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[Just Idea Series] Weapon Attachment System? Something To Do With Useless Mods


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- In all the time playing this game we all know and want to be the best at what we do right. Well given that thought, most players will go with the best build they can think of or create from various different stand points or variations based on their inventory or personal achievement via farming or any other means. (In short players won't use some mods that are just taking up space in the game and serve no real purpose.) With that being stated now; I think a good opportunity to present an attachment system to war frames and weapons to better suit use of these mods currently just sitting in our inventories (Hush, Intruder, loot radar, etc.) Now don't get me wrong its not like people don't use these mods Its just that when it comes down to it late game or even possibly early game depending on if player is more focused on collecting resources or being able to dish out damage I think most people would want to deal damage and survive just so they can still collect stuff to improve themselves and their accounts. 


- Possible way to do it: I don't know a great way about going about this situation for the change but the way I propose is (if possible) have a mod like hush be required in a blueprint for the weapon attachment (maybe even a quest for attachments) The attachment can be place on the gun (maybe attachment slots or just a single attachment - not sure) as a silencer in order to use for stealth missions (as stated previously hush mod serves as an attachment a.k.a. silencer). This can add more variation to the game as well as even add more stats/balancing for people to test and have fun with (Silencer can reduce dmg - % wise or something I don't know). Similar to mods u can make corrupted attachments (Orokin/Derelict attachments?) to shift stats slightly maybe more penetration on armor targets over slash (Not entirely sure for the concept just an example). 


- Pet attachments? - Read at your own risk topic is finished after reading above.


Quite frankly I see nothing wrong with companions other than the fact that the new Kubrows seem to be a bit of a lack luster to the sentinel attack speed wise sometimes (I feel my sentinel can take on a lot more enemies at a time and is a valuable asset to me even when it is destroyed just for the simple fact that I can revive after dieing. While a Kubrow seems pretty sturdy but once its down for the count its out permanently until the mission is over.) Aside from lack luster, personally I would like to see something, but doesn't have to be an attachment but it also can be one as well to give the kubrows a better fighting chance. Hence in a discussion with a friend online earlier today we mentioned something about there being a thorns function and or mod for when your kubrow gets attacked. 


With what is being said about this topic idea what do u think people?

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We already have an attachment system. They're called MODS.


If you want to use a silenced weapon via hush, you do it by sacrificing a slot that would have been damage.

See, +stealth -damage


Already balanced like you want, yes?

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We already have an attachment system. They're called MODS.


If you want to use a silenced weapon via hush, you do it by sacrificing a slot that would have been damage.

See, +stealth -damage


Already balanced like you want, yes?

I see your hand of cards, and I raise u this:


I agree with your statement as to sacrificing damage in the mod system but, most people maximize or attempt to maximize their damage anyway so how often are the mods like hush being used? Why would I use it if I can just go loki stealth and bypass everything? What if there was a mission you couldn't stealth per say in the future would these mods be used then? The answer is more than likely a little bit but it still would take away the experience of fun when mix matching mods  to find the best outcome for the situation, having an attachment won't interfere with the system - promote maximization of weapon customization while improving or negating stats based on the type of weapon being used. 


- No rude postings pls, be respectful of opinions and I'll be respectful back. (Its only an idea after all)

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I really think this idea should be more worked out, many mods no one uses like many protection mods and other mods that give silence to weapons. Sure we can just say sacrifice a mod here or their but dose anyone actually do this, no because theirs no reason too at this moment. Why would someone give up their Serration mod for a Hush mod any day simply for stealth even though they want to play that way no player in the right mind would do it simply because its not logical and makes things extremely hard for the higher up levels.


I agree their should be a place called "attachment's" or something similar for all these very interesting but sadly useless mods. Plus If were going too give weapons a "attachment" set we should Warframes as well, something like a slot for "protection mods" such as against fire/lasers/ice/or radiation. That would be giving us more customization.

