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Change To 3 Ability Polarities, Not 4.


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It is a simple suggestion, allow me to state my case:


Power #1 costs, at most, 3 drain to equip.  Putting that in a polarized slot saves exactly 1 (ONE) drain.  This is only beneficial if you are equipping all of your frame's powers, and even then is still only saving you 1 (ONE!) drain.


Having 3 ability polarities and leaving the fourth (which is now polarized) 'blank' would allow more flexibility and potentially only cost any build 1 (yes, still one) more drain.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who chooses, the first time I Forma a frame, to change an ability polarity to something that will actually save more than one point.


The only issues I can foresee with this idea is four-power-loaded frame builds that desperately need that one last drain, or the possibility that DE has plans to make some drastic change to the Warframe power system that would benefit having a slot on the Warframe dedicated to the cheapest max-rank mod in existence.

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This isn't really an idea but more of a demand for convenience. If you have 4 abilities then it made sense to have 4 ability polarities, having none also made sense. But wanting to have only 3 is just demanding for the sake of your own convenience.

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I personally want to see a slot system that rewards players for bringing more abilities on their warframe. For example, if you have two or three abilities slotted, you either get an extra slot (11 slots) to use, or maybe a stat boost to your warframe, or both. Your reward should be considerably good if using all four abilities. This would help players use more abilities to vary gameplay, help eliminate single-ability builds, and contribute enough in-game playtesting to fill these forums with more ability fine-tuning for every warframe.

Edited by MechaKnight
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