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I Need A New Warframe.

Guest Tehnoobshow


Guest Tehnoobshow

I need a Warframe that is fun to play. And by fun, I mean requires skill. And by requires skill, I mean not press X or spam Y to win. I'm seriously starting to run out of options. Every single frame I've used so far has been boring as hell. It seems like every single ability is fire and forget or has to be spammed like crazy. All you have to do is keep pressing buttons. I don't want that. I want abilities that are situational and reactive, something that requires input from the user throughout in order to actually have an effect. I want something that will keep a chess grandmaster with ADD interested, if those even exist. What I absolutely do not want is a frame that is mindnumbingly easy to use and instantly makes the enemies completely useless like Loki or Trinity. Does such a Warframe even exist?


These are the things I don't want:

Any nuke abilities.

Any damage ability made for spamming (like pull).

Any ability that give an instant buff (like warcry or roar)

Any ability that makes the enemies completely useless (like all of Loki's abilities except switch teleport)

Edited by Tehnoobshow
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This is honestly a really hard thread to read... Well, I'll give it my best shot:


You wan't dificult? Here she is. She's squishy, and 2/4 abilities don't do damage (1st being a bit exceptional because it really doesn't deal much). Her 4th is honestly quite good for CC, but other than that, she's all support/utility. Soloing her can be really interesting, but not impossible.

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You wan't dificult? Here she is. She's squishy, and 2/4 abilities don't do damage (1st being a bit exceptional because it really doesn't deal much). Her 4th is honestly quite good for CC, but other than that, she's all support/utility. Soloing her can be really interesting, but not impossible.

Shield Polarize is one of the best nukes in the game against shielded enemies. And it restores shields, so she's rather tanky (especially coupled with the highest shield amount in game).

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This seems like a Troll thread more than anything. Of course everything is OP if you have 6x Forma weapons and frames and do Mercury missions. If you wanna push yourself then do survival missions or do like the last event. Set yourself a challenge such as 300-400 Conclave and do some T2 or T3 missions. There are plenty of ways. 

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I need a Warframe that is fun to play. And by fun, I mean requires skill. And by requires skill, I mean not press X or spam Y to win.


Thats the thing with this game isnt it? The game is built for casual play, there is no progression in terms of increasing your skill, infact skill will not get you very far into the "endgame" at all, just look at the Infested remake, once you get to wave 40 or so there are so many ancients and grappling hooks that if you dont continually spam some CC skill you get spanked no matter how well you move, dodge, aim or anticipate the enemy.

But apparently from what I gather that is the way the majority wants it.


This makes it very funny to read the elitism and bragging that goes on in the chat and to some extent on the forums.


The only way you can practise skill in warframe is to handicap yourself like not use any CC skill or do "unorthodox" things like removing HC to get rid of the RNG element of aiming, long range headshot sniping with bows, snap headshot with sniper rifles etc.

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Guest Tehnoobshow

This seems like a Troll thread more than anything. Of course everything is OP if you have 6x Forma weapons and frames and do Mercury missions. If you wanna push yourself then do survival missions or do like the last event. Set yourself a challenge such as 300-400 Conclave and do some T2 or T3 missions. There are plenty of ways.

How is T3/4 any different from other missions? You're still going to be spamming the same skills, they'll just be weaker and in fact you'll have to do it more often than in easier missions. Weaker weapons just means you'll have to get headshots all the time until even that damage isn't enough and you have to extract early. I already only use a Mk1 Braton, Lato, and Skana. Getting headshots on slow moving targets gets boring too. A frame like Trinity will pretty much be spamming skills so often she barely has time to shoot. Pressing four buttons repetitively for 2 hours isn't fun or challenging.
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soul punch, not much damage, maybe as cc knock

desecrate helps farming

undead army helps a bit, they don't like to follow you

fear is not op (power str affects how many enemies it effects)


balanced, no super cc, no super damage, super farming, army is always useful because they are copies of enemies.

Edited by Agullimux
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You're looking for something that doesn't exist.  Warframe is not chess.  There is no stroke/counter-stroke mechanic.  You are fighting the horde.  The horde doesn't plan against you, it pushes against you until you break.  All abilities can be grouped into A) destroying the horde or B) preventing the horde from destroying you.  Some abilities are in both.


You can find ways to amuse yourself, but ultimately everything boils down to the above.  Cover and stealth are barely supported mechanics.  Evasion is mediocre/meaningless since most enemies are instantaneous aimbots.  You survive by killing faster and better and avoiding damage better (which is usually best done by killing better).


So let me ask a question in return: what do you imagine an ability would look like that would satisfy your original question?


And based on the revised OP that i just saw: the only thing I think that comes close is Zephyr.  The tornado ult is pretty mediocre on damage and in higher level missions does not render everyone completely useless so it's more of a "hold the mob back" than "kill the mob" ability.  Though in lower levels, it's more of the latter.  But you can't spam it unless you go the fleeting expertise route.  The tail wind ability gives you great mobility which allows for tactical strikes and retreats, as well as allowing you to get to positions that offer better vantages and cover than you might easily manage otherwise.  And it's only useful if you don't go the fleeting expertise route.  Divebomb is not enough damage at high levels to kill much, but does allow you to insert yourself inside a group of hostiles.  And the third ability I can't remember the name of mitigates ranged damage giving you some survivability to actually allow you into higher level missions.  That said, I stick by my original statement.   

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This seems like a Troll thread more than anything. Of course everything is OP if you have 6x Forma weapons and frames and do Mercury missions. If you wanna push yourself then do survival missions or do like the last event. Set yourself a challenge such as 300-400 Conclave and do some T2 or T3 missions. There are plenty of ways.

That's exactly what I was saying! The thread is so hard to read when nothing satesfies the poster.

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Guest Tehnoobshow

In response to your edit to your OP, your request is practically impossible without your effort. Every frame has at least one of those. The only way to have a frame with none of those is to deliberately forma out an ability polarity or two, or just remove the abilities you don't want to use and never use those mod slots. Or take the increased cost for whatever mod you put in them.


There is no help we can give you, as your request requires you to modify the frames yourself. Unless you take the time to do that, you will never be happy with any frame unless you are willing to make compromises.

Well, which frame(s) has the lowest number of brain dead abilities?
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Guest Tehnoobshow

I don't know, that's entirely subjective. Use your own judgement.

Sigh, if only there was a frame with Venom, Silence, Electric Shield, and Bullet Attractor at the same time.

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