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I Am The Highest Form Of Po'd!


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So today, seeing as how their was recently a color fix put into play recently, I decided to take the very 1st kubrow that I hatched out of stasis. 


Low & behold, he's red now. RED. R-E-D. 


I sold his imprints long ago, for a measly 30 plat. Originally he was all white. Then I used the color scrambler & got him to a orange tiger striped pattern. I dueled someone, Zeus (my Kubrow) died, & he turned some sickly green & brown color with a splotch design. I wasn't able to get his tiger design back & I ended up selling the imprints of his current color. 


Had I known he was really red instead of brown, I would've sold those imprints for much more. People pay big bucks for red colored Kubrow. /rant 


I'm not really as upset as the topic title lets on. lol More of an "oh wow" moment.


Edit: Added pictures 










The "After" pic is the how he looked (how I THOUGHT he looked) before the color fix. 

Edited by Rexlars
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I Also sold my imprints one of my white ones that turned black after the hotfix, i sent in a ticket, but no reponse yet, im expecting a reponse by tomorrow but i'm pretty mad about it =(


Edited by jennibear
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Okay. Thank you for the update.


You're welcome!



I Also sold my imprints one of my white ones that turned black after the hotfix, i sent in a ticket, but no reponse yet, im expecting a reponse by tomorrow but i'm pretty mad about it =(




But what could they do though?

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You're welcome!



But what could they do though?

well, they give refunds for plat and whatever for the scrambler, it pretty much the same concept.


I only asked them if they could do anything, so if they can't then they can't and that's the end of it.


It's worth a try in any case

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well, they give refunds for plat and whatever for the scrambler, it pretty much the same concept.


I only asked them if they could do anything, so if they can't then they can't and that's the end of it.


It's worth a try in any case


Oh ok, I didn't know you spent plat on your Kubrow. 


They refunded my 40p I spent on the color scrambler so they should refund whatever you spent. 

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Message support and request a refund - I got one and got 2k plat back.


"Hello Aramanth,
Sorry! All platinum purchases are considered to be final, and cannot be refunded. While we understand that accidents happen, we are limited to refunding items within 24 hours of the item being purchased.
Sorry we couldn't be of more help!"
So....yeah, they're not giving out refunds.  How'd you get yours?
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"Hello Aramanth,


Sorry! All platinum purchases are considered to be final, and cannot be refunded. While we understand that accidents happen, we are limited to refunding items within 24 hours of the item being purchased.


Sorry we couldn't be of more help!"




So....yeah, they're not giving out refunds.  How'd you get yours?

"Hello Aramanth,


Sorry! All platinum purchases are considered to be final, and cannot be refunded. While we understand that accidents happen, we are limited to refunding items within 24 hours of the item being purchased.


Sorry we couldn't be of more help!"




So....yeah, they're not giving out refunds.  How'd you get yours?

I did not even get a reply from them.

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you know there is a nifty little option in settings that lets you switch back to the pre color fix color palletes right?

Hes talking about his kubrow. The setting your talking about only affects warframe/weapon/sentinel color pickers it has no bearing on the kubrows fur color.

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