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Radial Blind Nerf


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You're casting upward. As in, high in the sky, which means at that angle it can indeed go past cover. Shoot it at a wall and detonate it, then see if it blinds any enemies behind said wall. And I don't mean a low hanging wall. I mean a literal wall, like a wall beside a doorway.


Being done that.



And if anything I can't believe you are still pro RB nerf.  Have you seen enemies NOT affected by RB because 1 guy just happens to stand in front of him ? This is what RB is right now.


And no, don't even suggest use super jumping to cast RB because you cannot use RB at the Apex of the jump.

You can only use it when you are falling down.

Now if RB used the LOS detection of Pull, it isn't so bad at all.
Pull will work against enemies as long you have clear LOS, even if the enemies are lined up in front of each other. It will work.
Over railings yes it would but behind crates or walls.
Nah it won't.
RB won't work. All the person needs to do is duck behind a bloody railing or someone standing in front of him.
Edited by fatpig84
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Being done that.



And if anything I can't believe you are still pro RB nerf.  Have you seen enemies NOT affected by RB because 1 guy just happens to stand in front of him ? This is what RB is right now.


And no, don't even suggest use super jumping to cast RB because you cannot use RB at the Apex of the jump.

You can only use it when you are falling down.

Now if RB used the LOS detection of Pull, it isn't so bad at all.
Pull will work against enemies as long you have clear LOS, even if the enemies are lined up in front of each other. It will work.
Over railings yes it would but behind crates or walls.
Nah it won't.
RB won't work. All the person needs to do is duck behind a bloody railing or someone standing in front of him.



It can be strengthened for sure. However I am for it being line of sight, since it's a blinding ability. Enemies need to see it to get hit by it. Sounds about right to me. What they can do to balance it a bit, is make it so it effects everyone that isn't in cover or behind walls. If an enemy is out in the open or peaking from behind cover, they get hit. However if they aren't and they're safely tucked in somewhere, they don't.

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You're probably not getting what I'm trying to convey when I state "effect". I'm just going to drop that line of conversation because while I'm trying to focus on just that one thing, Mirage herself is incredibly powerful and thus everyone is going to focus on everything that makes her as such. Long story short: it's a point that simply can't be made in this particular thread and its current state of mind.




No, I would call Frost's snowglobe a needed balance. However I WOULD call the recent sniper rifle buffs a...buff. I would also call many of Ash's bleed procs a buff. I'd also state that Oberon's revamp was quite a huge buff. Hm...Attica recieved a gigantic buff as well recently. Torid too. Yeah, the list goes on but said list is always ignored because everyone focuses on the negative more than the positive. Anyway, why are you still here? Didn't you say you were going to leave? Welp, seeya.

Haha snowglobe a balance pff considering his others skills you are the type like DE work with people at the start of a new game but when you get all big and confident sod anyone else. Yer the list is ignored because most of the buffs are either very silly or contradict what they are doing. Since most nerfs are stealth now that's why people focus on them more it gets more attention. There buffs are also not always correct or take so long nobody cares. I'm still here as not playing the game until I see improvements and them listening to the play base again.

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Haha snowglobe a balance pff considering his others skills you are the type like DE work with people at the start of a new game but when you get all big and confident sod anyone else. Yer the list is ignored because most of the buffs are either very silly or contradict what they are doing. Since most nerfs are stealth now that's why people focus on them more it gets more attention. There buffs are also not always correct or take so long nobody cares. I'm still here as not playing the game until I see improvements and them listening to the play base again.


You make...no sense. And you're obviously enraged, so trying to explain anything to you would be a waste of time.

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You make...no sense. And you're obviously enraged, so trying to explain anything to you would be a waste of time.

Nothing hard to understand within that text except the punctuation is wrong in places, if you can't take the time to read or reply in a suitable manner don't reply it's like explaining to you what we are on about radial blind but you will only accept your opinion and no one else's

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Ah now Frost appears.

Actually I was glad they did his snowglobe.

But they removed the Freeze out of his avalanche.


Nothing can explain the sheer rage I had.

and DE thought it was a bug, fixed it quite fast. i dont usually bash DE,  but i hope we can keep those bugs, because they did a better job than the designer.

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Nothing hard to understand within that text except the punctuation is wrong in places, if you can't take the time to read or reply in a suitable manner don't reply it's like explaining to you what we are on about radial blind but you will only accept your opinion and no one else's


Sadly for you, you're totally wrong. I actually did accept others' opinions, and even stated that I agreed that radial blind could be buffed up a little bit more.


