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"rushers Bad, Others Good...blablabla", How About The Other Side Of The Coin?


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irony is fairly awesome but be careful. i found myself totally engulfed in "irony culture" at a young age and would catch myself saying things like "hitlers balls" or "cumunism is really awesome" what i'm saying is the long your exposed to irony the better your e chance is of being predisposed to autism and aspergers. peace.

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There's only 2 things I'd consider acceptable when it comes to rushing a map:


1) You're strapped for time, you have say 1-2 hours before you need to go out to deal with RL situations and you're set on achieving a set goal (For example, blueprints and specific resources to get a warframe started).


2) The mission has a timer requiring you to haul &#!.


But even then I'd let other players know I was going to rush or better yet, play solo. It's just common courtesy to not rush through the entire map, I'm not new to this game and I make sure I loot everything and as a result I make more money and I find a lot more resources that way which helps me much more in the long run then rushing through that very moment.


Also, rushing means you miss out on that enjoyable moment when a storage container opens and vomits money all over the place, I've managed to pick up well over 8000 during a game just by taking my time, and that hardly took 15-20 minutes.


When it comes down to it, it's common courtesy, you want to rush through? By all means but people will start to notice your name and avoid any games with you making your life harder later on.


The game isn't going anywhere, 95% of the game modes have no time limit there is no reason to rush through without a decent reason.

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I just read this whole thread and I think my IQ down-clocked a couple ticks.

It's a circlejerk.

I didn't even expect a half-decent discussion when I made this topic. I just figured I need to say what is on my mind and I knew a lengthy text an appropriate title will generate attention.

6 pages and counting + first page = decent exposure. I hope some of the devs at least read the more sensible comments. It's the exposure that counts and I managed to get it.

Edited by narrus
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maybe if we had a way to talk in the game, I cant figure out if we do or we don't, that could help players talk and avoid confusions

Like 1 pointed out C for voice chat if on.  Or the simplest T for chat i talk to pug members all the time during defense missions to see how far they wanna go or when I join othere mission some time ask about rush or no rush to make sure.

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A possible solution:


Why not have an option in plain view that allows you to have one of two states checked?  Quick Run mode or Scavenge mode.  You are matched with people who have the same state checked.  Set scavenge as the default mode (because that's how new players play).


For the record, what do people count as rushing?  I don't think I either rush or scavenge... on non-boss missions I kill everything that shoots at me/us and loot all the objects on the main path (and in loot rooms off the main path) to the objective and extraction.  I've never wandered down areas that aren't on the way to the objective marker, nor have I seen anyone play that way.  

Edited by Kyrkitao
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It's a circlejerk.

I didn't even expect a half-decent discussion when I made this topic. I just figured I need to say what is on my mind and I knew a lengthy text an appropriate title will generate attention.

6 pages and counting + first page = decent exposure. I hope some of the devs at least read the more sensible comments. It's the exposure that counts and I managed to get it.


Given that they [the Devs] have openly stated that they are putting in measures to 'deal' with rushers as well as stated on several occasions that Solo play must be as accessible as co-op play, I think you may be fighting a losing battle, sir.


Making a post that is both overtly aggressive is not the good kind of attention you need to make your point. May I suggest not assuming people are going to be self-proclaimed messiahs and attacking them preemptively?


No opinion is wrong. Just different.

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But..they are. This topic is a living proof. I would love to do otherwise. Searching forums yields hundreds of whiny threads about "rushers" being terribad and the black plague of Warframe. That's what fueled me to make this in the end. Somebody has to start kicking back. It may not be pretty but at least it has been done.

Aggressive or not, I don't care as long as I get my point across. I am aggressive by nature and I can't help that. If people have problems with that, deal with it.

Edited by narrus
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But..they are. This topic is a living proof. I would love to do otherwise. Searching forums yields hundreds of whiny threads about "rushers" being terribad and the black plague of Warframe. That's what fueled me to make this in the end. Somebody has to start kicking back. It may not be pretty but at least it has been done.

Aggressive or not, I don't care as long as I get my point across. I am aggressive by nature and I can't help that. If people have problems with that, deal with it.


I'm sorry to hear that. Good luck with your battle, sir.

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I don't think the rushers are wrong really, it's all relative. The problem is people expecting to play "their way" and everything else is "wrong". No amount of limitations or advanced systems by DE will ever resolve these kinda issues if the players don't put out any effort to get along.


Personally I think it would be more productive to discuss how we can fix things on our end as a community. While aggressive, the point of this thread is fair. If no one is willing to give ground then the argument will just go in circles forever.


I started a thread to look more at how to solve things on our end, bit of a wall of text but for anyone concerned it would be nice to have more input from the community https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/29656-rushers-explorers-and-common-courtesy/

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There is no point to the op's thread, his whole post makes ZERO sense.

He goes on and on about farming efficiency. Then he talks about online games. The two don't mix. If you wanna farm money, resources or bps you do it solo or you're wasting time. If you run to extraction after killing a boss, you're wasting time. Joining an online game takes longer than creating your own. Online bosses have more hp, meaning they take longer. You have to wait on two-person doors.

Personally, I don't care if people rush or explore every nook and cranny, if I did I would play solo and play how I like. But claiming he's some efficiency expert who wastes time in online games makes his whole post seem like a troll. Or possibly he can't figure out to solo bosses.

