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Thoughts About Nyx


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I have a love/hate relationship with nyx
and now that its been rumoured/leaked that nyx prime is on the way I really wanna share couple of thoughts

her base stats are perfect she feels just right when it comes to speed,shields,armor etc
her first and third ability are what I think nyx should be all about
crowd control,manipulation,game changer mechanics hell yes

while her second and fourth ability are more dps oriented and it just feels out of place and not to mention waste of precious energy (why would you cast absorb when you can just cast chaos?)

Im gonna play pretend little bit and think Im the head developer behind nyx rework
(these are just my ideas I dont expect devs to ever make these rather this is just how I would want to see nyx)
if it were up to me I would change chaos to ulti give it additional health drop per second (maybe something like 0.5 per second modified by strength mods up to 1.2) and increase energy cost dramatically
also would add cosmetic upgrade to this
nyx would grow ghostly arms out of her back holding marionette manipulators
while enemies would have ghostly faint strings attached to them

remove absorb and give it to some other frame reworked ( I like the ability itself it just doesnt feel like nyx :/ IMHO)

I would also give psychic bolts a buff so that it would cast much more bolts that would seek targets and make it debuff enemies accuracy and possibly change to proc confusion? (more game changer basis drop the damage)

I would also add an entirely a new ability to replace absorb
I was thinking a duration based ability that would increase your teams accuracy and remove procs
maybe call it "tranquil mind"

as for the first ability I think its fine as it is :)

I absolutely love to play as her even though 2 of her abilities feel useless or out of place
and I cant wait to get my nyx prime :)

Edited by Twistedsparkle
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See the thing is a large part of the community completely disagrees with you on the "why use absorb when you can use chaos" argument and it's exactly the reason why this sort of feedback almost always falls on deaf ears. The powers are versatile so people can mod them the way that they want and I'm sorry to be so blunt here but it's getting really tiresome hearing suggestions that boil down to powers being taken out of a frames arsenal all because the thread maker doesn't happen to use it all that much.

People need to start taking other players into consideration before they give feedback like this because if these sort of suggestions were actually implemented you'd find out exactly how many players use absorb instead of chaos and you'd have a lot of unhappy players no longer able to play their favourite frame the way they enjoy. The frames are versatile and they should STAY versatile so people can get out of them whatever they put in, in terms of modding and such. Just because you play a certain frame a certain way doesn't mean everyone else is obligated to do so too.

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See the thing is a large part of the community completely disagrees with you on the "why use absorb when you can use chaos" argument and it's exactly the reason why this sort of feedback almost always falls on deaf ears. The powers are versatile so people can mod them the way that they want and I'm sorry to be so blunt here but it's getting really tiresome hearing suggestions that boil down to powers being taken out of a frames arsenal all because the thread maker doesn't happen to use it all that much.

People need to start taking other players into consideration before they give feedback like this because if these sort of suggestions were actually implemented you'd find out exactly how many players use absorb instead of chaos and you'd have a lot of unhappy players no longer able to play their favourite frame the way they enjoy. The frames are versatile and they should STAY versatile so people can get out of them whatever they put in, in terms of modding and such. Just because you play a certain frame a certain way doesn't mean everyone else is obligated to do so too.

I didnt mean my text to seem so self oriented

but I do admit I cant help but to see nyx as a support frame

however did you see this?

"(these are just my ideas I dont expect devs to ever make these rather this is just how I would want to see nyx"


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as an avid Nyx player i can agree with the op on a few of his thought, as her skills go im also a mind controlling chaos lover.  her psychic bolts we can all agree are just sort of not so good but they do fit in with her "psychic" type of feel so i feel they do fit but still dont use them.  her absorb to me doesnt really fit in with the psychic feel but its an ability that allows her some level of versatility so i wouldnt want to see it removed even tho i dont use it.


one of the things i actually really like about nyx is that theres so many different ways to mod her and make a viable build and because of that lots of people use her even if they have very different playstyles.


