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De Should Do A Charity Event


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So this topic started din another thread and I feel like it needs it's own. Donating money to charity is good and right now the big one is ALS charity. I don't care if they do the ice bucket or not, but they could have an event were a certain percentage of plat bought would go to charity over a certain amount of time. For example, like 20% of all plat bought within a week would be donated, or 50% in one day. We, the community, could really make a difference in helping the cause. It would also make DE way better than they already are. So, what do you guys think?

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They make money when people buy in game items that cost nothing to make, so yea


So building space, People that do the work, Server space, data transfer rates, Equipment cost, upkeep cost, and many many other costs, expenses and overhead cost nothing.  Hot DAMN I am making a Game Dev Company.


since it all costs nothing to make.

Edited by OniDarkClown
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They also need to pay employee's, bills and make sure the shareholders are happy. Do you think that they can do all that? I'm all for charity but it needs to be done with enough of a financial foothold to be able to afford it.


edit - Oh dear seems I was ninja'd well played lad.

Edited by Nurmetya
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So building space, People that do the work, Server space, data transfer rates, Equipment cost, upkeep cost, and many many other costs, expenses and overhead cost nothing.  Hot DAMN I am making a Game Dev Company.


since it all costs nothing to make.

They have money and can afford at least one day for donations. If you don't have anything nice to say, then p*ss off

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They have money and can afford at least one day for donations. If you don't have anything nice to say, then p*ss off


Oh I could of resorted to childish name calling and internet tough guy comments.  But instead I was listing things that cost money to do.

Instead of making Baseless comments on how the work they do costs nothing or assuming that I know the amount of money that DE brings in and could or could not give to some Charity.


Maybe you should take your own advice.

Edited by OniDarkClown
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Oh I could of resorted to childish name calling and internet tough guy comments.  But instead I was listing things that cost money to do.

Instead of making Baseless comments on how the work they do costs nothing or assuming that I know the amount of money that DE brings in and could or could not give to some Charity.


Maybe you should take your own advice.

It's a thread about helping a great cause and all you bring is negative. Don't look at things negatively, it leads to a crappy life.

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People hate everything, even donating money to a good cause. I think that more people would like it than hate it tho.

Well I'm not hating it, I'm just concerned that DE may have to stop/delay things for a few days, although I don't mind Idk about the others as long as the game still goes online.

Edited by izzatuw
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It's a thread about helping a great cause and all you bring is negative. Don't look at things negatively, it leads to a crappy life.


Helping out a good cause is a nice, but doing so when you can't afford to thus causing yourself (and potentially others) problems is not. 


Edit: Just going to toss this out there, I don't really care about charities unless they're benefiting me. Yeah, I'm that kind of guy.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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Well I'm not hating it, I'm just concerned that DE may have to stop/delay things for a few days, although I don't mind Idk about the others as long as the game still goes online.

That's true, If things go slow for just one day, all hell breaks loose.

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A syandana with a red cross or something.

Perhaps there could even be something else for the top-donator?


I'd rather they not add things into this game that feature a cross.

There are many players with different religions, may cause controversy
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I'd rather they not add things into this game that feature a cross.

the "or something" option it is! :D


* although I pictured it the in the same lenght-lines-crossing-in-the-middle type of cross, if someone feels it's religious I'm not one that will keep saying we'd should have it. Just a "token" idea for doing something good. Could be anything.

Edited by Lactamid
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So building space, People that do the work, Server space, data transfer rates, Equipment cost, upkeep cost, and many many other costs, expenses and overhead cost nothing.  Hot DAMN I am making a Game Dev Company.


since it all costs nothing to make.

hey, they just donated $10,000 to charity, so yea

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