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Nekros Rework Ideas


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Here's an idea for a rework.


1. Soul Leech: Does the same thing that Soul Punch does, ragdolls the target, but if the targets that get hit by the ragdoll die in a certain time span, they wil regenerate an amount of shields and health for each enemy that died.


2. Terrify: Still the same, it's a good skill, but it should work a bit different. If you go for duration you're pretty much just adding a cool-down to this skill, so they it should work in another way. Enemies hit by Soul Leech will enter a Tormented state and they won't be ragdolled anymore, on the other hand the target will be stunned for the remaining Terrify duration and it will regenerate health and shield for Nekros by a portion of the Soul Leech's power(30%ish) over time while dealing Slash Damage. (Soul Leech will only hit one target if pointed at a feared target)


3. Corpse Explosion: He's a necromancer... how come he doesn't have something like this? Detonates the corpses of fallen enemies in a wide range and has a chance restore a bit of health per corpse(just so we keep that extra supportive feel).


4. Shadows of the Dead: Raises the corpses of fallen enemies for a certain amount of time to fight for you, the "zombies" have increased damage and take a random elemental damage from one of a nearby teammate. They last for a shorter duration than the current shadows, but after they die, they will drop loot again. The "zombies" can be detonated with Corpse Explosion but will NOT drop loot, on the other hand the healing effect of CE will still work the same as detonating a corpse. The corpses of these shadows cannot be de detonated.


This is kind of my idea on how he should work. Right now he's just a one trick pony... Soul Punch is kind of situational and useless at the same time, you only use it from time to time to cc a heavy unit. Desecrate is what makes him what he is, a plain farming frame who can't do anything else besides just sitting there and waiting for others to do the job. His ultimate is pretty nice but they feel lack-luster and annoying at times.


His base stats should be increased, he's a necromancer! Go take a look at every game that has one and you'll see that they are one of the classes that have the highest pools of health in the game, on par with a tank.


My idea was to give him some damaging skill and still keep the supportive role that they wanted to implement with him and be more like a necromancer, tanky. Players now have the option to either detonate the corpses to deal damage, or use them as servants and help teammates.

Edited by DroseraWoodpaw
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That's EXACTLY my point about him... See? Desecrate is implemented into his Shadows of the Dead , it's a once in a while thing now. Trinity was an accident that made end game a walk in the park, why should Nekros be the same and be a farming tool? My idea was to actually make him live up to his name, Nekros, not Farmkros.

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Yeah he wants to make necro useless, but fun... we have enough "FUN" Frames, let me keep the useful ones please!


But on the other hand improving his "not so good skills" i would like.


Soul Punch i never use it, dont even have it on me, its pointless i would get rid of it entirely and have Terryfy as his nr1 skill.


Shadows of the Dead, same here but mostly because it annoys me and everybody else, and i keep shooting them instead of the real enemys too much.

This one i would rather replace with a Golem like creature which functions as a tank for the squishy Necro.

(Since we have Kubrose now making a Golem should be pretty easy)


Desecrate, thats what defines Necro, should also be his Ultimate, i want corpse explosion ADDED to it, doesnt have to be too crazy but some dmg and nice graphics added to it would be awesome!

Edited by ThaWolfX
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So on to the OP's suggestion:


1. soul punch doesn't do enough damage for this and the single target with slim chance at aoe damage isn't economic enough to buff it that way.


2. so lets see if I get this it still fears enemies and for the duration of the ability if you also hit them with soul leech/punch it stuns them instead and deals vampiric slash damage a bit? why not just have terrify be better with QOL improvements like remove power in use and the target cap? Why did de ever put a target cap when its limited by range already? Perhaps a way to not have them run so far either like have them scramnle ineffectively or try to hide in stupid places... that would be hilarious and if not that then have them feared and slightly slowed so they don't run all the way to the other end of the map...


3. yes but no. Turn corpses into landmines that stick around for awhile or have the bodies hit like by this remain on the field and come to life to grab at the ankles of enemies when the try to walk past them. Effective and scary as S#&$. But I like desicrate to...