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I see your hand of cards, and I raise u this:


I agree with your statement as to sacrificing damage in the mod system but, most people maximize or attempt to maximize their damage anyway so how often are the mods like hush being used? Why would I use it if I can just go loki stealth and bypass everything? What if there was a mission you couldn't stealth per say in the future would these mods be used then? The answer is more than likely a little bit but it still would take away the experience of fun when mix matching mods  to find the best outcome for the situation, having an attachment won't interfere with the system - promote maximization of weapon customization while improving or negating stats based on the type of weapon being used. 


- No rude postings pls, be respectful of opinions and I'll be respectful back. (Its only an idea after all)

Oh I hear you. It's just that there's no reason to add yet another tacked on system for players to learn and use, especially when the problem can be fixed by rebalancing the mods we have.


Besides, depending on the mods you allow in this separate slot, players will just pick the one that increases their theoretical DPS.

Propose an actual subset of mods for a separate slot, and lets work through some usage cases. It's what designers do, and it's fun :)

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Oh I hear you. It's just that there's no reason to add yet another tacked on system for players to learn and use, especially when the problem can be fixed by rebalancing the mods we have.


Besides, depending on the mods you allow in this separate slot, players will just pick the one that increases their theoretical DPS.

Propose an actual subset of mods for a separate slot, and lets work through some usage cases. It's what designers do, and it's fun :)

The issue here is the 1000 players who would complain about money spent


Entitlement is strong and DE fears it


They should be more cautious about decisions before these things happen

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I really think this idea should be more worked out, many mods no one uses like many protection mods and other mods that give silence to weapons. Sure we can just say sacrifice a mod here or their but dose anyone actually do this, no because theirs no reason too at this moment. Why would someone give up their Serration mod for a Hush mod any day simply for stealth even though they want to play that way no player in the right mind would do it simply because its not logical and makes things extremely hard for the higher up levels.


I agree their should be a place called "attachment's" or something similar for all these very interesting but sadly useless mods. Plus If were going too give weapons a "attachment" set we should Warframes as well, something like a slot for "protection mods" such as against fire/lasers/ice/or radiation. That would be giving us more customization.


That's exactly what I'm trying to get at with this topic; the resistances mods would also be put to use if there was an attachment system for warframes as well.

Edited by Hookshotz
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The issue here is the 1000 players who would complain about money spent


Entitlement is strong and DE fears it


They should be more cautious about decisions before these things happen


Agreed, though since they release new weapons weekly and you have a choice between buying (platinum) or making it (credits) they can still do the same thing. If there are players having trouble with earning the credits for this here is one solution but is not always available: http://warframe.feedbucket.com


- I don't propose that link to new players unless you got good friends with you - Dark Sector Conflict Payouts.


- From time to time click on check mark box saying 0 Remaining Payouts to see how much credits were being posted up during these conflicts. I've gotten a lot from doing just this. Heres a pic: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/37475287028869835/99E5D8FFC4F2F4CE397DAEE87AA727B8CE674DFF/

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The issue here is the 1000 players who would complain about money spent


Entitlement is strong and DE fears it


They should be more cautious about decisions before these things happen

Considering that DE buffs/nerfs for purchase weapons and Warframes all the time. Also, that mods can't be bought from DE directly. They must be bought from other players.


Personally, I don't see an issue with "entitled" people. They will whine about such changes, just like they do about almost every change.

As long as it makes the game better, it's a net gain.


Of course, you'd still have to spend a lot of time getting a rebalance of all mods pretty close, as multiple extreme changes can upset the entire player base, not just those who have spent money on the content in question.





Agreed, though since they release new weapons weekly and you have a choice between buying (platinum) or making it (credits) they can still do the same thing. If there are players having trouble with earning the credits for this here is one solution but is not always available: http://warframe.feedbucket.com


- I don't propose that link to new players unless you got good friends with you - Dark Sector Conflict Payouts.


