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Excalibro: Changes For Other Skills


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Collaborated most of the ideas into this post
I originally posted this in a separate thread, however I think with all the attention drawn on excal right now and some people saying he needs "changes to other abilities" but not saying WHAT changes they want to see, I came up with my idea of what could be done to improve him.
Slash Dash
% damage based on melee
Add some other effect like a knockback similar to a charged bow shot and maybe a bleed would enhance it greatly and make it more utilized.
Speeding it up to at least copter speed, if not faster since iirc you can't change direction during the skill.
Removing the "stick on enemy" (might be fixed by the knockback change I mentioned).
Other suggestions for Slash Dash




How do you think Slash Dash should be revised?
when u have ur melee weapon equiped it will be used as utility to close in on ur enemy to perform the combos
when u have ur main or secondary make it a 2 staged ability:(first stage) its like the normal slash dash but its damage is depends on ur melee weapon damage (second stage) excalibur spins around himself [much like the loki's radial disarm animation] and does AoE damage based on his overall ability strength






Here's a few of my ideas to improve on xcal's attractiveness in damage and utility.


Slash Dash

Hits count toward combo counter.  

Damage multiplied by combo counter.




Super Jump
Why not make SJ universal and find an alternate skill related to Excalibur (possibly an alternate utility) Possibly a different version of a Valkyr skill...
Radiant Light - Blesses the team with a pure light that makes melee strikes hit harder and leave the enemy to bleed.
During Skill, pure white glow is added around all team melee weapons to show it is active.
Toggled Skill
Cost: 20 initial 7/6/5/4 E p/s drain
20/30/50/70% damage to melee
40/60/75/100% chance to proc bleed on survivors
This skill is outclassed by boobens trampoline, Zephyr's Tail Wind, and even Valkry's Rip Line provided there is a high wall or ceiling.
Other Suggestions for Super Jump:



Here's a few of my ideas to improve on xcal's attractiveness in damage and utility.




Super Jump

Changed to Keen:


Keen - Personal/AoE Buff

Heightened Run Speed for 'x' seconds.  (Not Volt-like)

Increased Jump Height for 'x' seconds.

Zero Stamina drain for "x" seconds.




Well about the whole argument of Super Jump, I have talked it over with a few and most people say that Super Jump's usefulness kinda died down a few updates back and should replace itself with some sort of buff skill or something.


Some ideas I had in mind was to replace the Super Jump skill with something like:



Increases the Critical Rate and Critical Damage of weapon attacks for a small duration.



For a small duration, Channeling attacks will cost no energy


There has already been the idea of replacing Super Jump with a skill that boosts Excalibur's agility and such so I skip that one.



Another thing I kinda wish could be added was to change the animation of Slash Dash in a way that the floor Excalibur dashes has some slash marks on the floor and if the animation looked a bit faster.


I think my biggest suggestion would be change Super Jump so rather than a mobility skill it should act more like a Dragon Punch.


As Steve has confirmed that we will be getting at least some aerial melee, this would synergise very well, for example:


You could launch an enemy into the air, then allowing the opportunity to hit them as you both fall, possibly ending in a ground finisher.


Another idea would be the Screw Attack from Metroid, have it change your jumps to inflict damage on contact, so you could flip into an Osprey to kill it.


make super jump a passive skill that can be toggled, that boosts a bit the run speed and jump height (speed boost less than volt's speed skill, say 30%) and consuming minimal energy while the skill is active. it would remove the annoyance of pressing a different button to just jump higher, and make it a viable utility skill

(could affect whole team for more utility)

Original idea

Swap it with a different new skill; possibly a survival skill or even a different utility skill. Jumping 3x higher at a slower rate is a terrible waste of a skill... You can wall run and jump then mid air slide to wherever you need to go... I mean... you can't even use this WHILE jumping to boost a jump.

Radial Javelin
Accuracy... much needed.
Possibly have it automatically "trace" the nearest 5/8/10/15 targets (multiple hit to repeat target if less enemies than javelins).
Punch through on Grineer riot shields.
Additions: Bonus % damage based on melee in addition to 1000 skill damage.
Other Ideas for Radial Javelin



Here's a few of my ideas to improve on xcal's attractiveness in damage and utility.




Radial Javelin

Casting animation can be used as a finisher attack dealing 'x' damage.

Increased number of Javelins.

Javelins that do not destroy targets increase incoming slashing damage.

Javelins that hit friendly targets restore full stamina.




As for Radial Javelin,


I have often thought that it would be cool if it were togglable sort of like Mirage's disco ball - that is, since it is a javelin, you should be a able to throw it. While you are throwing it, it consumes energy while flying through the air (like disco ball) and when you either tap 4 again or if it runs out of power, then it creates the usual radial javelin effect we all know and love from mid air. Tapping 4 twice in quick secession would result in the current downward stab radial javelin animation we all know and most of us love.





