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When Will Survial Actually Become Survival And Not...


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RNG dependency of Life Support pods and doesn't require Nekros? Seriously just had two T4 Survival Runs and we couldn't even make it to the 20 min mark because of Low Enemy spawns and lack of Life Support from Lotus. This is absolutely unfair especially since the way to acquire T4 Keys is already a chore. I consider anything under 20 mins a waste of the Key. Looking from Feedback, Excavation is doing well with the players, and i hope it finds it way to the Void.

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RNG dependency of Life Support pods and doesn't require Nekros? Seriously just had two T4 Survival Runs and we couldn't even make it to the 20 min mark because of Low Enemy spawns and lack of Life Support from Lotus. This is absolutely unfair especially since the way to acquire T4 Keys is already a chore. I consider anything under 20 mins a waste of the Key. Looking from Feedback, Excavation is doing well with the players, and i hope it finds it way to the Void.

i don't understand why RNG is in survival air spawns too, i don't see another way of preventing people from hiding and afking, 


i think air should drop every 3 enemy you kill 100% chance, tell me what you think?

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i don't understand why RNG is in survival air spawns too, i don't see another way of preventing people from hiding and afking, 


i think air should drop every 3 enemy you kill 100% chance, tell me what you think?

Good idea, maybe 3 would be a bit much, but a guaranteed drop is what survival needs

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dude i really hate excavation and have no idea how you guys like it, you are locked to some places, every once in a while you got to switch to your secondary and you have no say about it, and there are ofc current problems that hopfuly will be fixed, like the maps being as big as a WHOLE GOD DAMN PLANET 


if they weren't i would probably like it a lot more, because right now you have almost no chance of soloing it as successfully as with a group,

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I'm sorry if I'm seemingly ignorant, but I'm pretty sure the oxygen drops more often if you get headshots in survival. Try it out.

No, just no. It has been tested, retested and re-retested countless times. Nothing affect the oxygen drops. If that was the case this thread would not even be a thing.

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Unfortunately the best place to get r5 now are t4s - which i must say is the most flawed mode in the entire game. Mob spawn mechanic is clunky and not pug-friendly, enemies armor scaling are ridiculous. The best part is the life support systems which based entirely on RNG. Ever seen a nekros desecrating a body 9 times only to see a health orb? It can happen. Oh and if you don't bring a nekros good luck getting to 40 minutes.


IMO this mode, or atleast the life support systems should be removed/replaced.

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excavation is just like survival, and the enemies with the cells would be RNG'd too. though excavation is ok its still not better than survival but I do love the diversity of the different types of gameplay


 I had to quit my second run of the event due to the enemies  not spawning with the cells needed to power the drills on phobos. moved on to Europa and did a 5373 run

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I'll agree that survival needs to have a revamp on the oxygen drop rate system (make Nekros not needed...). Perhaps make it more of an exact drop system dependent on the number you kill. Similar to now, the reason you failed is because you didn't kill them fast enough, as the more you kill = the more spawns = the more chances at more RNG Oxygen. If they made it exact where a certain number of kills gave oxygen that would be nice. The problem with just taking oxygen out altogether, makes it so people can exploit by hiding in unreachable spots and turtle the entire mission. So what they could do, is take out oxygen but put a timer on it. Give the players a time limit to kill the enemies in a certain time period, if they don't, then they fail. This is a better way than simply asking them to "survive", as no matter what level enemies get to, there are ways to never die (Loki, Valk, ash, etc).

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I'd love to be able to take 4 frames to my survivals rather than 3+Nekros.


As for excavation replacing survival, I'm not a fan of excavation, my initial impressions were good, until i realized that even after the map "shrink," the maps were still far too massive. It still takes me ages to get places in some of them and i'm jump coptering with ichors 24/7.

Edited by Zeronthe
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The first Survival event was the best thing

You had a thousand infested all around you, life support dropped frequently but the ennemy could kick your @$$ in an instant 


Yeah enemies in ze level hundreds !

And best part was, they used Venera's tileset.


It was compact and small.

You don't have to run really far for capsules and enemies are pretty much in your face.

Edited by fatpig84
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Ever try running Derelict Survival or the Eris tileset Survival?


You can run 4 Nekros, you still won't make it to 20 minutes.


The spawn rates for both of the above are INEXCUSABLY AND UNFORGIVABLY GODAWFUL.


Unplayable honestly.


Me and 3 friends went to ODS to try and make it to 20 minutes, I brought my Nekros, thought it would be a breeeze right?


We saw LESS THAN TEN ENEMIES, before we dropped down to 60% LS.


THAT, needs fixing.

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Ever try running Derelict Survival or the Eris tileset Survival?


You can run 4 Nekros, you still won't make it to 20 minutes.


The spawn rates for both of the above are INEXCUSABLY AND UNFORGIVABLY GODAWFUL.


Unplayable honestly.


Me and 3 friends went to ODS to try and make it to 20 minutes, I brought my Nekros, thought it would be a breeeze right?


We saw LESS THAN TEN ENEMIES, before we dropped down to 60% LS.


THAT, needs fixing.

That's because you aren't killing them fast enough. That's how survival works. Desecrate is unfortunately needed, but that doesn't mean stacking 4 of them improves it x4. You need to still be able to make bodies for desecrates. The more you kill in a quicker time, the more enemies you will eventually kill in the end due to respawns, which means more 'chances at oxygen'.

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That's because you aren't killing them fast enough. That's how survival works. Desecrate is unfortunately needed, but that doesn't mean stacking 4 of them improves it x4. You need to still be able to make bodies for desecrates. The more you kill in a quicker time, the more enemies you will eventually kill in the end due to respawns, which means more 'chances at oxygen'.


Read it again. We had no trouble killing the enemies we saw, we saw less than 50 enemies total.

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