with all that being said Nyx is one of those frames that would shine greatly with the addition of type 2 skill sets.  her current skills are non lethal CC and DMG skills but heck shes a psychic so id like to see her second skill set add something like De/Buffs and something indirect that can be used as both CC and DMG similar to mirages trap skill.


as for the ideas, well, most would only really turn out like some of the other skills that have allready been added to the game...like a psychic bullet redirection shield, but you could make some that work differently even if they have a similar setup to some of the others, like a psychic mine that explodes and then shoots out multiple psychic bolts causing radiation dmg when stepped on, and so on, heck you could even give her a gun buff skill psychic shot that would either up damage, crit or status chance.  hmm an idea for a new ult could be a psyco stasis field similar to what you saw the "noah bird lifters" use on the dev stream


the more skills she has the more versatile she becomes, i cant see it as being a bad thing in any way.

Edited by EdgeKasim
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I use Nyx 99% of the time. Solo and in team. Leave her like she is. All of her skills have their use. People need to stop posting threads to change a frame's abilities. If you don't like a skill then simply don't use it or use another frame. Its not everyone else fault you don't know how to properly use them.

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I use Nyx 99% of the time. Solo and in team. Leave her like she is. All of her skills have their use. People need to stop posting threads to change a frame's abilities. If you don't like a skill then simply don't use it or use another frame. Its not everyone else fault you don't know how to properly use them.

'Don't like it, don't use it' rarely ever is useful feedback (if you can even consider it feedback). Psychic Bolts is a skill that really needs a change. Whether it be turned into a different skill or reworked to be useful is up for debate, as it is a total waste of energy as it is.

Regardless of what changes the OP wants implemented, having a voice raised about a legitimate issue is the only way for the devs to go back and re-balance things. Don't be so afraid of change, they could be for the better. Look at Oberon.

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 Look at Oberon.

Look at Trinity.


OP is right in saying that Absorb doesn't really fit. I wouldn't go so far as to remove it from her, but it is a little odd.


Bolts definitely need a buff. They don't need to be particularly more powerful, just more usable. Maybe make them smarter, or make them travel through walls.

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Look at Trinity.


OP is right in saying that Absorb doesn't really fit. I wouldn't go so far as to remove it from her, but it is a little odd.


Bolts definitely need a buff. They don't need to be particularly more powerful, just more usable. Maybe make them smarter, or make them travel through walls.

Don't mean to derail, but can you tell me a little about how Trinity turned out? I have a friend who swears by Trin and we never ever die during T4. The community doesn't seem to like how she turned out, but I wouldn't know since I don't play her. Would love to be enlightened. Also Oberon's change was more recent. Maybe the devs are getting better at this?

On topic though, back when absorb was a set duration, I would have felt it stuck with the "Psychic" theme + synergized more with her kit if it immediately forced anything under the effects of chaos to focus fire her. Because in a sense I agree, absorb does seem a little... odd on her. But the devs seem intent on keeping it, so all we can do is offer our thoughts on them.

Edited by HolidayPi3
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Yes and "let change a frame's abilities cause I don't like them" is right? People need to stop thinking they speak for everyone when they post these kind of threads.


"Stop posting because I don't like it." Is pretty much the same thing.

OP never claimed to be speaking for everyone. Your knee-jerk reaction to someone having a contrary opinion is way over the top. Barely anything would ever get done if "people stop posting threads to change a frame's abilities."

Edited by HolidayPi3
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I use Nyx 99% of the time. Solo and in team. Leave her like she is. All of her skills have their use. People need to stop posting threads to change a frame's abilities. If you don't like a skill then simply don't use it or use another frame. Its not everyone else fault you don't know how to properly use them.

But. Physic Bolts is useless isn't it? It only has a chance to do damage, not the best damage and Mind Control would be a better choice, Mind Control could just leave them to do nothing and kill a hard enemy without worrying.