How do you think Radial Javelin should be revised?
make it a radial ability (globe) and make it pin enemies to walls
affected by ( duration[more time enemies are pinned on walls] // range // strength )



Radial Blind
Honestly, I'm okay with the changes they have PLANNED, not the changes we SAW
Edited by .Zeva
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Dont touch super jump. Im serious about this. People just are too lazy to use utility skills. Not everything in this game has to debuff/insta-kill/buff. For 10 energy, its more than well rounded, only maybe adding the ability to jump from different surfaces maybe, but nothing else.



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Super Jump was good when there wasn't really parkour... It's garbage now, ooh i can jump slightly lower than i can wall run, yay. It is easily outclassed by boobens trampoline, Zephry's Tail Wind, and even Valkry's Rip Line provided there is a high wall or ceiling. There should be a separate utility in it's place. Note that I said swap it for a survival or utility skill... not a insta win button... People are too lazy to read a full post and grasp the meaning of the OP



Edited by .Zeva
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Super Jump was good when there wasn't really parkour... It's garbage now, ooh i can jump slightly lower than i can wall run, yay. There should be a separate utility in it's place. Note that I said swap it for a survival or utility skill... not a insta win button... People are too lazy to read a full post and grasp the meaning of the OP



The only time I've seen super jump in practice is in infested defense when they just super jumped to get to a higher place to rain down rockets. Sure, it saves time, but you can see the controversy in terms of laziness.


So, I'm neither for a complete change of super jump nor against it.

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It recently came to my mind that Javelin could pierce through light cover and apply a ragdoll effect (similar to bows) to any enemy that isn't killed. As far as I know it is still target limited and I'm still unsure about any damage changes.

I think Jump should have some improvements because, let's face it, only in a few ocations you'll need to jump higher against moving forward and many tiles simply do not allow the use at full extent due to height limits. So I thought that instead it should be an omnidirectional quick and small dash while on the ground and act as a double jump (basically the same thing it does now) while in the air.

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The only time I've seen super jump in practice is in infested defense when they just super jumped to get to a higher place to rain down rockets. Sure, it saves time, but you can see the controversy in terms of laziness.


So, I'm neither for a complete change of super jump nor against it.


I do see it, however it still feels like a useless skill compared to those that outshine it. If it stays, I have no complaints... However it was a suggestion to replace a skill that has become outdated by the parkour improvements.


It recently came to my mind that Javelin could pierce through light cover and apply a ragdoll effect (similar to bows) to any enemy that isn't killed. As far as I know it is still target limited and I'm still unsure about any damage changes.

I think Jump should have some improvements because, let's face it, only in a few ocations you'll need to jump higher against moving forward and many tiles simply do not allow the use at full extent due to height limits. So I thought that instead it should be an omnidirectional quick and small dash while on the ground and act as a double jump (basically the same thing it does now) while in the air.


See this I wouldn't mind,  it's not close to killing Zephyr as the owner of the skies, nor does it copy & paste Vauban's Bounce. It makes it a nice utility "getaway" or get to that high up place that wall climbing prevents... I would like to see it allow me to get to places that wall climbing can barely reach or can't b/c there is't a wall there. Add in the ability to use it before before the crest from your jump, but not after and it's perfect.

Edited by .Zeva
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maybe make super jump a passive skill that can be toggled, that boosts a bit the run speed and jump height (speed boost less than volt's speed skill, say 30%) and consuming energy while the skill is active. it would remove the annoyance of pressing a different button to just jump higher, and make it a viable utility skill

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Super Jump is way too situational. Whether it's cheap to use or not is irrelevant. People talk about laziness? Because jumping high instead of using wallrun isn't being lazy? Double standard much?^^'


Don't get me wrong, I don't really mind that much if it stays like this, makes one more mod slot to put to better use. I just think it's a shame to keep abilities that are situational at best just because some people are too lazy to wallrun or take the stairs...^^'

The devs have more than enough imagination to come up with a much better utility tool than one that makes you jump, even if it's a "super" jump.^^'

But that's just my opinion of course.^^

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maybe make super jump a passive skill that can be toggled, that boosts a bit the run speed and jump height (speed boost less than volt's speed skill, say 30%) and consuming energy while the skill is active. it would remove the annoyance of pressing a different button to just jump higher, and make it a viable utility skill


:O brilliant. That I would happy about, even more utility and not a need to hold, modding first post for this with credit on you good sir.

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My one complaint with Super Jump is that it's distance scales with power strength and not power range or duration, which makes gearing for high mobility counter-intuitive.  The only reason I need intensify on my Excal is for super jump, because my damage abilities barely scale at high level anyways, but superjump sans intensify is just not strong enough to be useful, so I have to slot intensify.



