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Please Stop Nerfing Characters To Balance Pvp.


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The Trinity and Excal changes were not made with PvP in mind. I do not know the reason behind the Ash nerf.


Moved to a more appropriate section.



No PVP balance change has carried over to PVE. DE is not changing powers in pve with PVP in mind either. While it may be fun to blame such things on PVP it is incorrect.


Can you tell us where did you get his info?

Because it would be really awesome if DE told us instead of forum mods.

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Oh good lord.


Please, name a change you think was secretly aimed at PvP. 


Seriously, why on earth would they carry PvP balance over to PvE? Are they secretly trying to ruin PvE? Did they all forget one day that they could change one without changing the other?


Take that tinfoil hat off.

When they first change blade storm it was for PVP and it carried over to PVE. Then they changed it for Party compatiblity and that carried over to solo play. and this is from my own experience.

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ash has not been nerfed yet to my knowledge, I was just assuming since its the most overpowered thing in pvp right now ash is going to suffer in a future update

Yes I tried DS once last week and never again like everytime I get close someone just bladestorms your face without you even seeing them at times then theres like 10 of them doing that same thing.

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Like Green Condom suggested tenno should have some resistance to tenno powers and double their Shield and Hp values is DS then no need reworking of the abilities on PVP and less likely it will mess up PVE.

Oh Jesus, I guess I'll restate something that people have already said. PvP changes do not effect PvE!

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When they first change blade storm it was for PVP and it carried over to PVE. Then they changed it for Party compatiblity and that carried over to solo play. and this is from my own experience.


Are you referring to when they gave it clones? If so, that was directed at PvE. Also, only having one example doesn't really support your assertion of "every change is done for PvP!"

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Are you referring to when they gave it clones? If so, that was directed at PvE. Also, only having one example doesn't really support your assertion of "every change is done for PvP!"

put it this way. when i first got my ash over 5 months ago i played him exclusively for two month and fell in love with him and bladestorm I could solo and didn't have to wait for my clannies to get off work or out of school so that i could survive while playing. Then i logged in one day and couldn't make it through the first wave of Kadesh on mars. then i tried Puck and exterminate and as i came out of blade storm the first time. the mob i had cast it on is the same mob that killed me. When before i would have come out of it to an empty room. and I couldn't do near half the damage i could before. Ever since, ever couple of weeks i try to find a new build for him to at least recover half of his ability. and I have yet to do it. and if i do run him with a party i have to make sure theres a Nekros, Oberon, or until this latest nerf a Trinity in the party. An I perfer to play solo. So I can only go by what the forums at the time said and it was mostly pvp players complaining about blade storm being to op in conclaive. It's my experience that the damage type, the clones, and that shortened duration of it, even though it never had a set duration persay. suck and it ruined Ash for me cause i can't play him solo like i could. and i ticks me off cause he was my favorite frame. To be honest if i had gotten him before i got loki i would have never gotten loki and if i had started the game with him I'd still only have one frame well untill the change that is.


I even had a friend play on my account and said that there was something wrong cause he loved the change and was able to do much more damage and last longer by far. I'm still struggling to find a new build that can compare because of this. I don't like the change in damage type, the clones (don't see the point really) nor that if i even get to see him attack something He can't kill it.

Edited by Ookami_Nihonto
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put it this way. when i first got my ash over 5 months ago i played him exclusively for two month and fell in love with him and bladestorm I could solo and didn't have to wait for my clannies to get off work or out of school so that i could survive while playing. Then i logged in one day and couldn't make it through the first wave of Kadesh on mars. then i tried Puck and exterminate and as i came out of blade storm the first time. the mob i had cast it on is the same mob that killed me. When before i would have come out of it to an empty room. and I couldn't do near half the damage i could before. Ever since, ever couple of weeks i try to find a new build for him to at least recover half of his ability. and I have yet to do it. and if i do run him with a party i have to make sure theres a Nekros, Oberon, or until this latest nerf a Trinity in the party. An I perfer to play solo. So I can only go by what the forums at the time said and it was mostly pvp players complaining about blade storm being to op in conclaive. It's my experience that the damage type, the clones, and that shortened duration of it, even though it never had a set duration persay. suck and it ruined Ash for me cause i can't play him solo like i could. and i ticks me off cause he was my favorite frame. To be honest if i had gotten him before i got loki i would have never gotten loki and if i had started the game with him I'd still only have one frame well untill the change that is.