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Two points:

First, people lagging behind don't have any way of denying credits--the most important resource in the game--to those rushing ahead. All the credits they gather are shared with the entire team. In contrast, once rushers start the 60 second countdown, they are explicitly denying the end of mission rewards to anyone on the team who can't make it to extraction before the time runs out. That's a fundamental difference that you don't recognize in your argument, OP.

Second, the entire line of reasoning presented in the original topic implies that the gameplay of Warframe is not itself inherently enjoyable. The concept of efficiency and the practice of farming mean, by definition, that acquisition of new items is the preponderant utility to be gained from the game. If that's the case for people at this early point in the game's life, before it's even out of beta, I feel sorry for them.

You do make a fairly good case though OP, and I do recognize some of the points you make as valid.

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Why not just remove the extraction timer and instead of needing everyone, once you get to the end, you leave? So those that play together still leave together, and those that rush can leave and be done...but don't get the collected stuff from the slower people.


I think this solves the problem...can anyone find anything wrong with it?

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Now the matches are simply as fast as the second player instead of the first, so if at least another players rushes with you then you don't have to wait at the end. If you never find another person on your team who goes as fast as you then you are clearly a minority and you can't expect other 3 players to conform to you each time, just like a looter can't expect 3 rushers will wait for him before stepping onto extraction.

This is all I have to say.

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Why not just remove the extraction timer and instead of needing everyone, once you get to the end, you leave? So those that play together still leave together, and those that rush can leave and be done...but don't get the collected stuff from the slower people.


I think this solves the problem...can anyone find anything wrong with it?

Yeah this could be nice just see 1 problem with it and that is host migration as it would end up to bring same problem as the host quiting after killing the boss.

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You make absolutely no sense. Yes like you, most of us have acquired most of the things that are available to us. However, if I need to farm something quick I just solo the bosses, or defense missions. All this complaining about rushers.... you are probably just too weak to solo the bosses yourself.


The only reason why people complain is because these people that rush through missions are just being carried by their teammates, which is most likely your case.

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Now I've only been playing maybe a week, so granted I'm the new scrub on the block. Just lobbing in my two cents into the S#&$pot.




He goes on and on about farming efficiency. Then he talks about online games. The two don't mix.


Farming in online games?

Unheard of!

Why, no one farms when the internet has been involved, it's not as if competitive spirit drives people to complete their objective of top tier equipment as quickly as possible.




In contrast, once rushers start the 60 second countdown they are explicitly denying the end of mission rewards to anyone on the team who can't make it to extraction before the time runs out.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't every player get the end of mission reward upon completion, regardless of your physical location (or proximity to extraction)?


A slow player is denying me as a rusher, time.

That time could be spent rushing other levels, levels loaded with resources that I could be gathering on my headlong sprint to the objective.




Why not just remove the extraction timer and instead of needing everyone, once you get to the end, you leave? So those that play together still leave together, and those that rush can leave and be done...but don't get the collected stuff from the slower people.
I think this solves the problem...can anyone find anything wrong with it?
I fully support this notion.
You make absolutely no sense. Yes like you, most of us have acquired most of the things that are available to us. However, if I need to farm something quick I just solo the bosses, or defense missions. All this complaining about rushers.... you are probably just too weak to solo the bosses yourself.


The only reason why people complain is because these people that rush through missions are just being carried by their teammates, which is most likely your case.
To date I have soloed every system up to Earth, and I still rush.
I will always rush, and the vast majority of the time I won't bother with loot containers even if they're barely off my main trajectory.
The exception is systems with resources I do/may need.
However, rushing with a group is MUCH faster, and therefor more efficient.
Just as you wouldn't grind a high health boss in any other MOG alone, so would I prefer to avoid a similar situation here.
I rush, and always will.
Rushing = Efficient Farming
People play however they like, w/e.
I new nub.
Edits: I hate BBcode.
With a deep seething passion.
Edited by Sanguine1233
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't every player get the end of mission reward upon completion, regardless of your physical location (or proximity to extraction)?

In this case, you are indeed incorrect.

However, there is one other basis that is also false.

If you're a rusher, and therefore flying through the mission with no help from your teammates, then you CAN go solo. No excuse to go Online and do it.

However, if you're trying to go through and kill everything, often you CAN'T do so alone.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't every player get the end of mission reward upon completion, regardless of your physical location (or proximity to extraction)?

You're wrong. That's the main reason rushing is a huge problem for non-rushers. Anyone not at the extraction when the timer ends gets 0 credits.

Edited by holdenagincourt
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"So if you want to play like that, do one of two things - either play solo or disconnect after you get the resource from o boss or whatever. Then only YOU don't get the cash, but you get the resource, and everyone is happy."

QFT, because THAT would be EFFICIENT and not a #$&(% move like starting the countdown timer....

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Man I hate all the Public rushers so effing much.

I rush all the time in Solo. Infact that is how I play unless I am farming Rubedo or Alloy Plates.


A pub game is not a race to the finish, unless the group says so.

I love how they view their time as more important than 1-3 other people's

Good joke.


Stop viewing yourselves as the centre of the universe, then come back and talk.

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