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Do We Have A Rapier Sword In Warframe?


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If you've ever been in a situation where you're dumbly swinging at a guy while chasing him, and he's juuuust out of reach, and juuuust fast enough to stay out of reach, then you can see some immediate utility in a Rapier-type weapon with pursuit-oriented thrusting to close ground and wound.

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If you've ever been in a situation where you're dumbly swinging at a guy while chasing him, and he's juuuust out of reach, and juuuust fast enough to stay out of reach, then you can see some immediate utility in a Rapier-type weapon with pursuit-oriented thrusting to close ground and wound.

Oooh please,another nunchuk hater....


We already can fight bare hands, nunchuks are more powerful than kicks & can easily break a skull and other solid things :



and if you don't like it, what avoids you to...Not craft it/play it? I didn't like Strun, so I didn't take Strun. Those who like it may get it without harming those who don't.


(Furthermore,did I say that I don't want a rapier?Nope man. But that's okay,you don't like these weapons,I like them.And you are/I am not the only one.Opinions. )

Edited by unknow99
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I can already see it now. Barely any damage. Puncture and impact ONLY if slash is not 2. Stance mod with one combo. This combo makes you poke the enemies thousands of times. 


This freakin sword better stun on EVERY. SINGLE. HIT. 

 If they introduce the rapier it should hit single targets BUT SUPER FRIGGING HARD. Rapiers were actually really good weapons. Very quick and the wound was very deadly.(Stab wounds always deadlier than slash wounds... )

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That's great to ... sorta hear?


I was playing the other day, trying out Stance combos with swords, thinking "Ya know, what this game needs is, like, a Fencing stance."


And then I was like, "Ya know, what this game needs is, like, Fencing swords.  Like rapiers and foils and stuff."



"Laser rapiers."




why did i read that last part like peter from family guy?

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