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How Far Can A Solo Player Go In Warframe?


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Endless missions are the only place where you'd hit your limit playing solo or in a squad. Anything else is pretty easy.

How far you can go depends on the faction, your loadout, your skills and the layout of the map.


For T4 Survival, I'd say anything between 20 and 60 min.

For T4 Defence, around 20 and 40 waves.


In short, you won't have any trouble as a solo player.

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I think Interception scales down quite a bit when you're doing it solo, less enemies seem to spawn. Basically, just high speed and a good focus on keeping the enemies away from the computers that reclaim the nodes is all you need. I've gone to round 4 personally, haven't tried going further, but I think I might be able to. Only the 3rd round is absolutely necessary though, as far as I know.


And I think Interception is mandatory for obtaining T4 keys, and all that those entail, I could be wrong though.


Mandatory meaning, you have no choice in the matter. You can bum off of other people's keys easily.

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Soloing is all about skill and gear more than anything. T4 Defenses are a sinch with a well-built Frost and a Penta (even post ammo nerf), and T4 Survivals all come down to how well you can avoid getting shot. Even Interception missions are easy, since enemies don't scale too rapidly and for solo players the number of enemies is greatly reduced (they also rarely go after more than 1 point).

Personal records, as a Soloer, is 65 minutes T4 Survival and 25 Waves T4 Defense. I typically don't go past 20 minutes in Survivals or wave 20 in defense missions, since it's more efficient to do shorter runs when soloing for loot.

Prime farming is a pain though, mainly 'cause you're generally working with 1/4 the keys a dedicated group brings.

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Hmm I believe only Hydroid cannot possibly be obtained solo nowadays. The rest you can solo, sell mods for plat and buy prime pieces. So you can get to max mastery rank only missing a single warframe. Challenging but very boring so I would not recommend that...

Nope. Solo'd it just for fun using twin wraiths and ammo restore.


Survivals, Long defense, and Interceptions are quite tricky but not impossible to solo, anything aside from that I solo since i have a low end computer with bad connection and i don't want to get in the way of other players from enjoying the game.

Edited by H.Katsura_999
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Interception is basically multiplayer only.


At least most of the interception maps are multi only.


I could see one of the grineer ones being soloable, the one with the defense map where the pod is on the elevator. That'd be pretty easy to solo.


For one round, maybe two.


I don't think interception is mandatory though right?


If your talking about Draco you can solo that for as many rounds as you are willing to go with the right frame. I have had the beat success with Nyx and Excal. Though you could clime the smoke stack and just bladestorm every wave with Ash. Intercept is an easy solo depending on the frame. For example any frame with heavy can pretty dominate 2 or 3 points and abandon the other. Or you can simply force mobs to never cap anything. 

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im an experienced soloer.
if your casual and doesnt do any competitive time-survival beating ranks you could farm and get everything


in my experience in all mission types in all tiers, it depends on the frame you are using example:

• any tier defence/mobile defence = nyx max range chaos

• any tier exterm/assassinate/capture/rescue etc. = ash max range with hp build and efficiency


you could farm ALL void stuff since rotation C is just every 15 min on surv or def, its pretty easy

defence with a nyx is easymode aswell, just make it a point that your using a really good weapon k.


the only time i need someone is if im in need of platinums. lol (trading) and the old times when im in need to farm vaults



Interception is pretty hard. I'd imagine you'd need a speedy frame to be able to solo interception efficiently. 


max range nyx is a very good tactic friend

Edited by Ritchel
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As a solo player, I can usually make 40 mins t4 survival, and maybe 30T4 defense. But those are hard as balls, and only if I bring my A gear. Interception I have no trouble with. Gameplay protip, excalI with a modded blind can lock down every single point if you stand in the right spot. Just find that sweet spot and blind if they start capping. 

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Just now, I finished a 35 minute T3 solo survival with Oberon. This was the first time I've done a solo T3 survival (I've done captures/ext/etc) and I was struggling past the 25 minute mark. My conclave rating was probably around 900 or less due to having equipped a melee and secondary weapon that I was still leveling up (aka, not fully modded), but I did have my kubrow. My Oberon was maxed, using a power efficiency build with all abilities minus hallowed ground, as well as my Latron Prime (corrosive/cold elements + the cookie cutter rifle mods).


The struggling didn't come from a lack of life support; god knows there were more than enough enemies hounding at me to generate pocket life supports. I was also packing a maxed corrosive projection aura, and started not one-shotting things past 15 minutes unless I went for head shots. By the way, I got Mag Prime systems at 20 minutes (yay!)


What's the point of this? Well, the game can be played solo. How far and how long you can go is up to your skill as a player and what kind of heat you're packing. If I used a better load out, as in a proper secondary and melee weapon, I probably could have gone further. However, at some point, you'll need to group up.


Remember, you're exactly as strong as you are when you entered the mission. Minutes will pass, maybe an hour, and you'll be at the same strength... but your enemies won't (assuming you're running an endless-type mission such as survival or defense). They get stronger while you stay the same.

Edited by Eggzodiya
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