Super Jump is way too situational. Whether it's cheap to use or not is irrelevant. People talk about laziness? Because jumping high instead of using wallrun isn't being lazy? Double standard much?^^'


Trick is you can superjump off a wallrun, =3

Edited by Gelkor
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Super Jump was good when there wasn't really parkour... It's garbage now, ooh i can jump slightly lower than i can wall run, yay. It is easily outclassed by boobens trampoline, Zephry's Tail Wind, and even Valkry's Rip Line provided there is a high wall or ceiling. There should be a separate utility in it's place. Note that I said swap it for a survival or utility skill... not a insta win button... People are too lazy to read a full post and grasp the meaning of the OP




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Trick is you can superjump off a wallrun, =3

Yeah I know, but that's not nearly enough to make me change my opinion.^^

And isn't it situational too?^^'

I mean it's not the only situational ability, but it's the MOST situational IMHO.

Edited by Marthrym
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Yeah I know, but that's not nearly enough to make me change my opinion.^^

And isn't it situational too?^^'


I'd argue all abilities are situational to varying degrees.  I only use Stomp in dire emergencies or dangerous wave spawns, meaning I sometimes only use stomp once a game, does that make it too situational?


I tend to use super-jump more than just as a replacer for wallrun, however.  There are many times when vertical heights need to be cleared that you can't wall-run up, I:E: ledges that don't have walls below them, and the staircase is 50 feet away.  And as I mentioned, walls that are too high to wallrun (unless you have marathon or something) you can super-jump at your peak. It's just a tool, use it or don't but I'm just saying it's not a lazy-person's replacement for wallrun.

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I'd argue all abilities are situational to varying degrees.  I only use Stomp in dire emergencies or dangerous wave spawns, meaning I sometimes only use stomp once a game, does that make it too situational?


I tend to use super-jump more than just as a replacer for wallrun, however.  There are many times when vertical heights need to be cleared that you can't wall-run up, I:E: ledges that don't have walls below them, and the staircase is 50 feet away.  And as I mentioned, walls that are too high to wallrun (unless you have marathon or something) you can super-jump at your peak. It's just a tool, use it or don't but I'm just saying it's not a lazy-person's replacement for wallrun.

That's actually very true, all abilities are indeed situational, I didn't think about it that way.^^


But the amount of time you use an ability isn't linked to its "usefulness" all that much. Stomp, to take your example, has many more "useful" features than jumping higher than normal. It can be used in more situations and have an impact on the outcome of any given "situation", Crowd Control for instance, whereas Super Jump makes you jump high, and not much else. The amount of situations where it has a utility is vaslty inferior. See what I mean?


And the "lazy" argument was just one I used ironically, because someone else used it the other way around to say that people who don't like SJ are lazy, which didn't make any sense for me. I should have made it more clear though, sorry.^^'

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Dont touch super jump. Im serious about this. People just are too lazy to use utility skills. Not everything in this game has to debuff/insta-kill/buff. For 10 energy, its more than well rounded, only maybe adding the ability to jump from different surfaces maybe, but nothing else.



You can already super jump when wallrunning. And although a utility skill, it doesn't do much when wall attacks already do what is accomplishes, and you don't need much vertical travel any ways. 

I'd say if anything, reduced animation lock so it's easier to chain abilities. And the double jump power of course. 

Sure it's a great utility skill, but the point of utility like this is flexibility, which Super Jump sorely lacks. 

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Why not make Super Jump aim-able so it's not just a vertical jump so that way you can have a little more usage out of it? Of course restrict its angle of aiming to something reasonable so as not to clash with Slash Dash's horizontal range.


PS: Also agree you should allow it to be used midair and increase the speed at which you travel.

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Here's a few of my ideas to improve on xcal's attractiveness in damage and utility.


Slash Dash

Hits count toward combo counter.  

Damage multiplied by combo counter.


Radial Blind

Able to be used during melee combos.


Super Jump

Changed to Keen:


Keen - Personal/AoE Buff

Heightened Run Speed for 'x' seconds.  (Not Volt-like)

Increased Jump Height for 'x' seconds.

Zero Stamina drain for "x" seconds.


Radial Javelin

Casting animation can be used as a finisher attack dealing 'x' damage.

Increased number of Javelins.

Javelins that do not destroy targets increase incoming slashing damage.

Javelins that hit friendly targets restore full stamina.

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How would "Keen" not be Volt Like?


Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of the power.


*EDIT* What I love about the idea of this proposed  "Keen" power is that it still retains a special jump boost for utility and continuity, etc, but it expands on Excal's initial promise delivered in its very description of being a mobility and melee focused frame (Keen would provide a melee buff due to decreased stamina costs and potentially higher melee attack speed)


Why not instead of making it increase jump height, have it instead give Excal to a double jump (yes, I am hung up on this double jump idea) which would grant him more mobility. 


Maybe make it toggleable, to differentiate it further from Volt. 

Edited by TennoSimons
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As for Radial Javelin,


I have often thought that it would be cool if it were togglable sort of like Mirage's disco ball - that is, since it is a javelin, you should be a able to throw it. While you are throwing it, it consumes energy while flying through the air (like disco ball) and when you either tap 4 again or if it runs out of power, then it creates the usual radial javelin effect we all know and love from mid air. Tapping 4 twice in quick secession would result in the current downward stab radial javelin animation we all know and most of us love.

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