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Excalibro: Changes For Other Skills


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Here's a few of my ideas to improve on xcal's attractiveness in damage and utility.


Slash Dash

Hits count toward combo counter.  

Damage multiplied by combo counter.


Radial Blind

Able to be used during melee combos.


Super Jump

Changed to Keen:


Keen - Personal/AoE Buff

Heightened Run Speed for 'x' seconds.  (Not Volt-like)

Increased Jump Height for 'x' seconds.

Zero Stamina drain for "x" seconds.


Radial Javelin

Casting animation can be used as a finisher attack dealing 'x' damage.

Increased number of Javelins.

Javelins that do not destroy targets increase incoming slashing damage.

Javelins that hit friendly targets restore full stamina.


Also great ideas :D 


Although i do still like the idea of a bleed proc on Slash Dash. It would remind me of all the anime scenes like this



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Give super jump a knockdown radius and a huge buff to melee ground slam radius...


< Super Juuuump!... bad guys fall down all around Excalibro who then comes slamming down with Jat Kitty and ragdolls them again along with half the room >



That'll do pig, that'll do.

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How would "Keen" not be Volt Like?


Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of the power. Why not instead of making it increase jump height, have it instead give Excal to a double jump (yes, I am hung up on this double jump idea) which would grant him more mobility. 


Maybe make it toggleable, to differentiate it further from Volt. 

In the same way Volt's Attack Speed increase isn't the same as Valkyr's War Cry.  They provide the same thing but Valkyr can modify hers.  Keen increases your runspeed in a manner that can be effected by power strength.  Speed gives everyone a flat 50% movement speed increase.


That and I'd make it NOT fish-eye your view.

Edited by Thaumatos
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Super Jump ...

...It's garbage now...



Super Jump may be garbage to you. However, I (and many other Excal mains) completely disagree.


If you don't like Excalibur's playstyle, then don't try and revamp the class for your personal desires while screwing it up for everyone else. Either suggest an addition that everyone can enjoy (e.g. "Add a new 3 for Excal, but keep SJ in the game as an alternate ability for that slot"), or go play a frame that you actually like.



EDIT: Removed the part about my assumption that the devs didn't find anything wrong with SJ because it hasn't been touched for so long. That was silly of me.

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If Super Jump were really as "junk" and "useless" as all the forumers like OP make it out to be, the devs would have scrapped it a while ago. It's because the ability is already more than useful that the ability has stayed in the game for so long (receiving only nerfs along the way, mind you), and it's because of this that many Excal players won't willingly stand by and watch SJ get removed.

I don't care if you personally think that SJ is useless. Many Excal players, and I assume the devs, don't.


If you don't like Excalibur's playstyle, then don't try and revamp the class for your personal desires while screwing it up for everyone else. Either suggest an addition that everyone can enjoy (e.g. "Add a new 3 for Excal, but keep SJ in the game as an alternate ability for that slot"), or go play a frame that you actually like.




p.s. not meant to be read in an angry or demeaning tone... read it calmly as that is what i was, albeit a bit of sarcasm and a hint of feisty... :P


Regardless of whether or not I suggest anything is MY opinion as the OP and DE's decision as to whether or not they use it. Thanks for your opinion, however there is no reason to seem offended by my suggestion as that's all it is. I nor you have any power over what DE does, not even the first founder to buy the GM pack has any sway. (take note of the recent RB threads, yet DE is still going to do it... no one has pull... not even Mag mains.)


As well, I don't care what a few people that use Excal to hop onto a balcony think, nor should they care what I think. That's why they aren't called facts or set in stone. Play-style will always differ between people.

[opinion] I'm simply saying that compared to other vertical movement abilities it has been left behind... far behind. Vaubans bounce at r0 is better at tossing you up than max SJ, Tail Wind is obviously better, and Valkry's Rip Line can take you most places if there's a wall or ceiling. Excal can barley manage to hop to the second story unless built for SJ (yes, some mods do help his other skills)... Of course, this is still just my opinion and I'm sure SJ purists like you will blow it away saying that SJ can destroy bounce, and get higher than an unranked tailwind with x,y, and z mods and that rip line doesn't count.[/opinion]






I went back and tried SJ again, however built just for it to be higher this time. Still, I feel it needs more x and z axis momentum I feel like even sprinting it slows forward inertia. When built for jumping, Z axis is okay for confined spots and some open spots but could be slightly faster animation to bring the "super" part into it. Right now it feels like a sluggish rocket pack that barely has enough juice to launch me on my back. Un-built might have issues with taller ledges or "2.5 story" ledges. All in all I think it's okay, but still outdated... Max jump is what? 15m-ish with mods? 

