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Is Ember In Perfect Balance Spot?


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Mirage says hi !


My previous post says 'Hi' too.




>le huehueheuehue he must be bad


I have no problem surviving with Ember, but Overheat was a fantastic ability.


Of course it was good, at the time it was the second best tanking skill available in the game (second to old blessing). It being good doesn't mean it should return. 


Bring Overheat back.


Have it overheat enemy weapons and blow up in their face. I would play ember all day.


That sounds like a better version of radial disarm... so I vote no.

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When a play Ember, i'm really enjoying Accelerant and Fireball, even if Fireball bug a little if you try to spam ip to quickly. I however find Fireblast and World on Fire a bit lacking compared to other warframe 3rd and 4th skills. I think her 3 and 4 should have either more utility or deal enough damage to be still revelant at high level.

Ember is also a bit slow for a glass canon, they got ride of her overheat but didn't give her more mobility for the lack of defense she has now.


So i think a good tweak would be :

- Fireball : Make the AoE deal the same as the impact (so 400 dmg instead of 125 and 100% fire proc instead of 50%) on "Accelerated" enemies or when the fireball pass through a fireblast.

- Accelerant : Make it affect also you but by giving you a 20-30% speed boost (movement speed, melee attack speed, reload, weapon swap, revive speed)

- Fireblast : Give allies projectiles passing through a 50% Fire proc chance. Maybe add a little defense mechanism by melting a portion of incoming enemy projectiles ? or/and shooting fireball in it could increase it's damage by 50% per fireball ?

- World on Fire : Make the firepillar also deal 100% fire proc chance in a 5m AoE around the ignited target. Maybe increase its damage by 50% when standing in a fireblast ?

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Make 4 a toggle.  Replace 3 with something useful or add a useful effect to it.  Increase sprint speed.


i was thinking DE should make change the fireblast to other skill like... i dunno meteor shower? OR a toggle skill where after the skill is activated, path that ember pass by will burn for 5 sec dealing 150 damage per sec and have 50% fire proc, so ember will have two toggle skill paired with accelerant and i think that would be awesome..

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Adding supportive properties to Fire Blast could work.  Here are some examples (partially stolen from Kurtys' post above:)


Fire Ball - AOE hits gain the properties of direct hits


Accelerant - No direct  benefit, but firing through the fire ring grants bonus fire damage, similar to Volt shield and MQuanta balls (somewhat stronger, but no critical shenanigans.)


World On Fire - Ember gains the old Overheat damage reduction effect (not as strong as it used to be, but with the old graphic that people loved!) when she's inside the circle with WoF active. 



These augments are powerful but come at the cost of laying down Fire Blast every time you want to use them.  They also bring back Overheat conditionally and allow teammates to take better advantage of Accelerant's damage buff.  Everyone wins.  

Edited by RealPandemonium
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I'd say she's close. Ring of fire really needs a reworking. It's not fun to use, nor that effective. I don't like abilities that block my line of sight.


This + WoF needs to be sustainable, like a toggle maybe.


WoF + Accelerant looks okay on paper as a glass cannon setup, but it's way too much animation time which is spent not shooting to keep casting WoF all day. Not to mention trying to find power to sustain it. IMHO, it should be expensive (125 base?) to start WoF but very, very cheap to maintain it with an interrupt condition that forcibly turns it off.


Or maybe have Accelerant extend WoF's duration by a good amount, so using accelerant would keep it going and the strategy would naturally flow of bum rushing the next enemy group and debuffing it to keep WoF going. If you're too slow the cost of Accelerant would eventually shut you down.

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If it dealt Blast status, it would be great, imho, that way you owuld have groups of enemies falling down.

All of this^


If it casts relatively quickly itll act as a great momentary CC along with accelerant though TBH accelerant already stuns about as long as this would


I don't know why but i got impression that she is supposed to be class cannon. Yet i get a bit feeling she is not that much more damage than other frames when comparing tankyness and damage. I like that that she is not press one button and afk.

Good to hear ideas.

