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Super Jump Is Overshadowed, And Here Is My Change Sorta Buff Proposal


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Not saying get rid of it, but for every negative nerfy change on a warframe there needs to be a buffy positive change!


Super jump was cool in the beginning, but over time it became overshadowed with water rushing, portals, teleporting ash, and loki, super speed Volt, and hysteria speeding sonic spinning Valkyr, and to top it all off FLYING ZEPHY!!!


Excalibur's abilities were quite frankly left untouched, and unbuffed, or unnerfed for a long time. What I would like to say is change super jump, but don't get rid of it. IT CAN BE COOL, and absurdly useful in a awesome(using for its literal definition) fashion.


What if instead of when we use super jump it doesn't shoot up straight up into the air a couple feet more then a normal Warframe jump, but what if it was more like the AVP 2010 super jump, but at the same time NOT like the AVP 2010 super jump?


What if it was a hold aim, and launch mechanism?

Basically my proposal for an improvement to the super jump system to make it far more useful, and amazing is a system that can easily be buffed to go further with upgrading the ability mod, and ability reach mods.


It will basically look like this when you hold the button down. (the red circles are an example for the cursor not how it will acctually look) Warframe0374_zpscf333a9f.jpg


Then once you release the button as you have chosen the location you want to go...



You cling to that ledge, and climb over. Can also be aimed at ground to leap around an enemy, or a location across a gap, or simply tapped for a quick leap across.


Once upgraded you can go even further distances...



Well as you always say don't give feedback unless you have a fix, and that is my feedback on super jump up to now, and an interesting idea to a fix to make super jump cool enough to be useful along side other movement abilities.

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Personally, I think this would not be used, Too slow for a fast paced game.


As for fixes.


Upon Takeoff Excalibur stuns the surrounding enemies.


When he lands he creates an impact knocking over enemies and doing some damage.

actually it would be fast. You can move, and aim at the same time. So youd run while holding the aim button(the 3, or whatever super jump is), and once you see where you want to go above you just release, and you go flying towards said spot.

Edited by Arlayn
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good idea, though I never used super jump, but I suggest press 3 for the aiming, and then pressing it again for the jump, because one might accidentally let go of 3 and jump no where if it's a hold ability 

I actually never thought of the spring loaded part. I was just thinking it could easily be aimed and launched quickly, or tapped for a quick leap. Not a bad idea, but would slow it down if it was used like the bows.

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Just because Exy's never (almost ever) been touched is why we still get nostalgia when playing him...original WF days.


Anyways, not holding on to the o-so-beloved-past anymore, I'm all for it. Not necessarily your or anyone's version, but Excalibur needs some attention. A lot, in fact. Especially Super Jump.

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I don't really agree with the aiming mechanism, it's feels slow.

But there's an idea, use his "momentum". Excal moving forward? Don't let Super Jump just gain horizontal coverage, let it fly forward with his momentum! (oh god my Blinding Rage will KILL me with this).

Also it has a very very very awkward animation. That needs to be changed to make it smoother, like a regular jump, only more powerful.



Personally, I think this would not be used, Too slow for a fast paced game.


As for fixes.


Upon Takeoff Excalibur stuns the surrounding enemies.


When he lands he creates an impact knocking over enemies and doing some damage.

I actually thought of this while doing a #2. The energy Excal uses to make the leap is probably enough to make a shockwave on take-off, it's fast, it's cruel, it's <cuss> powerfully high, and all that kinetic energy on travel will cause a beautiful dent on landing....Heavy Impact should no longer be needed for Super Jump, it also allows for the ability to "scale"..

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but, but super jumpe is epic as it is, if you have forward momentum you dont lose that AND it costs only 10 energy. IMHO a change like this would slow excal down, newer players even more so. as it stand right now, super jump is excals panic button.


Personaly i would like it to have some synergy with excals other abilities, like an air radial javeling (right now you cant hit enemies below you at a certain angle around 45 degrees), and the future change to radial blind wil give synergy, making super jump "more" usefull

Edited by Adaptor-Face
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but, but super jumpe is epic as it is, if you have forward momentum you dont lose that AND it costs only 10 energy. IMHO a change like this would slow excal down, newer players even more so. as it stand right now, super jump is excals panic button.


Personaly i would like it to have some synergy with excals other abilities, like an air radial javeling (right now you cant hit enemies below you at a certain angle around 45 degrees), and the future change to radial blind wil give synergy, making super jump "more" usefull

Guessing you never saw Rise of the planet of the apes... that run, and leap they do to get around in their parkour fashion is basically what I am saying. It wouldn't slow you down it be like a rapid leap movement getting around at incredibly high speeds. After getting the feel for it you can simply skip the aim, and tap. Like turn your camera fast enough to tap leap to certain locations rapidly like in Naruto as they do their speed ninja jumping from location to location.


However with the aim mechanic it just gives the calm moment some time for maneuvering. Maybe your sneaking around and you want perfect precision for sneaking around among the rafters and preparing a proper sneak attack from above.

Edited by Arlayn
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