Edited by .Zeva
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In the same way Volt's Attack Speed increase isn't the same as Valkyr's War Cry.  They provide the same thing but Valkyr can modify hers.  Keen increases your runspeed in a manner that can be effected by power strength.  Speed gives everyone a flat 50% movement speed increase.


That and I'd make it NOT fish-eye your view.


I kind of like the fish eye effect. Makes you feel like: ''oh dang, sht is about to go DOWN! I am about to go FAST''. I suppose I could live with it as long as there are still cool motion blurs.


But personally, I have no problem with having somewhat similar powers (at least until they release universal ability mods or a way for frames to use the mods of others). Loki's decoy is basically like a cheaper, but less potentially damaging version of Saryn's mould. And his invisibility is almost the same as Ash's Smoke ability (the key differences are that Loki's has a higher cost but longer power duration (and that it can be cast in mid-air) whereas Ash's has a short duration but some crowd control utility since it momentarily radial staggers enemies). In a similar vein, I could get behind ''Keen'' or a similar speed-up power as long as there was some property (such as energy cost or power duration, etc) which prevented it from completely outclassing Volt's Speed.



Indeed, I would submit Decoy-Molt and  Smoke-Invisibility as examples of similar powers being implemented in a fashion that does not cause Saryn and Ash respectively to outshine Loki (master race debates notwithstanding).  



*EDIT* Speaking of Masters... 500th Post! Whoop!
Edited by TennoSimons
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If Super Jump were really as "junk" and "useless" as all the forumers like OP make it out to be, the devs would have scrapped it a while ago. It's because the ability is already more than useful that the ability has stayed in the game for so long (receiving only nerfs along the way, mind you), and it's because of this that many Excal players won't willingly stand by and watch SJ get removed.

I don't care if you personally think that SJ is useless. Many Excal players, and I assume the devs, don't.


If you don't like Excalibur's playstyle, then don't try and revamp the class for your personal desires while screwing it up for everyone else. Either suggest an addition that everyone can enjoy (e.g. "Add a new 3 for Excal, but keep SJ in the game as an alternate ability for that slot"), or go play a frame that you actually like.

Don't just automatically assume the devs are okay with it because they haven't touched it.

Did you miss the whole Radial Blind episode? That wasn't changed for over a year...they JUST figured out it can be made too powerful and they are still going to los it.

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How do you think Slash Dash should be revised?

when u have ur melee weapon equiped it will be used as utility to close in on ur enemy to perform the combos

when u have ur main or secondary make it a 2 staged ability:(first stage) its like the normal slash dash but its damage is depends on ur melee weapon damage (second stage) excalibur spins around himself [much like the loki's radial disarm animation] and does AoE damage based on his overall ability strength


How do you think Super Jump should be revised?

remove it completely we all know warframe levels have no high ceilings zypher is only playable on earth :P and a little on phobos


How do you think Radial Javelin should be revised?

make it a radial ability (globe) and make it pin enemies to walls

affected by ( duration[more time enemies are pinned on walls] // range // strength )

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Don't just automatically assume the devs are okay with it because they haven't touched it.

Did you miss the whole Radial Blind episode? That wasn't changed for over a year...they JUST figured out it can be made too powerful and they are still going to los it.


Ah, touche. It was silly of me to assume that.


You get my point, though. Even if you don't like the way an ability works, the very least you can do is suggest an alternate ability instead of a replacement ability. Just because you don't find SJ useful doesn't mean nobody else does.

There is no reason to suggest that SJ gets removed from the game entirely, and nothing to be gained should it actually get removed.

Edited by SortaRandom
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I have begun to question something in the back of my mind... Why is SJ is Excal only and not simply a universal ability since it holds no actual connection to excal, he isn't a wind frame like Zephyr nor a material utility/trap frame like Booben.


Why not make SJ universal and find an alternate skill related to Excalibur (possibly an alternate utility) Possibly a different version of a Valkyr skill...


Radiant Light - Blesses the team with a pure light that makes melee strikes hit harder and leave the enemy to bleed.

During Skill, pure white glow is added around all team melee weapons to show it is active.


Toggled Skill

Cost: 20 initial 7/6/5/4 E p/s drain


20/30/50/70% damage to melee

40/60/75/100% chance to proc bleed on survivors

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I have begun to question something in the back of my mind... Why is SJ is Excal only and not simply a universal ability since it holds no actual connection to excal, he isn't a wind frame like Zephyr nor a material utility/trap frame like Booben.


