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Playing Nekros Is A Punishment (Proposed Rework)


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Maybe Soul Punch does is an AOE attack instead of single targets?

Power strength for Terrify will only effect the number of enemies and enemy limit is range like Chaos.

Every dead shadow instantly regenerates partial amount of health and stats.


I don't think that giving Soul Punch AoE will make it useful and unique. We already have plenty of warframes with ragdolling\knocking down first skills (Rhino, Banshee, Mag, etc...)

Edited by Vance.Stubbs
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The issue is SOTD and Terrify arent really useful enough and they interfere with his other powers


The comparison to chaos is more than fair. They have similar concepts with slightly differing functions


The differences being Nekros has a team that has to be loaded up and recast where nyx turns the actual enemy on themselves


SOTD makes annoying visual and physical blocks for ammo where Chaos gives you safer cannon fodder


Terrify CCs and makes enemies run away,which is annoying, where Chaos just makes them stand and hit eachother


Also theres Narrow minded that clashes between SOTD and Terrify/Desecrate


Blind rage that clashes between SOTD/Terrify and desecrate


Fleeting expertise that clashes between SOTD and Desecrate with Terrify being on either side depending on preference


And overextended that really clashes between SOTD/Terrify and desecrate


You cant effectively include all 3 in a max build which is ok except that even with a max build his powers are mediocre and outdone by a single skill from another frame, desecrate aside



Please read what you just replied to. You are making it as if your only option for warframe is exclusively corrupt mods and that you always have to max everything out with no disadvantages.



See the problem lies with some players wanting to have max everything. I run him with only a stretch mod and its perfectly fine with even a half decently coordinated team.


If the game was about having maxed everything and having 0 disadvantages then as others have suggested why bother having multiple frames with multiple abilities. Just have 1 frame, add mods that max everything out and have each power that does whatever you need it to at maximum strength, efficiency, range and duration.


Its all about balance. Whether it be balancing a warframes skillset to suit a particular mission. Balancing its mods to improve its strengths and mitigate some weaknesses, or even encouraging players to use different frames to suit different needs.




Chaos may do all those wonderful things but IIRC aren't enemies effected still hostile to players?

Also when trying to revive a teammate stuck in a condensed group of enemies wouldn't it be far more beneficial for them to be spread out as opposed to be still stuck there with you now with them attacking each other and a chance for them to attack you as well?

Also isn't it far easier to shoot an enemy that is running away since you aren't taking any fire from them? add to that the armor reduction from Terrify and thats a really easy kill.


Again we are talking about two different abilities that do two very different things. As I mentioned before they may be used for similar purposes but provide a whole different type of utility.


So you don't like the visual effect of SOTD? thats just personal preference unfortunately and has no impact on gameplay. Also to be remembered when you cast SOTD you can effectively create a group of enemies that can be rerolled with Desecrate again once they die.


See paragraph 1.


See previous reply regarding balance, mod usage and corrupted mods.


Corrupted mod - thats the point of the mod


Corrupted mod - thats the point of the mod


Corrupted mod - thats the point of the mod


Not true. If you want all 4 skills on Nekros its quite possible. You just need to use mostly standard mods instead of the corrupted ones. Why? Because corrupted mods introduced an element of gameplay that would require players to make sacrifices in order to achieve more but also lose just as much.


So the choice is yours really. For example if you are a really lazy player who can't be bothered with sticking close to their team then add that maxed out overextended and slowly crawl around spamming desecrate. But in doing so you are willingly putting your other skills at a disadvantage to use a mod that ultimately isn't an absolute requirement and quite frankly is a waste if you simple just used the Stretch mod instead and kept pace with your teammates.

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As long Terrify does not have a target limit, slows down enemies (so people can actually shoot them)  and let the -% armor scaled with power strength, it would be in a very good spot.


In fact going power strength also improves the number of shadows and lowering down enemy armor by a larger percentage means the Shadows can actually kill stuff.


It is a 2 in 1 deal for Nekros.


And neither would Terrify compete with RB (RB doesn't reduce armor but boost melee) or Chaos (which causes enemies to shoot each to other).  And that is fine for me.

