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About Time To Fix Movment


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the game is out for over a year , but the devs are ignoring the fact that the parkour and movment system is fcked , why is a wall run faster than regular sprinting ? and why it launches you into the air ? sliding doesnt take stamina and also faster than sprinting as it shouldnt ? leaving those problems for too long made it abused , like the jump slide which is a better alternative to sprinting if you can spam the buttons... seriously does the devs even play this game ? and before some guys says he prefer it bugged , wouldnt it be better to speed up sprinting instead of making a glitch as a part of the game , i remmber when i started playing the first few missions where the most fun since me and my team didnt know about the glitchs , so it wasnt a fcking gltched race to extraction like it is now.


ps : you really have to fix it espically if you want to have a pvp as a fair part of the game , no way of keeping it.

Edited by bishoy
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Stopped taking you seriously when you said "ignoring"


They're not "ignoring" anything, do you have any idea how difficult it is to change the movement this far into the game?

Entire levels and cells could need reworking. Interaction with the environment would probably have to be done from scratch.


It's a HUGE undertaking, because not only do they have to make it better, but they have to do it without upsetting everyone.


And there are bigger things to worry about.


p.s. some 'dodgy' mechanics can actually become quite crucial to the gameplay and how everyone does things. Like with Tribes, the whole sliding thing used to be a sort of exploit of the game's engine, similar to the crouch tap we do in Warframe.


It's core now. Even if you don't like it.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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the game is out for over a year , but the devs are ignoring the fact that the parkour and movment system is fcked , why is a wall run faster than regular sprinting ? and why it launches you into the air ? sliding doesnt take stamina and also faster than sprinting as it shouldnt ? leaving those problems for too long made it abused , like the jump slide which is a better alternative to sprinting if you can spam the buttons... seriously does the devs even play this game ? and before some guys says he prefer it bugged , wouldnt it be better to speed up sprinting instead of making a glitch as a part of the game , i remmber when i started playing the first few missions where the most fun since me and my team didnt know about the glitchs , so it wasnt a fcking gltched race to extraction like it is now.


ps : you really have to fix it espically if you want to have a pvp as a fair part of the game , no way of keeping it.


The game has been out for over a year, and the devs have altered and changed the movement many times during the development. They made wallrun faster than regular sprinting so that skilled played could use wall run to travel faster, but also so they could make environments more interesting with more elaborate wall running, hence the increased momentum. The changes to sliding are very recent. (on a side not, why would sliding take stamina? All your doing is moving by momentum, no energy needed. Also, sliding isnt faster than running, its the same, but you loose speed as you slide, because you loose momentum). Still, these methods of travel weren't simply left in, its something done on purpose which creates a unique experience for mobility not provided in many games. The devs do play the game, and from what i can see they have said 'if a player can learn to slide around, wall run or rocket jump in order to speed themselves up, that thats a level of skill they should be rewarded for. Indeed in previous dev streams they have talked about how many such things that where initially quirks of development have become iconic of the game, and will not be removed.

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Stopped taking you seriously when you said "ignoring"


They're not "ignoring" anything, do you have any idea how difficult it is to change the movement this far into the game?

Entire levels and cells could need reworking. Interaction with the environment would probably have to be done from scratch.


It's a HUGE undertaking, because not only do they have to make it better, but they have to do it without upsetting everyone.


And there are bigger things to worry about.


p.s. some 'dodgy' mechanics can actually become quite crucial to the gameplay and how everyone does things. Like with Tribes, the whole sliding thing used to be a sort of exploit of the game's engine, similar to the crouch tap we do in Warframe.


It's core now. Even if you don't like it.


Oh i totally agree with him. In fact there is so much wrong with this game. Have you noticed how much it isnt like call of duty? The devs should stop ignoring how this game isnt call of duty and make it call of duty. Why would anyone want games that were different. All games should be call of duty.


(p.s., sucks that you can type sarcasm.)

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All of those little things are the only things that hold this unresponsive movement system in a decent enough shape to use.

What they need to do is kill the scripted animations , expand the move list of available actions , make chaining moves 100% easier , Remove stamina because its a god damn useless mess of a system left over from closed beta And make the controls 100% responsive. I don't want to slide of of cliffs or get stuck in hand rails or get flung across the map or slide down a wall because the game didn't register the 30 times i pressed jump.  

