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Dual Ether (Swords) And (Dual) Ether Daggers... Really?


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i mean, dual ether (sword) have armor ignore like fang and increased damage to infested, not to consider a quite respectable damage per swing. only drawback a one-square-inch-wide jump attack? doesnt feel fair for other melee weapons.

and what about (dual) ether dagger? slow, no armor ignore, not even on the charge attack.

as it stands now, dual ether (sword is not just good, it's nid-of-april-christmas-good, and (dual) ether daggers are not just bad, are april-fools-bad.

feels like armor ignore was put on the wrong item to me, and i'm afraid it will be fixed soon, though i am quite surprised it hasnt been fixed in this 7.7.4 patch... anyway i'm holding back on the crafting, sticking to my dual zoren.

any thought on the matter?

would you keep them as they are considering that "making new weapons plain better than the existing ones" will get out of hand in less than 3 months, and we would eventually be slave of the flavor of the month at every patch?

uhm... no indentation? how do i get blank lines in here? o_o

Edited by TezeretFoxtrot
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Zorens are a lot faster than the ether swords and heat blades have a much stronger charge attack.


Ether Swords are middle ground, in a pretty good place IMO.


Can't speak of the daggers, never used them.

Edited by Kishward
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Imho both ether weapon sets are unnecessary, boring, repetitive in concept and melee.. again. What we want are more guns.. and i don't count those twin vipers as guns. Viper is S#&$ and 2 times S#&$ is still.. well.. S#&$. I think those weapons were just easy to make without much effort... new skin, some crappy stats slapped on them without a real theme: Bam! Tenno reinforcement done.

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Imho both ether weapon sets are unnecessary, boring, repetitive in concept and melee.. again. What we want are more guns.. and i don't count those twin vipers as guns. Viper is S#&$ and 2 times S#&$ is still.. well.. S#&$. I think those weapons were just easy to make without much effort... new skin, some crappy stats slapped on them without a real theme: Bam! Tenno reinforcement done.



  Disagree dual vipers are the S#&$...but I would love some new shotguns

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  When I first looked up these weapons my first thought was they are going to get nerfed BUT I still crafted them anyways...Honestly devs you can't release content then nerf it the next day. The fang comes into mind. 

"You can't release content then nerf it the next day."

-The Most Oblivious Beta Player Ever


The game is still in Beta, balancing, tweaking, nerfing, and buffing WILL and SHOULD happen during this time as often as possible. Complaining that you only got to use the overpowered version of Fang for one day til it got nerfed closer to the level that the developers envisioned it at is petty and childish.

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"You can't release content then nerf it the next day."

-The Most Oblivious Beta Player Ever


The game is still in Beta, balancing, tweaking, nerfing, and buffing WILL and SHOULD happen during this time as often as possible. Complaining that you only got to use the overpowered version of Fang for one day til it got nerfed closer to the level that the developers envisioned it at is petty and childish.


   I'm sorry but I can't help but notice that the devs tend to release content far superior than previous ones? Remember the release of frost after the volt nerf? The nerf of heat sword with the release of the two heavy weapons? And you say the fang is OP? When the general consensus was that dual zorens was better when properly modded? 


  There isn't a need to name call so chill plz

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Imho both ether weapon sets are unnecessary, boring, repetitive in concept and melee.. again. What we want are more guns.. and i don't count those twin vipers as guns. Viper is S#&$ and 2 times S#&$ is still.. well.. S#&$. I think those weapons were just easy to make without much effort... new skin, some crappy stats slapped on them without a real theme: Bam! Tenno reinforcement done.

Youre right at some point, man! those weapons are some stuff we already have just with another skin! I love dual vipers and dual ether though because vipers are a dps monster(highest till now i think) and ether are a fast alround weapon to be used in any situation. But de should think of spears and there are already lots of new threads with ideas like this, i hope theyre already at constructing whips spear and glaives and not some other sword or dagger. I mean they have already covered all uses for swords, if its dual or single they have fast, mid and slow ones, some good for grineer some for infested some for corpus. There are 3 times more melee weapons than guns and that sucks, also i want a more balanced skills system so that i can think about a power-based build.

