic one that enjoys watching your dog die a slow and painful death, despite having complete control over the stasis system of your ship. It's freakin terrible. If they were going for a feeling of emersion through forcing you to feel obligated to take care of a "virtual pet"(because that is why I play Warframe, for it's Tamagatchi tacked on mini-game), then why on earth would I not delegate the mundane and simplistic task of activating stasis to Ordis? WHY ON EARTH WOULD ORDIS NOT DO THAT ON IT'S OWN? Why do I need to be punished as a player for not playing the game, when I already have everything the game has to offer in it?


I'm Mastery Rank 17, I have everything in the game except for the new Prime Access and weapons this week, and I have no incentive to play other then Wednesday updates. I freakin love this game, but I don't use Kubrows anymore because I feel like I'm being punished for having them. HOW DARE I PULL OUT MY KUBROW SO I CAN USE IT NEXT WEDNESDAY WITHOUT HAVING TO WAIT! HOW DARE I ONLY HAVE AN HOUR OR TWO TO PLAY THE GAME AT A TIME! HOW DARE I INVEST TIME AND MONEY IN ACQUIRING KUBROWS IN THE FIRST PLACE! HOW DARE I TRY TO USE THE COSMETIC ITEMS I BUY FOR KUBROWS WITHOUT SPENDING MORE PLATINUM ON REMOVING STASIS SICKNESS! there just seems like a lot of "Whats good for us?" from DE here instead of "What is good for our consumer?", and with that, I don't have any incentive to use Kubrows other then the pure novelty of it. My Sentinel is generally better suited anyway, so the sheer number of inconveniences placed on Kubrow use is not only staggering, it's absolutely undesirable when compared to the versatile customization and uses of Sentinels. I can not only switch Sentinels on the fly, I can also choose to not use them temporarily in order to level up other gear faster without feeling like it's life is being wasted.


to DE: I love you guys, I've bought a lot of Prime Access bundles, and I'm so impressed to see the amount of stuff you guys make for this game as we continue to support your ongoing dream to make Warframe reach it's full potential. It even exceeds the expectations of it's consumers with things like Archwing and melee 2.0 etc. That is why I want to level with you, and ask, "in what way does having Kubrows die while under Ordis' watch enhance the story, the narrative, or the experience as a player? How does this make the consumer feel about the game, when it otherwise has done nothing to punish the player? Why was this design decision implemented, and is it succeeding at the intended goal? If so, was the goal made considering the consumers needs and expectations? If not, how can we change it to now meet standard expectations?" I think those are some fair questions to ask yourselves. We've given plenty of suggestions on what not to do, and in some regards, how to do it. It's ultimately up to you guys


Honestly I don't care how much people are throwing money at their Kubrows to bypass the paywalls, it's something that really affected me negatively, and something I feel is a blemish on your game, and I've given some fair reason as to why I feel that way. If your concerned about how people will react to a fix, after already loosing a kubrow to the system, perhaps consider giving out a free egg to the player base who have already completed the Collar mission (they are, absurdly rare as it stands, and no one is happy about that). It's really the least you guys could do. It's up to you if you feel this is something that needs your attention, but I trust your judgement here.


I just wanted to give my thoughts on this. I love your game, I want it to keep improving, I think this needs to be "fixed". There are lots of things that are in need of fixing in this game, but this is something that currently feels punishing and unrewarding, in a otherwise fun game. I'll always love Warframe and what you guys over at DE do, and I trust you guys can figure something out here.

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You propably just said what a lot of people fells toward kubrows.

your probably right. Saying it was like a way of getting it off my chest. I doubt anyone has time to read it all, but I carries my the sum of my feelings on Kubrows and how I feel they generally shatter a lot of pre-established expectations and ultimately feel like a slap to the face.

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What Temphisbro said is completely accurate and reflective of my position with the current Kubrow system.


I shouldn't be penalized by not being able to play the game because my real life is much more important.

I mean, I don't lose my Frame's affinity, nor any of my weapons when I don't use them for days on end.

Neither my sentinels, so why should my Kubrows - which I essentially see as glorified sentinels - have to suffer?


I can't say anymore that hasn't already been said by Temphis, but these issues are what caused me to stop using Kubrows. The other contributor was what I outlined in my post a couple of pages back; the complete lack of player choice in designing our Kubrows.


Stop trying to make these Kubrows all special DE, they're just sentinels for fook's sake.

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Because they want to make plat, and are trying to do it by blocking items behind artificial walls to annoy you into giving it to them.


Apparently, annoying the S#&$ out of your customers is a good business model now.


