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Idk.... But How's Warframe So Far For You?


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I actually like third person shooters, so I'm having a blast. I could level weapons on Apollodorus after work and do events for forever.  I feel like a lot of the forum people came here looking for a Tabula-Rasa-Like MMO or RPG that just uses shooter controls and are disappointed. As a person who came looking for a third person shooter I'm quite happy.


I was getting a little bored with being OP and wanted another tileset to level on then they were like... E-Gate will be excavation and tactical alerts are a thing now...


Yup. I'm good. 



Grinding in Warframe is purely by choice. If I'm tired of looking for something or playing missions where it drops, I go do something else. Even as a Rank17 there are tons of things to do at any given time. I don't bang my head into brick walls, stick my @#&$ in pencil sharpeners or put my forks into electrical outlets, and I don't grind in Warframe. Always &!$$es me off when people run all over the web calling it a grind game and makes me wonder if they have any kind of permanent bodily damage from poor choices IRL, too.

Edited by VKhaun
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I've been playing for about 9 months and whenever I take a small break, the game always makes me come back to it. I guess ever since I started playing I thought of how much potential it has, and besides I like the community, I like the devs, and I like the concepts of the game which feel very unique. And when I do play I just make sure I mix the mission types so that I don't always play the same gamemode. Helps to keep the versatility up.

..I don't really care about resources right now as I already have plenty for the long run.

Edited by HornedRat
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lol ArcheAge

Same thought!! 


I've played few beta events, and even spent $150 on Archeum Pack. But I was so glad got it refunded just before Steam finally removed the game completely from their store. The business model is somewhat manipulative, going beyond both f2p & p2p. Too many issues and complains 


I can handle ESO & GW2; but AA?? LOL

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What do you do in game?  And I mean this in all honesty, not flaming or being sarcastic.

I play whatever I feel like playing and do whatever I feel like doing. Sometimes I even screw around for no reason. If I get the part I need for a weapon, that's just a bonus. If I get the resource I need, that's another bonus.


My focus is on fun. Everything else comes second.

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Same thought!! 


I've played few beta events, and even spent $150 on Archeum Pack. But I was so glad got it refunded just before Steam finally removed the game completely from their store. The business model is somewhat manipulative, going beyond both f2p & p2p. Too many issues and complains 


I can handle ESO & GW2; but AA?? LOL


Oh man. I was sort've hyped for it when it was announced in korea and then I actually learned the type of game it was going to be and immediately just was like... game ain't worth it. If you want a game that's better I'd advise doing a quick google search of Black Desert. Scheduled for 2015. The games combat isn't as dull as ArcheAge and the character creation screen is absolutely insane. The level of detail is absolutely wonderful.



It's kinda like Warframe they say they're not locking genders per-say they're just making each class different for each gender. They'll be two rangers but one has different skill sets. Which is fine by me.



I'd probably keep playing Warframe when that comes out. It's never a good idea to just play one game. So if servers go down; it's getting ddosed or something of the sort you can just log into another game; or if somebody is annoying you or something is annoying you; you can just go play your other game for a bit. Stops me getting burnt out.


I've played Warframe for much longer than I would have if not for switching it up once and a while. I don't even actually grind anymore either.

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Oh man. I was sort've hyped for it when it was announced in korea and then I actually learned the type of game it was going to be and immediately just was like... game ain't worth it. If you want a game that's better I'd advise doing a quick google search of Black Desert. Scheduled for 2015. The games combat isn't as dull as ArcheAge and the character creation screen is absolutely insane. The level of detail is absolutely wonderful.



It's kinda like Warframe they say they're not locking genders per-say they're just making each class different for each gender. They'll be two rangers but one has different skill sets. Which is fine by me.



I'd probably keep playing Warframe when that comes out. It's never a good idea to just play one game. So if servers go down; it's getting ddosed or something of the sort you can just log into another game; or if somebody is annoying you or something is annoying you; you can just go play your other game for a bit. Stops me getting burnt out.


I've played Warframe for much longer than I would have if not for switching it up once and a while. I don't even actually grind anymore either.

Yeah that game looks amazing and is one of the few i have my eyes on, but can only truly say something about it after trying. For now Warframe and Dark Souls 2 does the job.

Edited by Khawz
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Oh man. I was sort've hyped for it when it was announced in korea and then I actually learned the type of game it was going to be and immediately just was like... game ain't worth it. If you want a game that's better I'd advise doing a quick google search of Black Desert. Scheduled for 2015. The games combat isn't as dull as ArcheAge and the character creation screen is absolutely insane. The level of detail is absolutely wonderful.



It's kinda like Warframe they say they're not locking genders per-say they're just making each class different for each gender. They'll be two rangers but one has different skill sets. Which is fine by me.


Dude, are you sure?! That look like another Korean game. LOL


Many games come from Asia are weird... their graphics look great, and maybe fightings are cool, and characters look cute and all... but their business model is just like "skinning" you. You get the idea. I gave few games some benefit of doubt... but I have not seen one that makes sense.

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Dude, are you sure?! That look like another Korean game. LOL


Many games come from Asia are weird... their graphics look great, and maybe fightings are cool, and characters look cute and all... but their business model is just like "skinning" you. You get the idea. I gave few games some benefit of doubt... but I have not seen one that makes sense.

korea makes all the games and most of the are good

go look at league of legends

they also have the gamers that are beyond pro

Edited by xkillo32
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I've played warframe for awhile but I've gotten tired of some of their changes. Frost was always slow that but lately he's slow as hell. It use to be you could speed him up some but now with the mystical caps that have been applied to things you cant. When the Rhino can leave frost in the dust something is wrong.

     Allot of it has to do with great amount of player that think it's a road race to get to the end.  Yes we have all run most of the maps 15--20 times, and 75% plus gamers have A.D.D. so enjoying the game at a slow level is impossible for them. The first group I was with that did this last story quest on the first planet all of them but myself died out using all their lives. All rushing around and died. I was only one to make it to the end after dieing once.

      Other small *@##$ is Dragon Katana witch you had to first have one sword raise it to 30 then with it create a second sword, or upgrade with hard to find materials, make it, then raise it to thirty to find that it is now not much better than the first sword because it was dummied down. Now most mid to high level enemies are trees you wiii be standing there and chopping at many times while his buddies shoot you. Other small thing is they need a new sneak attack for it. Others have quite interesting attacks jump up on the bad guys shoulders and cut his throat so forth, all  you do with katana is step to one side and strike down..

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