4. I kinda like it but that is sort of a weak use of the desecrate mechanic. I think it should be that you summon the shadows of enemies killed from a certain amount of time and they are all weaponless and immediately they charge at any enemy in range and try to melee them to death and also hit with power strikes that have a good chance of knocking enemies down AND if they do that then immediately pounce on top of them, hold them down, scratch at them, and everytime they scratch (the animation looks like they are ripping off armor and equipment) the enemy has basic loot drop off them at a very different sort of amount than original desicrate so its not stacks of mods raining everywhere but still with a decent rate over all so that's its worthy of being a ultimate. The ones that survive could loot corpse lying around with a much less aggressive animation. AND when they drop dead they can still explode or do so automatically with a chance to proc blast. would be so easy for de to do the AI for these. just give them all leaper animations. Not to insult de but the AI has been bad on this for ages


I like it this way because it keeps everything we like about him and at the same time makes him legit scary a bit cause who would be scared of a skiny twig frame like nekros if he couldn't royal mess you up with gross corpses or worse?

Edited by quietcanary
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Corpse Explosion has a huge rage because the skill is very clunky in most games because enemies actually have to be close to the corpses. And because of all these frames that vaporize everything I should call it Soul Explosion, so when a mob dies it will leave a soul on the ground for a period of time to detonate.

And I tried to make an all round frame so he can actually deal damage and help the team. If Desecrate had an explosion effect it would be the same @(*()$ thing except it would deal damage... I'm trying to move away from that. If people want to build -power duration just to get loot, so be it, but I don't think people will waste 100 energy and wait 7.5 seconds for them to die off.(Imagine a whole map of shadows that stand in your way, while you just sit there watching them so you can get your loot~ Stop thinking of him as a farm machine with this set-up)

Edited by DroseraWoodpaw
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How about as an ability..... dead enemy slain using ability X stay on the ground but with one functioning arm with which they grab whoever passes too close. It would work like ice and slow down other enemies while they break free from the clasp of these "undead".

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Make shadows of the dead be linked to vitality, steel fiber, redirection, intensify mods.

Shadows will have 440% more hp (if maxed vitality), 110% more armor (if maxed steel fiber), 440% more shields (if maxed redirection), do 30% more dmg (if maxed intensity).

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How about as an ability..... dead enemy slain using ability X stay on the ground but with one functioning arm with which they grab whoever passes too close. It would work like ice and slow down other enemies while they break free from the clasp of these "undead".

Do you guys like Hallowed Ground? I'm pretty sure nobody does simply because a stationary strip is useless, enemies almost never walk the same path again so the explosion would be as big as the old World on Fire. Same goes with the mine idea.

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yes I like hallowed ground and enemies always walk the same path again... and that dude took my idea but I appreciate it actually


Also if the explosions are that big then it would be OP and complete madness through sensory overload so no thanks...


Also the farm machine is a GOOD thing man. Just because that's all hes been for the longest time doesn't mean that its bad though nobody likes being told to desecrate or gtfo of the match either.

Edited by quietcanary
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yes I like hallowed ground and enemies always walk the same path again... and that dude took my idea but I appreciate it actually


Also if the explosions are that big then it would be OP and complete madness through sensory overload so no thanks...

Nobody seems to mind the range on World on Fire, Reckoning, Rhino Stomp, Molecular Prime etc, etc.

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1) This belongs in the feedback section, but w/e.


2) DE will rework his abilities eventually, like they did with Oberon.


3) Nekros' 4 could be changed to ,,Morph" or something, so that he can become one of those flying infested particles, and then possess the bodies of enemies.

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If you buff him, he'll just get a nerf later, and we'll be stuck on that godawful pendulum.


Desecrate is wonderful and makes life better. You put nekros under that microscope and desecrate is going to see a nerf.


Honestly, i think he's good the way he is. I use him for mod farming and survival, and shadows is one of an endangered species of good scaling skills for high level content, the last thing we need is more generic power-based AOE 4 skills. Please don't try to fix what isn't broken.


Just put an energy vampire (QT+rage+LS) build on him and he's awesome.

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I don't like these ideas so much. They move too much far from the original kit.

In the best suggestions I saw around the nicest ideas were to make "Soul Punch" raising a Shadow if killing the target, "Horrify" make stop moving the target and "Desacrate" to proc an AOE damage (poison, corrosive, viral, gas) on successful desacration or buffing the active Shadows.

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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