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So.... As The Tenno We Are Actually Terrorists?


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Also about the Lotus Eater Machine reference, it's interesting to see that the Lotus is herself presented as if wearing an elaborate helmet hooked to something, much like how one would expect a Lotus Eater Machine would look like if used on someone. Of course, since [DE]Rebecca let slip before that the Lotus is actually an AI, it might simply an artistic choice to represent her that way, leaving her appearance feminine to fit her voice but otherwise, all other notable features (like the eyes, hair, expression) to be up to interpretation.


Funny thing about this is that I knew she was an AI for the longest time myself.  Before it was let slip.  The way she talks about being plugged in and the way she talked was as if she was inside of the system.


The biggest thing to me though is that all our information is filtered through one source.  Her.


To me it has less to do if she is on the side of right or wrong, but more on the idea of indoctrination.  We only really see one side of the Lotus and at the same time we only see one side of the conflict.  The side that Lotus tells us.  But when we scan the stalker we actually gain a bit of lore about the fact that we destroyed our creators and, basically, without purpose seems like we went to sleep where as it decided to hang around watching and waiting for a time where it can strike back.  Other then that we don't really get much lore from scanning things which interests me.


But what is the Lotus besides an AI?  What is her purpose?  What does she really want the Tenno to accomplish?  I mean maybe the truth is everything the Lotus is telling us, but at the same time it doesn't all completely add up.  In the end though Tenno are monsters, and we are on a leash.....  the leash of an AI that we don't really know anything about.  She tells us to kill and we kill.  Sabotage and we do that.  We do anything that is told of us by her.  And that crap is scary.


Although honestly what if the Orokin were machines.  What if the Lotus is the last Orokin?

Edited by Masterofm
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Especially since the enemy was named "the Sentients" - this to me heavily implies that they were a faction within the Orokin Empire who resisted the brainwashing of the Neural Sentry. Perhaps they were demonized through Orokin propaganda and once the Tenno were sent out to eliminate them once and for all they learned the truth.


Pretty much; following that train of thought, it makes sense one or several Tenno at one point might notice they're not working for the right side and rebel. Really, good and evil is only a matter of perspective : one faction's good might actually de shunned by another and if there was a "Neural Sentry Solution", it's possible not everyone agreed to it, fearing for their freedom and individuality.




The Lotus is a mystery herself. It's the first voice we hear coming out of cryosleep. Though she was pretty much right on what the Corpus and Grineer are (as the times facing them demonstrated they were exactly what she claimed they were), it doesn't mean she, herself, doesn't have her own agenda. Likewise, there's no telling if there's someone behind the Lotus telling her what she has to have the Tenno do on her behalf. It's possible we're puppets of a puppet; it's also possible she does indeed intent for the good of the solar system and we've nothing to fear or doubt from her.


But like most of the background, we're missing too many large pieces of the puzzle to even know and not enough clues or proof to know clearly of her intent and her coming into existence.

Edited by Wiegraf
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Now you're just being obtuse. The trope isn't about lying, obviously, but the fact that label of terrorist depends on the viewpoint of the beholder. The Empire wasn't lying when they branded the Rebels Alliance as terrorists.


Are you sure? :)


As I said, precisely what I'm arguing against is that it's a "fact" that the "label" depends on viewpoint. 

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  • 2 months later...

I think that the tenno may only be temporarily allied to lotus, as they were temporarily allied to the orokin. They destroyed the sentients that were causing chaos, then they killed the orokin because they are also part of the problem.. then they win against corpus and grineer... then kill lotus... cycle continues?

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You're thinking waaaay too much into it.


The Grineer dominate the solar system. The Corpus are just happy merchants. They occasionally clash every once in a while. The Infested just wanna eat stuff. The Teeno have been trying to liberate the peoples of the solar system from Grineer tyranny, combat sneaky Corpus deals, and wrangle the Infestation.


The issue is that we never actually see any civilians same some dudes from the Red Veil and maybe Darvo. This gives off the impression that only the Grineer and Corpus populate the system. This makes fighting either side feel...strange.


To be completely honest, you'll just have to wait for lore. Maybe in update 37.3 we'll get a coherent story line.

Well, Steel Meridian protect the colonies, so that means there are civillian Grineer or just civillian humans. And in the Gradivus Dillema, if you sided with the Grineer, they would take the colonies of Mars (And they did becuase they won) So yes, Grineer and Corpus aren't the only things living the the Solar System.

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I've come up with a few lore concepts myself, but after U15, the lore got so screwed up, I just stopped.

Just don't think too much while playing Warframe, and you should be just fine. 

Back on topic, I actually quite like your POV. I normally disagree with those pondering on whether the Lotus is misleading us, but the light in which you portray the Stalker and our actions kinda makes sense.

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I've come up with a few lore concepts myself, but after U15, the lore got so screwed up, I just stopped.

Just don't think too much while playing Warframe, and you should be just fine. 

Back on topic, I actually quite like your POV. I normally disagree with those pondering on whether the Lotus is misleading us, but the light in which you portray the Stalker and our actions kinda makes sense.


Thanks!  I did take time thinking about it.  The biggest thing is we don't question any of it.  And we don't remember any of it either.  We don't really know anything about the Lotus either besides that it's an AI.  We just take everything she says as fact and when you take what your leader says as fact and don't question history has shown people can end up doing some truly horrific things.



If I had a dollar for everytime I saw one of these...


You'd have a dollar?  Technically I did bring this up months ago.  So at least realize the fact that this isn't a new post suddenly proclaiming this was a thing.  Maybe others saw this and it started cropping up more recently.

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DE has stated, as has RedText that we can Trust The Lotus. Other than that, it's emphasized that each tenno is an individual, and holds no master other than the ones they choose. so yeah, we basically are terrorists, just operants of one at a time with a sycophantic addiction to heavy weapons and really old batteries.

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I wouldn't call us terrorist, to the eyes of the grineer and corpus yes we are. We trust the lotus as she helped us when they were going to kill us. The 2 biggest fraction want us dead we have to fight back. I see the syndicates as what the tenno have in mind and there wants.


SM: want to protect all from the those who will cause death of innocents.


AOH: we want the truth and want to be more then killing machines.


CS: we want to remember, we want to learn.


PS: we want money and we want peace


RV: we want to kill all that not only oppose but those who cause it.


NL: we want to be human, we want to be pure.

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