Why not make SJ universal and find an alternate skill related to Excalibur (possibly an alternate utility) Possibly a different version of a Valkyr skill...


Radiant Light - Blesses the team with a pure light that makes melee strikes hit harder and leave the enemy to bleed.

During Skill, pure white glow is added around all team melee weapons to show it is active.


Toggled Skill

Cost: 20 initial 7/6/5/4 E p/s drain


20/30/50/70% damage to melee

40/60/75/100% chance to proc bleed on survivors


This, I can agree with. xD

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I think my biggest suggestion would be change Super Jump so rather than a mobility skill it should act more like a Dragon Punch.


As Steve has confirmed that we will be getting at least some aerial melee, this would synergise very well, for example:


You could launch an enemy into the air, then allowing the opportunity to hit them as you both fall, possibly ending in a ground finisher.


Another idea would be the Screw Attack from Metroid, have it change your jumps to inflict damage on contact, so you could flip into an Osprey to kill it.

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Well about the whole argument of Super Jump, I have talked it over with a few and most people say that Super Jump's usefulness kinda died down a few updates back and should replace itself with some sort of buff skill or something.


Some ideas I had in mind was to replace the Super Jump skill with something like:



Increases the Critical Rate and Critical Damage of weapon attacks for a small duration.



For a small duration, Channeling attacks will cost no energy


There has already been the idea of replacing Super Jump with a skill that boosts Excalibur's agility and such so I skip that one.



Another thing I kinda wish could be added was to change the animation of Slash Dash in a way that the floor Excalibur dashes has some slash marks on the floor and if the animation looked a bit faster.

Edited by FoxFX
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Slowly, but surely collectively adding these ideas into the op via spoilers. Sorry if it takes a while or I miss one.


I still believe that SJ should just be made universal and excal get a new skill.


That way is someone likes SJ and wants it on Rhino they can SJ > Stomp for extra Ironman feels

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Slowly, but surely collectively adding these ideas into the op via spoilers. Sorry if it takes a while or I miss one.


I still believe that SJ should just be made universal and excal get a new skill.


That way is someone likes SJ and wants it on Rhino they can SJ > Stomp for extra Ironman feels

I see that.


Thanks for putting mine up there! :)


Whatever happens to SJ, it should still remain a 'general' skill...when and if those ever come about.

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I agree with a complete overhaul of this skill. It underperforms most of the ultimates in game.


I'd also like to bring attention to the fact that this skill synergized beautifully with Bullet Attractor, however underperforming it is. There is no two skills between two different warframes more suited for each other than Excal and Mag and I loved that about them. I hope, whatever changes DE makes, Radial Javelin will retain some aspects that allows it to be Bullet Attracted.


P.S. I tried Smite and Bullet Attractor - no luck :/ Maybe DE will eventually add more warframe synergies.

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Well, since it looks like the hot topics are drawing to a close; I want to take this time to thank everyone for the suggestions they have posted that helped to create this small collection of feedback for DE.


I also want to thank [DE]Drew for dropping my thread into the Hot Topics Thread to further promote this as a feedback collection thread. 



Hopefully this feedback serves you well and you can actually use/implement some of these ideas.

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Well, since it looks like the hot topics are drawing to a close; I want to take this time to thank everyone for the suggestions they have posted that helped to create this small collection of feedback for DE.


I also want to thank [DE]Drew for dropping my thread into the Hot Topics Thread to further promote this as a feedback collection thread. 



Hopefully this feedback serves you well and you can actually use/implement some of these ideas.

Your contribution helps. BTW...I hope the name of the skills I suggested (Unsheathed and Sharpening) could fit well with Excalibur..0_0

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Slash Dash idea:




Radial Javelin idea;


-Increase the damage to 1500, distributing 500 damage to Puncture, Slash and Impact

-100% procs Puncture, Slash and Impact

-Punch through

-Causes knockdown/ragdoll to surviving enemies (hooray for CC)

-Reduce casting animation

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A. Caps has never been an effective way to validate any point.

B. That is both your opinion and an extreme minority.

C. Please explain why you think his other skills hold any use past the starter planets. As currently most as in the majority of players agree that his skills other than an un-nerfed Radial Blind are vastly underwhelming.

D. If you honestly have nothing more to say, or don't know how to respond intelligently I will assume that your comment was either troll bait or flame bait.

Thanks for your time regardless.

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