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the point is not which is better, it is dual ether are too good to be true

as someone mentioned firearms, i agree we need something new, at least on the primary weap department: i would love to try and level till 30 all sidearms but sicarus (working on it) but among primary weapons i find only a couple interesting, and thats a shame imo

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ALL weapons ignore armor on charge attacks


"some" melee weapons ignore armor on regular melee swings


Except the Ether Daggers DON'T ignore armor on charge attacks. And they don't have Armor Penetrating damage bonus either, like every other daggers do.


And armor-ignoring weapons (blunt-type weapons) don't have triple damage bonus on infested (which is a Blade-type weapon specificity), as opposed to the Dual Ether which have both (and are Blades)


There's obviously something wrong here, I don't see how so few people can see it oO

Edited by Thelonious
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Imho both ether weapon sets are unnecessary, boring, repetitive in concept and melee.. again. What we want are more guns.. and i don't count those twin vipers as guns. Viper is S#&$ and 2 times S#&$ is still.. well.. S#&$. I think those weapons were just easy to make without much effort... new skin, some crappy stats slapped on them without a real theme: Bam! Tenno reinforcement done.


I know, right?

When i was in the Marines chilling with my M16 one day they were like, "You gotta use this M4 now." And i was like, "Funk that Schisse! That's just a re-skinned m16 with some crappy stats slapped on. You folks have to stop with these repetitive concepts."

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Except the Ether Daggers DON'T ignore armor on charge attacks. And they don't have Armor Penetrating damage bonus either, like every other daggers do.


And armor-ignoring weapons (blunt-type weapons) don't have triple damage bonus on infested (which is a Blade-type weapon specificity), as opposed to the Dual Ether which have both (and are Blades)


There's obviously something wrong here, I don't see how so few people can see it oO

Because they are Ether weapons and don't conform to the properties of normal weapons. Plus they look beast and should act accordingly, but should be harder to craft/get.

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I don't think this game will hand out many nerfs if that is your worry


There's probably been over 2 dozen items that I have bought, leveled to 30, and sold


Running out of credits / resources is now an issue if you know where to farm


The weapons are good and you should get them if you like their stats or their look if you're a collector


Personally I'm going to be sticking with the best charge attack weapons which are not Ether

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Because they are Ether weapons and don't conform to the properties of normal weapons. Plus they look beast and should act accordingly, but should be harder to craft/get.

So power creep it is. I dreaded that day.


Next to be released, a "aoe/armor-piercing/armor-ignoring/5x bonus on infested, single-handed katana that you can shoot with and kill bosses in one single charge". It's made of an ultra rare metal that I have tons of so it's ok.


I hyperboled a tad bit, but you get the message.

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So power creep it is. I dreaded that day.


Next to be released, a "aoe/armor-piercing/armor-ignoring/5x bonus on infested, single-handed katana that you can shoot with and kill bosses in one single charge". It's made of an ultra rare metal that I have tons of so it's ok.


I hyperboled a tad bit, but you get the message.


that would be the glaive that's coming ;)

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Except the Ether Daggers DON'T ignore armor on charge attacks. And they don't have Armor Penetrating damage bonus either, like every other daggers do.


And armor-ignoring weapons (blunt-type weapons) don't have triple damage bonus on infested (which is a Blade-type weapon specificity), as opposed to the Dual Ether which have both (and are Blades)


There's obviously something wrong here, I don't see how so few people can see it oO

QFT. Either it's bugged or some really weird design concept (Aka make one thing really shine, while it's counterpart really sucks.)

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I feel he same, it looks like they put the armor ignore on the wrong weapon. However don't be fooled by that 0.8 on the ether daggers as you actually swing 3 times so the real speed is 2.4 (just like fangs say 1.5 but they stab twice so it's actually 3.0). Don't know about the ether swords though.

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I love Dual Ether. People stop complaining and just go get it! :D

I'm not complaining about Dual Ether (Swords). Actually I think they might be a new direction to dual swords, which favor spamming melee instead of charging (Dual Heat).


I'm rather dissappointed by the Ether daggers, which also seem "spammy", but lack the armor-ignore on any attack (standard or charged!), which makes them really useless against tougher armored enemys.

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i have the dual zoren, and dual ether.. And the ether is really powerful. I dont feel power through D zoren at all... like someone said on the forum, it feel like a wet noodle.

The dual ether is the best melee iv tried so far

Edited by SwordsmanQC
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