- From time to time click on check mark box saying 0 Remaining Payouts to see how much credits were being posted up during these conflicts. I've gotten a lot from doing just this. Heres a pic: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/37475287028869835/99E5D8FFC4F2F4CE397DAEE87AA727B8CE674DFF/


I'm still curious to see some actual usage cases for your concept :)

Edited by Ashnal
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Considering that DE buffs/nerfs for purchase weapons and Warframes all the time. Also, that mods can't be bought from DE directly. They must be bought from other players.


Personally, I don't see an issue with "entitled" people. They will whine about such changes, just like they do about almost every change.

As long as it makes the game better, it's a net gain.


Of course, you'd still have to spend a lot of time getting a rebalance of all mods pretty close, as multiple extreme changes can upset the entire player base, not just those who have spent money on the content in question.




I'm still curious to see some actual usage cases for your concept :)

Well another reason that can be thrown into the factor is cosmetics, who wouldn't want to see an actual silencer on their gun and see and hear the effects of the gun being altered as the bullet is released from the chamber of the barrel. This is another thing I'm getting at too, why have a mod replicate that feeling? When something is done like that it seems like it is just making the game lack what could have more potential. 


- In any case if you played another game with gun modifications surely you understand?

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If you are running missions just on the Solar map, you can leave half of the slots empty on most weapons and still murder everything other then heavy units with ease. Once you output around 1K DPS everything in missions is like paper, especially when you build for a faction and get EXTRA damage.


You can already fit all the things that you want, even more so if you Forma the weapon. You can Hush and Ammo Mutate every gun and overkill everything on Pluto.


People only complain in "dropping damage mods" because they want to kill level 100 Heavy Gunners and it "takes longer".

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Well another reason that can be thrown into the factor is cosmetics, who wouldn't want to see an actual silencer on their gun and see and hear the effects of the gun being altered as the bullet is released from the chamber of the barrel. This is another thing I'm getting at too, why have a mod replicate that feeling? When something is done like that it seems like it is just making the game lack what could have more potential. 


- In any case if you played another game with gun modifications surely you understand?

Fair point. I did enjoy borderlands quite a bit :) and that game had  LOT of attachments (kinda) since every gun was built from a random assortment of parts. Dead Space and Bioshock had visual upgrades too right?


Some more visual options for weapons would be nice .... but the issue here is it wouldn't work very well due to the wide variety of weapons. For instance, I can put Hush on the Ignis. Do you have any idea what a flamethrower silencer could or should look like? How about one for Glaxion or Synapse? It would really only work for the rifle and pistol like weapons, and in many cases wouldn't fit their aesthetic (Silenced Marelok? lol). Technically it would be hard to design.


I think skins and color palletes cover the visual customization for weapons decently for now, and I could totally see getting cosmetic attachments for more than melee weapons. But I don't think the game has a structure that fits "this mod gives this visual upgrade to any weapon you put it on."


Also, I have yet to read anything from you concerning any mod other than the weapon noise reduction ones. What other mods would share this slot? If there's only one mod that can go in the slot, you might as well just get rid of the mod and silence all weapons ... since a slot that only accepts the noise reduction mods at no extra cost would do essentially the same thing.

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I'd really like to see attachments visually represented on weapons.  The real problem with Suppressors and Sights, or other attachments, is that there would need to be at least 4 different accessory sets modeled: a Corpus Set, a Grineer Set, an Infested Set, and an Orokin/Prime Set.  Maybe a 5th Tenno Set is even warranted.  You would need a set of attachments designed with the aesthetic of each major weapon/faction group to optimally match parts with weapons.


Then, the question would be whether to assign those design theme sets to weapons, or to deal with them like Sugatras and let us control which part goes on our weapons, and if anyone would be okay with Corpus high-tech laz0r scopez on an Infested gun, or if it's okay to put a Prime Suppressor attachment at the end of the Hind.


Anyway, we've got Stance and Aura slots on weapons now, and I think they were good additions to the game and reduced the utter crushing necessity of throwing Catalysts on things, and lightened the Forma-loading rigor of developing weapons.  I'd love to see a sensible way to attach that mechanic to Primary and Sidearm weapons.

