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"rushers Bad, Others Good...blablabla", How About The Other Side Of The Coin?


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Uhm let's see, a room with rushers and players who play slowly, the rushers gets to the end and start the countdown while half of the team is finishing exploring for lockers and stuff.

The slow players lose:

-Mission Credits


The rushers lose:


-60 seconds.


I think it's clear who's the $&*^.

Edited by Zephon
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Uhm let's see, a room with rushers and players who play slowly, the rushers gets to the end and start the countdown while half of the team is finishing exploring for lockers and stuff.

The slow players lose:


-Mission Credits



The rushers lose:


-60 seconds.


I think it's clear who's the $&*^.


You do not lose mods... Stop posting bs.

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Blatantfool, on 15 Apr 2013 - 09:52 AM, said:

Interesting tidbit, thanks for bringing that up. Do you have a rough estimate of how hard the scaling is? I'd be interested to know.

The scaling differs by boss, I'm pretty sure. I don't think it's enough to outpace optimal gearing though. One of the reasons co-op fights can take a while is that you'll probably have one-two people with suboptimal gear or godawful lag that are still increasing the boss' stats.

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This game is a coop game. Rushing isn't coop, sticking together is.


Why do people want rushers to play solo? Because you are already alone throughout the whole level because of your rushing. Also rushers who kill bosses before everyone is there will likely make people miss out on loot because the waypoint points towards the exit.


If you want to do a race, why don't you play with other rushers who actually want to do that?


This thread is just stupid.

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OP why are you even joining groups if that is your attitude?

Anyways with regards to what you said in general, aren't credits the most valuable resource? The thing that limits you at every turn is lack of credits. As far as I can see, rushing is missing out on credits. If you search around you will find the goldmine lockers that contain many hundreds of credits. Missing those is crazy. It doesn't even take that long to search most of the level; an extra minute or two at most?

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it would make more sense for players wanting slow runs to solo... then you can take time to exp.ore the map.

the only reason i ever run maps are for credits, bp's or ? alertmissions. otherwise i play defense. coming from various high end guilds in previous games I am used to high speed runs.

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You do not lose mods... Stop posting bs.


You lose out on the chance at mods, in case an enemy that the rusher left up could drop one, or in case the rusher killed an enemy that dropped a mod and didn't bother to mark it. Go back to CoD, you elitist scrub, where simple minded spray and prayers are adored.
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Same thing I put in OP edited.


To all the people saying "go SOLO then". I can say the same thing to you. Why can't I speed through missions/content with other people and have a some sort of a race while we do it? Why don't you go solo if you want to clear the mission slowly? Why, as a rusher, I am forced to go solo? Why can't I enjoy the content with others who enjoy the content like I do the same way?


Your "go solo" argument is groundless.

The "go solo" argument is not as groundless as you may think.


I don't like or want to rush. That said, if I find myself in a game with several "rushers" I will do my very best to match the pace and make a contribution (small though it might be). The problem is, in almost every game I've had with "rushers" they are invariably...


1) In a frame that is inherently faster than mine.

2) Almost always more experienced than me, meaning they are faster at navigating across maps and obviously have a better skill at maintaining a high speed (based on observation).

3) Most likely (and I freely admit this is a guess based only on what I'm seeing) have modded their frames with either, or both, increased speed and stamina.


I simply cannot match that pace, even when trying to. I'm going to slow you down unintentionally, or at the very least become frustrated at the fact I can't really do much to help out. Add in getting left behind on lifts/ blocked by a lockdown, and I've really got no chance at all.


This is why, if you are so annoyed by people going slow when you are trying to farm you should go solo or with friends.  I don't want to ruin anyone else's fun, but I absolutely loath being put in a situation where I simply can't avoid it.

I'll always try to go with the flow, but there is no way I'm going to set-up a frame for group play based on speed on the chance I'm going to end up with a couple of rushers who didn't bother to go private.

Edited by FluffyBunnySlippers
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Play how you want. If you don't like how I play, well, tough.


I PERSONALLY hate it when people run by the security cameras without destroying them. After all, as long as THEY get by, who CARES about everyone else, right? It's not like this game is about TEAMWORK or anything, right? Speed is the only thing that matters. Not tactics, firepower or any other quaint ideas like um... concentrating fire from two or more people to drop toxic ancients fast or anything silly like that. Right?


Here is a hint, for people who don't know, don't care, or couldn't be bothered to ask. A mob is only as smart as it's stupidest member. This is well known. No insult to anyone. It's the truth. A GROUP is only as strong as it's weakest member.


If you insist on running off and doing your own thing, be my guest. If that is the only way for you to enjoy the game, well... I don't like it, but hey, if it works for you, go for it.


Just an FYI though... When you run off and leave the HOSTAGE, he DIES and we ALL fail the rescue mission. Please, please, PLEASE, stop rushing off without the hostage... PLEASE? Or, when you click the elevator before he is ON it, because you were in a hurry. Now we have to do the mission all over again, because... Failed...


Had a guy in a game earlier who got the hostage, and took off. Slash dashed right through a laser door. Hostage followed and got fried. Failed.


Speed can be fun. Or it can be VERY annoying.


tl:dr - Play how you want, but don't expect help if you are far away and get surprised by twenty grinneer with four napalms.

