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Kronen Slide / Wall Attack And Other Things


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plspslsplsplspls PLEASE let the slide attack keep it's momentum. it's annoying when you slide and it starts out real fast and then cuts off short, looks really awkward(IMO).

PLEASE FIX THE BLOODY WALL ATTACK! (currently when you wall attack you just stay put, you don't travel any distance or you travel a VERY short distance).

last thing is that some times when I use a combo while I'm not the host it will some times just outright miss the target even though the blades are shoved into their bodies, and the ground attack has a habit of missing the target as well.

Edited by RIOTx
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I agree please fix slide attack and jump attack randomly missing, and the wall attack doing nothing.

on a side not if your doing a quality of life fix on it as well give it 60% improved reach, This might fix the miss problem I had much fewer random misses when my kronen had a max reach mod on it

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zero that is the problem in my opinion if i don't hit the enemy perfectly head on i miss i should be able to hit more than one enemy with the slide attack.

Two example of my problem is that I can slide attack into a group of 20 or so lvl ~28 infested clip both ancients on my way through and turn to find neither of them took damage they fact that i watch the weapon trail go into then out them means I should hit them and I don't that is the problem.

the other real problem is when i'm soloing a boss again I watch the blade trail go through the boss and do no damage is a serious problem i should not have to make my self a sitting duck to hit the boss or any enemy for that matter. 


I guess I'm asking for a free max reach mod to be installed.

Edited by jarthur
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I kinda disagree on the slide attack, if aimed correctly not only does it stop you perfectly but it allows you to flow straight into a combo or right into the middle of a crowd I mean sure it's not a copter weapon but considering how it's used the slide attack works perfectly.

Yeah, pretty much https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/301884-theyll-never-see-it-kronen/

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The Wall Attack definitely has a problem and needs to have some propulsion. It currently reminds of cat-jump fail videos.


But I do not have a problem utilizing and connecting with the slide attack. It doesn't launch you around like an amphis or zorens but it doesn't lose momentum like a heavy weapon or sparring weapon either.  And with bonus attack speed it provides a reasonable burst of speed. If you're have trouble connecting with these you might just need to adjust your technique. It's actually kind of nice it doesn't launch you around. It makes it easier to chain slide attacks on a single target. I think the slide attack is just fine for this weapon.

Edited by Ryjeon
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