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Coming Soon: Devstream #36


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Thank you for all the work you made​​.


- Add more different music in the dungeons (they are too repetitive).
- Add a reward for doing a dungeon in a given time.
- Allow whether a mod is installed on a particular weapon (gun problem with my sword and Sentinel)
- Having the ability to change your ship
- Have New quests on a story. Scripted, with additional puzzle.
- A Puzzles to do with a teammate.
- Add a more convenient hotel sales.
- Add a pop up when you have a personal message in the chat

- Adding an option. for the names of other players over the character

Edited by IKOS
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16. My alliance has a permanently non-completing schema room(all materials donated, it just won't start). Will this ever be fixed? (Not normally a couch question, but it's been like 2 months now, and we can't build anything else until this is done).


17. Kubrows! Will we be seeing more colors(so few to pick from!) more body styling(only 2!?!) and, more interestingly, more types of kubrows? That is, are we stuck with just 4(sahasa, huras, sunika, and raksa)? Also, what about body mod cosmetics? I really love the look of kitsune-style (9-tails, like a peacock fan), but instead we get stubby little pyramids. Also, wings, and perhaps unicorn horns(eastern mythology has unicorns appearing as dogs/goats with horns, instead of horses). I realize not everyone is in to that, but we get those kinds of cosmetic options for our sentinels.(Yes, I want a fantailed, winged unicorn kubrow. With stripes. And blue fur. Make it happen! Please?)

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1. Is Frost, Volt, Trinity getting their wardrobe redone ? If so when we can see results

2. All Latrons uses reload of animation of Braton can we expect custom reload animations for latron's

3. We are getting alot of Tenno/Grineer/Corpus weapons when some infested love ? :P

4. What is the progess of new J3 Golem boss on eris and does he will make he's appearance in U15 ?

5. Its been a while since dojo received any new rooms and we where promised of vault and firing range (of sorts) are those things are still W.I.P ?

6. Who will be next prime ? :P

7. In one of previous devsteams Scot said that melee combos does have certain bonuses (additional dmg etc.) When we will see what combo have what bonuses ?

8. Tenno Ship only have Grineer police radio is corpus are to well encrypted ? :P

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18.  Will we ever see the return of the taiko drum theme? Perhaps a legacy soundpack? I miss combat formation bravo, and the ship voice overs. A lot of really great sounds have gone away, and it'd be nice to have them back from time to time. (Sometimes the drums got old, but it definitely set the mood).


19. Liset mods. We were promised painting and expansions and customizations and bobbleheads. So far, we've gotten none of those. Are they still on the table, or have they moved the way of the lobby?(U38 hype megathread! Engage!)


20. Minor question: It's been set up, repeatedly, that the "orbital compartment" is something that the list docks into. However, nobody believes me when I tell them this, or show them info about it. Can we get an official confirmation that the stuff at the bottom of the ramp is the orbital compartment, and not the little ship we deploy on?


21. Relatedly: When we deploy, we have a little revolving door we get into/out of. That appears to be around where the navigation console is now. However, there's no apparent way into or out of the deployment part of the liset(we have NEVER used the ramp). Shouldn't the navigation console be floating above our head while we're lying in that little revolving door, instead of having the door nowhere to be seen?


22. What will the criteria be for the arch wings? Mag prime's lore says she has big golden angel wings, and the demo showed gundam style steel sheets. Will they be defined by what frame we're using, or will we be forced to buy cosmetic upgrades, or will there be different types, like weapons? How will we acquire them? Building? Finding in the void? Do a quest and they're unlocked for good? Deployable gear item like a codex scanner?

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24. Will we be seeing Void excavations?


25. What happens to jupiter? There's a strong case against both excavations and standard survival there.


26. X-box launch seems disastrous from the forum feedback. Is it really as bad as it sounds, and how much delay is that going to add to the general schedule?


27. Once upon a time, in a dev stream long ago, there was a legend of a rainbow bridge, upon which all the tenno of all the platforms could cavort and cross and battle together. Does the legend live, or is reality killing it? Could it exist for any of the platforms(it would seem like X-box and PS4 should be able to, given they're both on 14.1 right now).


