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Foundry Not Showing Right Requirements


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Hi all,


It sounds like you might be encountering the same issue that was reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/304131-not-enough-materials/


This is an issue where the Foundry seems to be displaying the incorrect number of components required to build certain items. We apologize for the confusion, and we're working to hot-fix this issue now, but until then we believe that players should still be able to build items as long as they have the number of components specified on the wiki (http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki)

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The developers are investigating the issue; it's a platform-wide bug that affects pretty much almost everything in the foundry on the XB1.


If it's telling you that you don't have enough when you try to build it but the numbers say you do, the numbers being displayed are incorrect and you actually do need to farm for more materials.

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Hang in there guys! I can assure you the Ps4 launch had it's fair share of bugs and frame rate dips (bad ones) like- (unplayable) - screen tearing etc etc...

Now, In it's current state loading times are

Probably 3x faster than launch on ps4 and I hardly ever notice a framerate dip and usually when I do it's because of a connection issue with someone. I Also know that the above information probably does very little to ease your frustration-

But hopefully it did something. :-/

I don't know too much about Xbox live or the xb one hardware etc... Nor am I a person who thinks that one console is superior in any way to the other- (I don't care) - the reason I play Ps4 is because I really enjoy games like infamous/uncharted... Etc.. Which are unfortunately exclusive.

The point is - give DE and Microsoft some time to work the kinks out a bit-- I guarantee you will be having less issues ASAP.

I know it's frustrating, and when I first played the PC version of warframe after playing the ps4 version, I was honestly a little disgusted because the graphics were SOOOO superior on PC. Now the ONLY difference I see in the graphics quite literally is the Nvidia PhysX particle effects and maybe some sharpness due to playing on a 47" LCD TV as compared to when I play on a 23 inch LED PC monitor. Now, if my computer were any lesser, the graphics on the ps4/performance would make my PC version look absolutely rank. (I've played it on a PC that wasn't up to par and it doesn't even come close to what Ive seen on ps4.

That being said, I think you guys are ahead of the curve a little bit as compared to when DE ported to Warframe to the PS4.

I also think that your version of the game will be made better/smoother/less buggy a lot quicker than ours was because they dealt with porting to Ps4 first.

I genuinely hope that you guys get the bugs etc... sorted very quickly and are able to enjoy what I genuinely think is one of the most awesome games I've ever played.

Also, please don't see this as a message from a community moderator just to try and make light of a buggy situation etc... But rather, another player who has over 800 hours played on this game on ps4 and near 200 on PC now, (I know, I have no life!) and I'm still not burned out on it in the least somehow.

Note: not all ps4 players hate on Microsoft/xbox

Proof=me :-)

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