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[Weapon Request] Grineer Saw Cannon


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I know this one is probably going to sound incredibly cliche or generic, but how awesome would it be to have a Grineer version of the UT ripper? It would deal slash damage to targets, and be particularly effective vs. Infested and light armored targets. Could possibly bounce.

The Unreal Tournament Ripper (Someone else's video. Not the greatest example either.)

For fun! :D

Edited by Vaskadar
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Gurg, I don't like that they called the foldy shuriken thing from darkSector a glaive. Glaives are big poles with the equivalent of a heavy sword attached to them. Speaking of which, I would totally use that in this game. As per the topic, ALL OF MY YES!

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  • 1 month later...

Im not in favor of weapon "Ripper" Offs and im pretty shure the desigh team can come out with something much more creative then that.

The Grineer already has a Saw weapon wich is used by the their Melee units and was replaced on one of the latest updates.

They could easly adaptate it to detach and throw the Saw at high speed on enemies in a line in front of it as a Charge attack if they come to make it a purchaseable weapon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

But it cuts things. Quickly... what's not to love?

I think it'd fit pretty well within the Warframe universe so long as they make it very distinguishable from the Ripper and Ripjack.

Edited by Vaskadar
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But it cuts things. Quickly... what's not to love?

I think it'd fit pretty well within the Warframe universe so long as they make it very distinguishable from the Ripper and Ripjack.


100% dismember chance.

- put some elementals mods



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you throw blades with a high rate of fire. sounds like kunais^^

or a rapid-fire glaive.

i dont wnat to say that the idea is bad, a rapid-fire anti-infested weapon could be interesting (i think the blades would deal x3 against them).

also the bouncing idea could be cool

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  • 1 month later...



Are you talking about the gun the Grineer eviscerators use?  I've only seen these units on the recent weekend campaign to destroy the super massive Grineer ships using an infested component.

Edited by Mercurus
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