28. So, there's that new faction we've been promised. Any progress? Or were the kubrows it?


29. Mag prime's lore talks about rails leading to a blue star. However, Steve famously said there will never be another solar system, whilst the rest of the couch crew cowered in fear of the righteous smiting he was opening himself up to. There had been much talk of other solar systems prior to that. Given that our navigation system is completely different now, is the option for another solar system back on the table?

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30. How 'bout them Sentients? (Going "OoooOOOooo" and wiggling your fingers ominously would be an acceptable answer to this question.)


31. Do any Orokin still live? Perhaps the Lotus? There's a VERY strong case for her being a/the last remaining Orokin.


32. Does mirage mark the end of boss slaughter roulette for frames, or will that still be done from time to time?


33. Which of you is the most excited about Wyrmius?

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34. Does Rebecca appreciate me breaking my questions up into little bundles as they come, rather than just one big mega post right before the thread locks?


35. You can legally talk about the Perfect World thing now. Any comments about it? Or will we just mysteriously see dumplings advertised in the game soon?


36. Ordis talks about getting replaced. Will we have options for that?


37. There's a few people who still miss charge attacks. Will we ever see stances that offer hold E as the first move of a combo to appease them?


38. Will we be able to use our current weaponry while in Archwing mode, or is that going to require a whole new collection?

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Since the devstream will focus on Archwings at this point, my questions are:

1. Will the Archwings be exclusive to a certain game mode ?

2. If not,then how will they affect the game mode and synergy of other missions ? Since players can use the wings to stay airborne while a Frost pops a snow globe on the excavation which effectively breaks the game.

3. And how will the parkour be affected in the space-bound Balor Fomorians sabotage missions ? We already saw that the Fomorian ships and Corpus Frigates are already shooting each other, so there's bound to be debries everywhere. For example, flying through the space, we encounter a patch of ship wreckege which can be traversed by wall runs, jumps and rolls, so can the wings be detached or retracted for those parkouring instances through space and then again resume our archwing flight ?

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Question 4:

I really enjoyed the way mirage was handled with the quest and all. Will we be getting more quest for previous frames and or future missions?

I would really like to play some lore related quest. Maybe someday possibly have something like that?

Maybe a quest for Vauban would make it a bit easier to get him :) ? I already have him, but I'm thinking about all those who crave to put their hand on him ;) .

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39. Kubrows are "consigned" now. Consignment suggests that we still own the kubrows, and further, that they can be sold. Will we be able to recover consigned kubrows? Will we be able to purchase consigned kubrows from the lotus?


40. There's some debate about why kubrows need their DNA stabilized. Some theories actually explain away almost all of the "plot holes" in the game. Will we ever know why, or shall it remain one of those "interesting mysteries"?


41. Generic potpourri: Next frame? Next prime? Tilesets of the future?


42. Official Swag says "Press X to ninja", and as far as I understand it, X is the action button for PS4 and PC. It was noted that it is *not* an action button for X-box, and they actually don't like that. Will they ever match the shirt, or can we start saying, "The shirt is a lie!"?


43. Will we ever see infinite wallrunning return in any form?


44. Once X-box is squared away, how will their update process work? Similar to PS4, or similar to PC, or something totally different?


45. XO are the initials of X-box One. XO, if read as a roman numeral and a phoenecian letter, reads as "Ten O". Can we get any official support for calling our new comrades XO?

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46. Is Archwing the extent of tenno fighting in space, or just the begining? Can we expect any RTS elements to it? Other expansions?


47. It seems plausible, if we're on the outsides of ships, that, technically speaking, far fewer resources are required(no rooms to load, no doors to check). Does this mean we might be able to see tenno flight group missions? That is, with the lowered computer resource requirements, could we end up seeing "raids" with perhaps squads of dozens or even scores of tenno battling against fleets and fomorian mega bosses?

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48. We currently have 8 people playing a single server during rail conflict pvp. It was once stated the reason the squad size was locked to 4 was because the engine couldn't handle more than 4 at once logistically. As it now apparently manages to handle at least 8, can we look forward to missions or events with expanded squad size requirements?


49. Tactical Alerts! We've had one! We were told they're "random". How random are they? Are they still in the game? It's been weeks since the last one, does it bow to events, or have we just been unlucky, or are they purposely super rare, to the point of expecting them once a month is the "functioning normal" break point?

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