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These movement mechanics are mostly intentional bro, wallrunnng is faster to encourage us to use it, for example, why would you wallrun, when sprinting is faster? Sliding doesn't consume stamina because, well, have you ever felt tired after falling down a bunch of times, the forward momentum pushes you forward, and this lets the Tenno save their energy for more bursts of speed ahead



These small movement capabilities can bring a world of difference if you know how to use them just right while in game  <3

Edited by Somedude1000
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Hey you should play GunZ. You'll really like that game. I promise.


The game has been out for over a year, and the devs have altered and changed the movement many times during the development. They made wallrun faster than regular sprinting so that skilled played could use wall run to travel faster, but also so they could make environments more interesting with more elaborate wall running, hence the increased momentum. The changes to sliding are very recent. (on a side not, why would sliding take stamina? All your doing is moving by momentum, no energy needed. Also, sliding isnt faster than running, its the same, but you loose speed as you slide, because you loose momentum). Still, these methods of travel weren't simply left in, its something done on purpose which creates a unique experience for mobility not provided in many games. The devs do play the game, and from what i can see they have said 'if a player can learn to slide around, wall run or rocket jump in order to speed themselves up, that thats a level of skill they should be rewarded for. Indeed in previous dev streams they have talked about how many such things that where initially quirks of development have become iconic of the game, and will not be removed.

And this.

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All of those little things are the only things that hold this unresponsive movement system in a decent enough shape to use.

What they need to do is kill the scripted animations , expand the move list of available actions , make chaining moves 100% easier , Remove stamina because its a god damn useless mess of a system left over from closed beta And make the controls 100% responsive. I don't want to slide of of cliffs or get stuck in hand rails or get flung across the map or slide down a wall because the game didn't register the 30 times i pressed jump.  

See i can agree with this. I'd like to see Brink level parkore added. Maybe smooth and more responsive movement, but its nothing major that needs sorting right now. can wait for movement 2.0.

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I can 100% guarantee you that "parkour" will always be an afterthought until they remove coptering/sliding.




I'm not saying they should remove them, I'm just saying that until those are removed, any amount of parkour in this game will always pale in comparison since they don't design the maps/tilesets themselves around parkour.

Edited by darthdart
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Oh i totally agree with him. In fact there is so much wrong with this game. Have you noticed how much it isnt like call of duty? The devs should stop ignoring how this game isnt call of duty and make it call of duty. Why would anyone want games that were different. All games should be call of duty.


(p.s., sucks that you can type sarcasm.)

brutal... just brutal...

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See i can agree with this. I'd like to see Brink level parkore added. Maybe smooth and more responsive movement, but its nothing major that needs sorting right now. can wait for movement 2.0.

Titanfall's wallrunning and momentum mechanics were slightly smoother, in my opinion.


The movement how it is now, at its core, should be kept.


That being said, things like momentum could definitely be improved upon without ruining the fun.

Things like keeping speed when rolling & chaining wallruns, not losing or gaining speed when flipping over edges etc.

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It's so lovely to see new players trying to make devs change the game into something that it isn't.

i played for almost a year, before wall running was added , when wall running was add that glitch came along and NO it isnt a part of the game flying from a wallrun can be fun but also gets me stuck in the wrong places alot , so far the parkour animations needs to be recreated .

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Titanfall's wallrunning and momentum mechanics were slightly smoother, in my opinion.


The movement how it is now, at its core, should be kept.


That being said, things like momentum could definitely be improved upon without ruining the fun.

Things like keeping speed when rolling & chaining wallruns, not losing or gaining speed when flipping over edges etc.


true but parkour can be more smoother and way better without making a big impact on gameplay , even instead improves it , if wall running is slowed down and be more controllable , people will mange to use it indoor and make it far more easy to do wall melee attack.

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brutal... just brutal...

I know, i lost it. These kind of complaints wind me up. The game is the game, wanting it to be a different game is futile. Demanding that its some kind of right to have the game how you want is stupidity. Just because the makers allow the community to give input and suggestions makes some people just go power mad. Alot seem to forget that most game makers make you hand over £40 and then never tweek their game in the slightest. (same reason the P2W/P2P people annoy me. Arnt all games P2P? And most are P2W).

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The only thing I'd like to see is non-scripted wall runs, so that we have freedom to run any direction we want (so more directions just horizontal and vertical)

Though scripted does mean they can guide us through levels and make more epic scenery. Have you seen the shortcut on asteriod invasion missions (where the barrier is in the middle you need to shut down?).

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