I read your post, and most of it was opinionated statements that can't really be argued because all you'll do is continue to make more opinionated statements. Instead of continuing an asinine argument, I took the other path and dropped it.

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It was not "stealth nerfed".


They very specifically talk about it in the patchnotes back around u12.4

It's functioning as intended.


Anything otherwise, since then, was a bug.


Also, Super Jump and slash dash have always been his best skills.

Not sure if you are just plain stupid or you are waiting too hard on exca nerf, I've read all the patch note and the only changes to radial blind is the enemy can still detect and predict their shot on the last gunshot sound location they heard, they never mentioned the line of sight nerf.

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Sadly for you, you're totally wrong. I actually did accept others' opinions, and even stated that I agreed that radial blind could be buffed up a little bit more.


I read your post, and most of it was opinionated statements that can't really be argued because all you'll do is continue to make more opinionated statements. Instead of continuing an asinine argument, I took the other path and dropped it.

Considering that disscussions are made of opinions and statements I'm starting to feel you need to understand what the forum is for. If you want facts we'll lets see did mirage's promise get nerfed because that has a blind so does Oberon. Then we got other abilities that do cc massive cc like Excalibur did they get nerfed no, considering that they only did Excalibur's blind mechanic thats a bit odd. You can't use logic in this game that light does not travel through walls and objects otherwise if you did use logic there would be so many problems

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Considering that disscussions are made of opinions and statements I'm starting to feel you need to understand what the forum is for. If you want facts we'll lets see did mirage's promise get nerfed because that has a blind so does Oberon. Then we got other abilities that do cc massive cc like Excalibur did they get nerfed no, considering that they only did Excalibur's blind mechanic thats a bit odd. You can't use logic in this game that light does not travel through walls and objects otherwise if you did use logic there would be so many problems


*sighs* I'm far too tired to deal with this, but I'll bite.


Just because there's a forum =/= you're deserving to be answered to. I've probably been in far, FAR more forums than you, and have been an admin of far more forums than you. I know how forums work. I know how posting works. And if I don't feel like answering you when all I know is it'll just continue an asinine argument, I will happily decline to answer, as I had stated 2 posts ago.


That said, I WILL answer your remaining statements by saying: Did ALL the buffs/nerfs/rebalances for ALL the warframes happen at once? No. You point out that other warframes have received certain changes while others have not, and that there are inconsistencies. I counter that they have yet to finished rebalancing the rest of the warframes. Excalibur is long overdue for such a rebalance, and this change to his radial blind is no doubt the first step - just like the changes to Ember's Overheat way back when was the first step in her near complete revamp - just like Rhino's Roar changes even longer ago was the first step in HIS revamp.


Not everything is set in stone, and not everything can be changed all at once; nor immediately. So pointing out inconsistencies is akin to pointing out this game is ever evolving. There WILL be inconsistencies. There WILL be partial buffs and partial debuffs. And, above all else, DE DOES listen. They changed Trinity this patch as well slightly, and have stated almost continuously throughout the day that they're listening to feedback. Just like they listened to feedback when they first changed her. Just like they listened to feedback with Oberon. with Banshee. With Rhino. With Frost. And so on. Just because sometimes they don't change/implement something the masses wanted doesn't mean they don't listen. The customer is NOT always right, especially when it comes to balancing a game.


But I digress. I'm done. You may continue to fight amongst yourself.

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I wasn't comparing Excal to Mirage. I was saying her Blind effect works the same as Excal's now.





You're casting upward. As in, high in the sky, which means at that angle it can indeed go past cover. Shoot it at a wall and detonate it, then see if it blinds any enemies behind said wall. And I don't mean a low hanging wall. I mean a literal wall, like a wall beside a doorway.


Per this video, that is not the case. Mirage can blind through walls. Multiples walls to be exact.



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This nerf is completely uncalled for. How about you nerf some of the top frames, and not ones like excal, like why is Rhino completely OK and he received no nerf, but excal needed a nerf? I know it makes a little bit of sense to actually have the enemies have to see the blinding light, but it completely ruins the balance. What about coptering? It doesn't make sense, but DE wont remove that. I really hope DE changes excal the way he used to be, he may have been the most balanced frame in the game.

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