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How's The Juggernaut?


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Maybe you can give more details?

How about a JoggerMcnugget?


Over the past few weeks we’ve been privileged to receive so many amazing entries for the Infested portion of our Enemies of the Tenno community project, and these past few weeks have been an exciting race to see which Infested came out on top.  In the end our finalists came down to the vomit-spraying Disgorger and the ground stomping Juggernaut, with the winner’s creation seeing its way in the game for the chance to crush Tenno under its twisted abominable form.


While there was a lot of debate over whether it was the Juggernaut’s ranged toxic bombardment or its damage-soaking defensive capabilities that let this massive Infested triumph we thought it would be nice to both learn a little more about its creator, SilverBones (AKA: Bear), and ask few questions about how they came up with such a creature.



So we know you’re a community moderator, but tell us a little about yourself outside the game.


Well, I am a Support Technician who was born in England and immigrated out to California back in 2007. Been here ever since. I run a YouTube channel called The Hidden Redcoat, I am a massive nerd for Tabletop RPG's and I love drawing.  Also Bear is not my real name, but it's the one everyone calls me.


How did you get the nickname?


I was a much bigger guy in my youth and I was pretty much the ear for my local group. I got hugged a lot. I also used to be pretty defensive of people in my group which occasionally got me in trouble. I got a name as it seemed to be...totemic of my personality.


It has nothing to do with my proximity to San Francisco, although I do enjoy BearForce One.


What frame do you normally play as?


I have been flipping Between Hydroid and Oberon lately. Although after the changes and new cosmetics, i have been playing a lot more Ash. He was my original Love-Frame.


What do you go for, stealth or just those crazy melee hits coming out of smokebomb?


Blade Storm for days. Ash for me is a good all-rounder, excellent solo skills and does some good damage. Blade Storm can leave you locked up, but with the continuing changes that should hopefully be fixed soon.


What was your inspiration for the Juggernaut?


The idea was to create a unit that took advantage of the numerous smaller units around it. It’s easy to just get to a certain level and stand there, letting a tide of infested just break upon you. No need to use maneuverability and if you have a Vauban in your group, you can basically vortex your way to 100 waves on defense.  Juggernaut was a way of forcing players to keep moving and adjust to a better position.




Do you think the Juggernaut is going to force players to play a little more aggressively in game modes like Infested defense?


Exactly. Also in standard infested missions coming across one of these guys will help change the pace a bit. It's easy to do survival and extermination, but with one of these guys - especially behind helped out by ancients - you have to stay on your toes.


So Infested are all based from existing organic humanoids that have been twisted and corrupted by the Technocyte virus, what do you think the Juggernaut was before it became this hulking abomination?


Probably a mixture of some pack animal. I think in the description, i made him an amalgamation of various creatures, but in thinking about it, you could take a large rhino or elephant or something.


Infested seem to be all about recycling anyway.  Waste not, want not!


Excellent example of how eating doubles up as reproduction. Very efficient!


Now there were a lot of really amazing submissions for the infested, but ultimately yours came up on top.  Any thoughts on what gave it the edge?


I would like to think that people liked the idea of some tanky marauder raining acid down on them from afar.  I partially hope that they enjoyed the look too, but primarily I think people wanted to see something big and scary take the field.


Seeing the competition your infested has gone up against did you have any last minute changes you wish you made to its design?


At this point, I have looked over my concept again and again, and I still come out with the same deal. I really liked the ideas of the Lurker and the Hangman, but I knew exactly what I would want for the infested before i even typed up a word. I am just glad people seemed to agree with me.


ZeroJackdaw (creator of the runner-up Infested Disgorger) also seemed to be thinking along the same lines of making players be more mobile and smart about dealing with the infested. I think that is why we both made it to the final.  People seem to want that.


Who doesn't want to be bombarded with acid from a distance?


Crazy people.




It's true, there were a lot of ideas in the same vain of changing the way we approach tackling the Infested missions. Hopefully we won't be waiting too long to see the change come to life!


Well, understandably there are new mechanics that need to come into play and i am sure the Jugg's model is going to need some serious work. I do not envy the animation and art department's job.


Well it’s safe to say there’s a lot to look forward to when the Juggernaut eventually stomps our way.  Normally at the end of an interview we would say something like ‘Take care!’, or ‘See ya in game!’, or ‘Pizza party!’ but...


I dunno... pizza party sounded like a good one...


We’ll go with that then.



A warm thank you goes to everyone who participated in our Infested portion of the contest, and another congratulations to SilverBones for helping us create a disgusting monstrosity that will surely help Tenno keep their wits sharp and blades sharper.  Be sure to also keep an eye out for our Corpus and Grineer Enemy Design Project winners when they’re announced over the coming weeks.

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Not eventually. He is confirmed,but how exactly he will get implemented is to be debated and hes currently under development. I dont know exactly which dev stream it was, but they had some nice pre finished attack strategies of it bound to phorid to show how he will tear the player to pieces.

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Not eventually. He is confirmed,but how exactly he will get implemented is to be debated and hes currently under development. I dont know exactly which dev stream it was, but they had some nice pre finished attack strategies of it bound to phorid to show how he will tear the player to pieces.

Yeah... So he will be added to the game....




To elaborate I am just pointing out that since I think it was devstream 30, where they showed the spawning test room of new mobs, we have had no update on this mob.


Just to point out the last competition to add something into the game was the player weapon submission competition. This finished DC voting on 28th January but the first fo the three winners did not come into the game till Update 14 last month.


There is no eta on when any of the new mobs from the "designer a mob" competition will be added.  

Edited by MDRLOz
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The damn thing doesn't make sense. Where the hell do you get a Rhino in Warframe? 


Edit: I Mean the Rhinoceros. I want DE to make good lore for this.


In truth I was just spit-balling ideas. That interview was done when I was semi conscious and under caffeinated. The original plan was a mixture of ancients that fused into this beefhouse. A adaption to overcome the defenses of dug-in Tenno and to make an infested siege weapon of sorts, hence why it has ancient like mouth bits and tentacles on the top.

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