Edited by fatpig84
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I use this: http://goo.gl/2hVcfB.  All abilities are useful with this setup.  The problem is not Corrupted mods, but peoples' insistence on using Overextended on an ability that Stretch would be perfectly fine on and isn't even necessary for.  


I agree. I mentioned in the previous post that Stretch was all that was needed for Nekros and Overextended was just really unnecessary.


I use a similar build for running missions where I would need SOTD. Only difference is the Fleeting(+1) and Streamline(-1) ranks and I swap out Natural Talent or Soul Punch for Continuity just for the added duration.

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Please read what you just replied to. You are making it as if your only option for warframe is exclusively corrupt mods and that you always have to max everything out with no disadvantages.


You cant effectively include all 3 in a max build which is ok except that even with a max build his powers are mediocre and outdone by a single skill from another frame, desecrate aside

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As was said, people are making max eff+range Desecrate builds because it is the only skill that is worth using. Others are outclassed by abilities such as:

Soul Punch (Sonic boom, Pull, Rhino Charge, etc...)

Terrify (Radial Blind, Pull, Accelerant (more reliable stun that can be quickly recast), Warcry, etc..)

SotD (Chaos, Rhino Stomp, Radial Disarm, any other CC ults)

The right thing was noticed in the thread: not everyone enjoys seeing Nekros as a gravedigger. His other skills should be buffed/fixed/reworked as now he has pretty bad powers with low sinergy between them.

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Descrate needs to be an aura imo


I think we have too many things in this game that work on auto pilot, I would not add another. If I had to change it at all I'd make it a cone in front of Nekros with additional range, so he could stay further back, as he is not a frontliner. The reason it's not such a good idea is because we can already equip weird mods that make the radius reach the moon anyway.


The ability should of had much shorter range, making it more situational, rather then "be in the general area and spam it". If it granted a much higher chance of drops with a tiny radius, he would actually be used to go after the "rare" stuff, on bosses and such, rather then general mod farming we do now, in most long Survival/Defense.




For example: Put a Desecrate "mark" on the boss, and if it's killed before the mark expires, you get a much larger drop chance. That type of thing.

Edited by DSpite
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Ok let me just state the main problem with neckos its very simple as far as im concerned, neckros should be desecrating ti is inconceivable for him to be doing anything else with his current load out neckros is here for loot and orbs that's it nothing more any other frame can do anything else better or its like saying trinity should do more than just heal etc.


so solutions......... again stupidly easy to fix.


1) removing it is simply not an option its our only weapon against the rng gods


2)make it a aura of some sort so he can run around like ember and use his other stuff or give it insane range and make it not skip over dead bodys and get everything.


3) buff his other abilitys so there viable to use, pretty much the way thats been said tons by other people


this really is not an issue a simple fix for a simple problem

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1st skill should be repleaced with reaper soul, that hunt near enemies, slash opponent with 500 damage and ragdoll them, range 5-7 meters radius.
2nd skill need no limites of scared enemies 12 is too weak :/. Faster cast speed.
3rd skill should loot more to not spam everywhere 3,3,3,3,3,3,3. +corps explosion dealing damage scaled by health from dead body [10% from enemys health]
4rd skill need faster cast speed and give them 3x more health and 2x more damage.

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We should of never got a Frame with abilities that break the Forth Wall.


An ability that directly effects RNG formulas should be a no go zone. Energy and Health orbs are fine, but loot? No way. The only way it could have been more damaging was for bodies to stay, allowing 4 Nekros to Desecrate.


I can see it now. Nothing but teams of Nekros, all Desecrating.

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We should of never got a Frame with abilities that break the Forth Wall.


An ability that directly effects RNG formulas should be a no go zone. Energy and Health orbs are fine, but loot? No way. The only way it could have been more damaging was for bodies to stay, allowing 4 Nekros to Desecrate.


I can see it now. Nothing but teams of Nekros, all Desecrating.

I dont think he really breaks it


Its not like hes saying "Take this RNGGODS"

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