Edited by Kalenath
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It's efficient ya'll!

I load up a game to do work and not to have fun.

We got to be efficient ya'll.


You can get 100K in a couple days easy from doing normal stuff but that isnt efficient enough.


 They call this sort of thing the 'Strawman Argument'. It tends to make you come off as an idiot. I don't have any reason to think you are a moron and I don't imagine you do either - so try to drop this sort of thing and post something constructive.





Well you sure could drop more mods if rushers wouldn't screw you over, anyway my argument is still valid.


 You should be playing Endless and Mobile Defense missions for mods. I average twenty a run of various rarities. I've gotten everything I've ever been in need of and a nice extras that way.


 And you ought to take notice - you not only can't rush either type of Defense mission - you also can't take them too slow. 

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 They call this sort of thing the 'Strawman Argument'. It tends to make you come off as an idiot. I don't have any reason to think you are a moron and I don't imagine you do either - so try to drop this sort of thing and post something constructive.




This is his first sentence of his argument.




I've seriously had enough of this senseless "rusher" bashing. So let me lay down basic reasons why "rushers" exist in the first place and why rushing is 100% more efficient, less time consuming in the end game.


He even put the words he wants you to focus in bold.

The rest of ALL ABOUT being efficient and it does not change.


Before replying to some one you should look at what he is replying to.


So, yes, i WILL humour the fact that this dude treats a video game like a job and explains his treatment with MORE evidence that he treats it like a job.  Not everyone plays like that so when you try to justify your playstyle like that there is nothing to do but make some fun of it.


So i reiterate..... let's all be efficient ya'll.

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This is his first sentence of his argument.




He even put the words he wants you to focus in bold.

The rest of ALL ABOUT being efficient and it does not change.


Before replying to some one you should look at what he is replying to.


So, yes, i WILL humour the fact that this dude treats a video game like a job and explains his treatment with MORE evidence that he treats it like a job.  Not everyone plays like that so when you try to justify your playstyle like that there is nothing to do but make some fun of it.


So i reiterate..... let's all be efficient ya'll.


 Doesn't matter. We long ago came to the understanding that the OP is going in circles. Don't start running laps yourself. Keeping up will make you both look worse for wear. Why makes yourself out to look like a moron for the sake of simply arguing with a moron?

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 They call this sort of thing the 'Strawman Argument'. It tends to make you come off as an idiot. I don't have any reason to think you are a moron and I don't imagine you do either - so try to drop this sort of thing and post something constructive.



 ibet the internet is an exceedingly cool place when everything is read in a 100% serious monotone inside your head and the only possible ways to construct a joke or use irony is by looking at jpg using 86 point impact font on reddit dot com.

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I honestly don't want to page through the whole thread, but the fact that I expected an inevitable backlash when the Dev Team choose a side is worth my time


So that said can someone who is engaged give me a fast rundown?

everyone itt is a huge retard including myself. best course of action would be to never open it again and hope the mods gas it

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Rather harsh. . .
Has there been no good feedback?

I'd like to think that even if the problem cannot be solved that new ideas could come forward

Edits: then again I just got done with a lengthy argument where my opponents couldn't offer one beneficial idea that I could take with me for future debates on the same topic

I'm likely putting too much weight on the community to disassociate themselves personally from a heated topic to come up with something that everyone could really gain from

Edited by MaximumSquid
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the problem can be solved, nobody wants to take responsibility for their own game though. They don't or can't seem to play solo, they don't want to play with others because of the chance not everyone will play exactly the same, and they don't have any friends for private matches. It's tragic stuff really. hopefully DE can hold everyones hands and this crisis can be averted soon

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I see. . .

Good analysis; so essentially the problem is the level of maturity within the community?


If Warframe was anything other than super easy we'd probably also see topics on how "X Frame" keeps getting booted from a group because they aren't good enough for the area


I'm sure we've all played those games. . . Good times am I right?

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 Doesn't matter. We long ago came to the understanding that the OP is going in circles. Don't start running laps yourself. Keeping up will make you both look worse for wear. Why makes yourself out to look like a moron for the sake of simply arguing with a moron?


I'm touched that you care about how i, a totally random person in the internet that no one has any idea about, look.

And for the third time if you missed it, which you have, the post was more humorous in nature than anything else.

Because, yes, after the several threads discussing this topic there is little to say so i have a little fun.


Efficiency ya'll.

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Rather harsh. . .

Has there been no good feedback?

I'd like to think that even if the problem cannot be solved that new ideas could come forward

Edits: then again I just got done with a lengthy argument where my opponents couldn't offer one beneficial idea that I could take with me for future debates on the same topic

I'm likely putting too much weight on the community to disassociate themselves personally from a heated topic to come up with something that everyone could really gain from

There has been a (very) few good points made in this thread. However I'm keeping track of it simply as I enjoy irony. Liberal doses of hypocrisy to be found as well.

Though I always find it interesting to get an insight into other gamestyles and motivations. I am however still trying to work out if the OP is actually a reasonably accomplished troll, or simply blissfully unaware of just how ill-advised his/ her post was. Honestly, I've not been here that long, but I recognize flame-bait when I see it.

I'm actually pleasantly surprised at how mature this forum is myself. This would of been a lot worse on other game sites.

Edited by FluffyBunnySlippers
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