People were worried about Sentinels becoming useless and this was DE's answer.

When switching Kubrows you have to use your Sentinels for a while.

If you are going to blame some one you need to blame players.

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People were worried about Sentinels becoming useless and this was DE's answer.

When switching Kubrows you have to use your Sentinels for a while.

If you are going to blame some one you need to blame players.

If that's the justification that is hilarious, and awful at the same time. Though I'm 99% sure it's not since kubrows even without the pause time aren't all that good anyway. Though I think it's far more likely that they just wanted to encourage people to rush with plat IMO.

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Planned systems aside, I love Kubrows because they introduce a vulnerable NPC ally that the player feels inclined to protect.


When a Kubrow is taken down, you feel the need to protect it and get it back on its feet. This type of investment needs to be integrated elsewhere in the game, because having a Kubrow sometimes holds the player back a little and yet you feel it isn't a letdown. Having these sort of shackles introduces an element of danger the player never had to deal with before, since something weaker than themselves is always at risk.

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Planned systems aside, I love Kubrows because they introduce a vulnerable NPC ally that the player feels inclined to protect.


When a Kubrow is taken down, you feel the need to protect it and get it back on its feet. This type of investment needs to be integrated elsewhere in the game, because having a Kubrow sometimes holds the player back a little and yet you feel it isn't a letdown. Having these sort of shackles introduces an element of danger the player never had to deal with before, since something weaker than themselves is always at risk.


Are you quoting directly from the marketing there?


Kebrows are just another way for DE to squeeze a bit more money out of players without offering anything in return. They're weaker and less effective than sentinels, they come with a build in paywall EVERY TIME YOU WANT TO SWITCH TO THE BLOODY THINGS! and don't change gameplay at all for most players.

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They're weaker and less effective than sentinels

How so? They have about the same shields and health as the average caster frame unmodded. And thanks to the Link mods which take from your frame's total (modded) shield or health, they can easily out-tank Rhino/Saryn/Frost. And with Valkyr, their armor rating goes through the roof.

Damage-wise they deal 120 slash damage at max loyalty, which can be increased up to 516 with Maul. Bite gives them 43% crit chance at max level and a 5.12x crit multiplier. Yes, they can only do melee attacks, but those are pretty powerful, if you ask me.

And there is now "paywall" when you want to switch them, because you can easily wait those three hours. Paywall means that you have to pay or it won't even be released from stasis. The only thing you could say are "behind a paywall" are cosmetics - and I'd question anyone's mental health who does so.

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I imagine most people will only play warframe for an hour or so a day, so it essentially means unless you're prepared to sit with your thunmb up your &#! for three hours you can't play the game with your kubrow when you want to and as it has degrading stats that's basically sabotaging the fun unless you pay.


It might not completely block it off, but it is COMPLETELY unnecessary and is ENTIRELY to force players to pay them for a feature they've already unlocked and (as an extra kick in the teeth) may have already paid for!

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Not sure if I am alone here on this:


I bought a Kubrow Egg as soon as they came out.  Saw on the forums there were launch issues.  So I waited to use the egg.


It is Oct. 7th, and I have yet to touch said egg.  Mostly because I keep hearing/reading about how Kubrows suffer from:


High maintenance to retain

Luck of the draw on the breed

Wait period to use (incubation), then

Wait period to use (3 hour stasis wake up)

In combat, slow to act/react/ pathing/decision issues

Not combat effective (compared to the range weapons/AoE effects of a sentinel)

Tend to be harmed/die easy (due to both items listed immediately above)

The "what do I do?" issue when/if you decide you don't want this pixel pet

Other random unhappy murmurs about the pets


Of course, there are stories/reports of a lot of fun with them too!  But...


Anyway, I love the idea of the Kubrows (I just ordered the Kubro's t-shirt!), but it seems there needs to be a lot ironed out.


Love the game, so I will happily wait.  Kind of like what I did for the iPad.  I skipped the first few incarnations, and waited to buy/use the really polished 4th generation model.  


Maybe update 15 will do an overhaul?


One day I will incubate and Hatch my (soon-to-be) beloved "Brutus".


Peace and Warframe

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Tend to be harmed/die easy

At level 30, Kubrows' stats are similar to caster frames. However, since the Link mods take from you total health/shields/armor, even with e.g. Nyx and Vigor (420/420), you can get them as strong as Rhino. Now imagine what a tanky frame (Rhino, Saryn, Frost or Valkyr regarding armor) does to them. They become nigh invincible. I wouldn't recommend taking them to Sargas Ruk, though ...

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