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to add to my earlyer statement about a second set of skills...


rather than have a psyco shield that deflects bullets like Zephys skill....you could quite easily mix that with absorb and come up with a more interesting skill.  basicly giveing nyx a psyco shield that will take incoming damage and give here a swirling aura that any enemy that gets close to gets hurt by, it would be duration based, and allow nyx to move arround, and at the end of the duration it wil lhave a small burst effect releasing any unused dmg back out at the enemy.


but yea people instead of saying dumb stuff like "i dont like so, no!" or "dont use if you dont like" lets keep things back on topic and come up with other more interesting alternatives...i tried to get the ball rolling by talking about alternate skills (not replacements for those that dont seem to understand) but you lot seem more interested in attacking each other than sticking to the topic

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I don t know, absorb /chaos abilities seem fine to me, the 2 are to be used in different situation that s all

when heat is off your back, use chaos & laugh watching ennmies kill themselves

when you re in the storm of bullets use absorb & reflect ennemies' firepower to themselves

2 different cases, the 2 are complementary


psy bolts need a buff or a different mechanic/ability that s true, they are weak even vs low lvl ennemies. otherwise I wouldn t change anything

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I main (not so much now...) Nyx. So my opinion is obviously biased. Hey at least I know it.^^


The bolts are just worthless. Adding a confusion would do nothing for them. why? PRESS 3. It's that simple. Remove it entirely or give it something that makes it different. Not a "Chaos'd bolts" thing.


Her Mind Control NEEDS to only register the damage done to the controlled target at the end of the ability's duration. Otherwise, it's useless with randoms, which is most of the time what we are "stuck" with when playing online.


Her 3 is currently her only good tool. Reminds you of someone? Her brother, Excalibur. She's just like him now. A one trick poney. I know his abilities are viable in the Sol system levels, but since you pretty much ROFLStomp everything there without them, I don't think that's relevant. Also 2 of them are damage-based (though Slash-dash can become a great mobility tool), and I am not a Super Jump enthusiast...^^'


Absorb as it is right now is the epitome of irony, it's like DE intentionally trolled us here. Why? Well...


Absorb is viable in the Sol system levels (until you teammates show up of course...^^'). Problem : You don't really need it there. Chaos is already enough of a defense mechanism to keep you mostly safe, and again, with teammates and mid-tier weapons, enemies dies fast enough. Maybe to protect yourself from procs? Or as an emergency button? So, situational at best.


Then comes the kicker : the place where Absorb became really useful and shined before the last train wreck DE calls a "balance pass"... The Void. It is now a pure waste of energy because scaling gives you the middle finger now. You can't protect yourself or your teammates without sacrificing any ulterior power use or "exit strategy", unless enough stuff dies around you and drops blue orbs to refill your energy pool, or if you use an energy restore, hope you won't take a grenade or a group of enemies in the face during the time you're forced to stick to the restore pad.


That's my 2 cents. It's only my opinion, and it is, as I stated before, totally biased. Nyx is the first frame i ranked up to 30, before even my Excalibro Prime, I think that gives you an idea how much I like her and why I am so &!$$ed. So you can't tell me anything I haven't told myself before to defend the current situation Nyx is stuck in. Also I'm stubborn.^^'

Edited by Marthrym
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The bolts are just worthless. Adding a confusion would do nothing for them. why? PRESS 3. It's that simple. Remove it entirely or give it something that makes it different. Not a "Chaos'd bolts" thing.



Agree 100%, I don't get why people suggest adding a lesser, redundant effect on another power instead of something interesting.  I'll admit though, chaos is such a nice skill it's hard to create something that you don't just say "just use chaos" to. 


As someone who has also mained nyx since the beginning, I never liked absorb, not in any iteration.  It simply does not fit with her flavor and it always confused me why it was part of her kit.


Here are a couple suggestions I think could be fun:


Posession:  Replaces absorb.  Nyx does her absorb-meditation stance but with a much smaller personal bubble that makes her immune for the duration but nothing else.  instead, she takes control of a chosen enemy and can use that enemy/weapon against others.  Could also buff the damage the enemy does for the duration.  Can be toggled.


Dominate:  Replaces bolts.  Nyx PERMANENTLY charms an enemy, turning it into another pet (and can carry on through multiple waves, etc).  Stacks with mind controlled minions as well. 

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