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Fair point. I did enjoy borderlands quite a bit :) and that game had  LOT of attachments (kinda) since every gun was built from a random assortment of parts. Dead Space and Bioshock had visual upgrades too right?


Some more visual options for weapons would be nice .... but the issue here is it wouldn't work very well due to the wide variety of weapons. For instance, I can put Hush on the Ignis. Do you have any idea what a flamethrower silencer could or should look like? How about one for Glaxion or Synapse? It would really only work for the rifle and pistol like weapons, and in many cases wouldn't fit their aesthetic (Silenced Marelok? lol). Technically it would be hard to design.


I think skins and color palletes cover the visual customization for weapons decently for now, and I could totally see getting cosmetic attachments for more than melee weapons. But I don't think the game has a structure that fits "this mod gives this visual upgrade to any weapon you put it on."


Also, I have yet to read anything from you concerning any mod other than the weapon noise reduction ones. What other mods would share this slot? If there's only one mod that can go in the slot, you might as well just get rid of the mod and silence all weapons ... since a slot that only accepts the noise reduction mods at no extra cost would do essentially the same thing.

Mods least used: Bane of Infested, Corpus, Grineer (all 3 weapon types - over serration? I doubt - maybe swapping between missions but that gets tedious), Hush, Rifle Aptitude and Sure shot (event mods trump pure status mods now), Hawk Eye (questionable about how often people use it), Finishing Touch (based on how often you manage to finish a enemy - rarely?) Aviator (damage reduction in mid air, only for one air based warframe?)


Other mods commonly used that can be debated in the attachment system (doesn't mean they have to its just a possibility): Ammo Drum, Ammo Stock, Ammo Mutation, Seeker (depends might offer more dps just to have on over another mod, depending on the weapon), Quick draw (vs Stunning Speed) , Parry, Recoil mods.


- The Post by Hooligantuan will have more info. on this idea/concept based off another question.

Edited by Hookshotz
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I'd really like to see attachments visually represented on weapons.  The real problem with Suppressors and Sights, or other attachments, is that there would need to be at least 4 different accessory sets modeled: a Corpus Set, a Grineer Set, an Infested Set, and an Orokin/Prime Set.  Maybe a 5th Tenno Set is even warranted.  You would need a set of attachments designed with the aesthetic of each major weapon/faction group to optimally match parts with weapons.


Then, the question would be whether to assign those design theme sets to weapons, or to deal with them like Sugatras and let us control which part goes on our weapons, and if anyone would be okay with Corpus high-tech laz0r scopez on an Infested gun, or if it's okay to put a Prime Suppressor attachment at the end of the Hind.


Anyway, we've got Stance and Aura slots on weapons now, and I think they were good additions to the game and reduced the utter crushing necessity of throwing Catalysts on things, and lightened the Forma-loading rigor of developing weapons.  I'd love to see a sensible way to attach that mechanic to Primary and Sidearm weapons.

Well that statement was just a concept/example but your statement allowed me to think more in depth on how the system could be implemented. There could be another system inside your space ship that allows you to select a weapon and examine it to see what can be done to it (not sure what to call it just yet so: A system it is) Now the purpose of A system is to research the type of weapon and where it came from as well as how it came to be. Once this information is collected a quest or destination can be given to the player to go to a specific location to obtain the material for the attachment (Let's say the Grineer's Gorgon for instance, now the gun has been researched by A system and tells you to go to a Grineer type mission. [Lets go with sabotage b/c I would like to think your raiding a weapons depot in a way] After your finished, the objective you will obtain the blueprint to upgrade/attach your weapon (which could require a special part or not to craft - more questing?). Assuming that everything is done the weapon researched (the gorgon in this case) gets an attachment (lets say a foregrip) which will reduce the amount of recoil. 


With this weapon research based system, it allows more questing, putting mods to use which aren't used as much or often, as well as making it so that there isn't the faction based attachment for each and every type of weapon. 

Edited by Hookshotz
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