I even had a friend play on my account and said that there was something wrong cause he loved the change and was able to do much more damage and last longer by far. I'm still struggling to find a new build that can compare because of this. I don't like the change in damage type, the clones (don't see the point really) nor that if i even get to see him attack something He can't kill it.

it took alot of formas, but I like Maxed redirection, vitality, quick thinking, rage, intensify, fleeting expertise, flow, streamline, and bladestorm. I use a rejuvenation aura and an arcane locust helmet
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So, let me get this line of reasoning straight:


-something changed

-It's probably PvP's fault


Is that it? Just for future reference I would try to avoid jumping to conclusions like that. If they can balance stats separately in PvP, what reason would they have to make those balances carry over to PvE? Again, I seriously doubt they have some malicious anti-PvE agenda. 

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it took alot of formas, but I like Maxed redirection, vitality, quick thinking, rage, intensify, fleeting expertise, flow, streamline, and bladestorm. I use a rejuvenation aura and an arcane locust helmet

I use the same arcane helmet and all my mods on my original build with steel charge his original polarity. and all mods are maxed and never forma'd a frame and didn't and shouldn't have to. they never should have changed him. And  at least when you do forma it shouldn't affect the A,B,C build it should only affect one of them. so i don't see it getting any better.

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So, let me get this line of reasoning straight:


-something changed

-It's probably PvP's fault


Is that it? Just for future reference I would try to avoid jumping to conclusions like that. If they can balance stats separately in PvP, what reason would they have to make those balances carry over to PvE? Again, I seriously doubt they have some malicious anti-PvE agenda. 

I never said they did it intentionally. I just don't see how you can separate one without the other. once you change the coding for an ability its pretty much set across the board.

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I never said they did it intentionally. I just don't see how you can separate one without the other. once you change the coding for an ability its pretty much set across the board.


They can very easily make changes that only affect one game mode. Want proof? Here's a snippet from the most recent set of patch notes:


PvP Bladestorm balancing:

-Reduced maximum number of attacks to [2, 3, 4, 5] to address issues with players getting stuck in Bladestorm-ed state for up to 15+ hits.

-Increased the PvP damage multiplier from 0.1 per hit to 0.5 per hit in an effort to keep damage output in line with previous values.


Tested, neither of those are present in PvE. 

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I wouldn't have changed my name if I wasn't sure it would stick, so I asked DE Megan before changing it.


You didn't just name yourself after a condom of particular hue

You payed money to do it.

(Voice) Well played!

(Voice) Well played!

(Voice) Well played! Ping.

Edited by Zinthir
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They can very easily make changes that only affect one game mode. Want proof? Here's a snippet from the most recent set of patch notes:



Tested, neither of those are present in PvE. 

that sound just like the stats that i'm seeing in pve only 5 or 6 get attacked and you have to spam it to kill anything. Not sure what the clones do i've never seen them but from what i can see thats about it and thats if IF i see him attack anything during blade storm and when i do see it about 9 times out of 10 he floats above the screen but that was a bug long before the change that they still haven't fixed.

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I use the same arcane helmet and all my mods on my original build with steel charge his original polarity. and all mods are maxed and never forma'd a frame and didn't and shouldn't have to. they never should have changed him. And  at least when you do forma it shouldn't affect the A,B,C build it should only affect one of them. so i don't see it getting any better.

I just have one build. 25 power bladestorm plus the rage+quick thinking makes sure I never go down. Lifesteal on my dragon nikana can easily get me 1000 health back.

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that sound just like the stats that i'm seeing in pve only 5 or 6 get attacked and you have to spam it to kill anything. Not sure what the clones do i've never seen them but from what i can see thats about it and thats if IF i see him attack anything during blade storm and when i do see it about 9 times out of 10 he floats above the screen but that was a bug long before the change that they still haven't fixed.


So...are you complaining about bugs or balance changes?

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I'm sure with your 2 months of membership you've already a successful trader.

you shouldn't underestimate the green condom. I've come a long way.... You know when I started life I was a baby? I didn't understand words or math or even the concept of walking. And that only took me about a year. Learning warframe trading.... That was simple.

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