Small Aoe explosion to WoF might not be op. Pure aoe damage around her sounds so powerfull that it might be op.

Fireball higher dot damage or fireball not stopping shooting/reloading (like volt's shock) or higher status chance would be nice. 


Ring of Fire... nobody likes it how it is now?

I guess ember needs to


Stay Classy


Adding supportive properties to Fire Blast could work.  Here are some examples (partially stolen from Kurtys' post above:)


Fire Ball - AOE hits gain the properties of direct hits


Accelerant - No direct  benefit, but firing through the fire ring grants bonus fire damage, similar to Volt shield and MQuanta balls (somewhat stronger, but no critical shenanigans.)


World On Fire - Ember gains the old Overheat damage reduction effect (not as strong as it used to be) when she's inside the circle with WoF active. 



These augments are powerful but come at the cost of laying down Fire Blast every time you want to use them.  They also bring back Overheat conditionally and allow teammates to take better advantage of Accelerant's damage buff.  Everyone wins.  

On another thread someone suggested overheat in WoF and we came down to it working but only if it reduced damage done by enemies within range of WoF


Otherwise itd just be spammed for overheat rather than for what its supposed to do


Itd balance nicely with corrupted mods as well given the ability is made into a toggle

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Slow, paper thin shields/armor/health. WoF needs to be a toggle and she needs massive help in snail/paper armor department. RoF is crap and she needs survivability... Getting 1 shot 20-30m into a T4 is not at all enjoyable, even if the damage is/was there.

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I think the big issue with ember gaining seed is shell become a new nova


Rushing past enemies more efficiently than even nova could with her new toggle 4 and faster speed


Other than that the ideas of the players are pretty spot on for her


Overheat alone however is not

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World on Fire being a toggle would be pretty nice.  I just like toggles because they give a player greater control over the use of a power, allowing you to decide when you want to expend energy, and how much, rather than a one-time burst cost that's, depending on the situation, a gamble or not.


Overall I think Fireball needs a bigger AoE, for sure, and Ring of Fire needs some work, because I've seen Infested actively STOP moving just outside the ring to avoid charging head long into it.

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Slow, paper thin shields/armor/health. WoF needs to be a toggle and she needs massive help in snail/paper armor department. RoF is crap and she needs survivability... Getting 1 shot 20-30m into a T4 is not at all enjoyable, even if the damage is/was there.


A glass cannon's survivability is its ability to output damage. She doesn't need more speed, she doesn't need more health/shields/armor, what she needs is damage and maybe some added utility/cc.

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This thread is blowing my mind, how are people saying Ember is fine? She is completely useless in any mission that does not allow you to drool on your keyboard. WOF is the most broken ability, being effected by duration, efficency, range, and strength.


She has no scaling whatsoever. And she is extremely slow and squishy.


Lets take a look at Ember's competition


Nova- Has a mobility skill allowing for easy traveling, also has one of the most powerful CC abilities that also does heaps of damage, and snowballs with each enemy effected by her shockwave


Mirage- Possibly the most overpowered warframe ever to exist. Mirage's Hall of Mirrors alone increases damage by nearly 200%, not to mention causing enemies to shoot at clones and become nearly invincible.  In addition, Eclipse also deals and ADDITIONAL 450% damage dealt on top of Hall of Mirrors when it's used in light. Mirage also has Prism, while it's not devastating without Eclipse, it's one of the most powerful CC abilties in the game, Rivaling Excalibur's Radial  Blind. 


And then we have Ember's skills

Skill 1 Does 400 heat damage... lol?

Skill 2 Increases heat damage, situational at best

Skill 3 Deals 150 heat damage and creates a ring 4m wide that enemies WILL NOT run through, they will literally sit there and wait until it expires. You would literally be doing more damage with Slash Dash or Radial Disarm

Skill 4 hits 3 targets per second for 400 heat damage, apart from clearing level 10 trash enemies, this skill has no purpose whatsoever.


Ember is a JOKE.

Edited by Metalripper412
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