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Changing Warframes In Game - Should De Show Us How Its Done?


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As Tenno we hunt for ancient warframes.

We then assemble them and master them, no worries.

But the matter of frame gender and fitting into *very* different body shapes, is a big un resolved issue.

Now, suppose we are one Tenno with many warframes to shoose from, and they all come with their own persona, their imprint.

How do you want this represented in the game? Do we need to see the change? Should we have an Armory of warframes?

Please discuss. Below is an outline for a possible frame-change.

The tenno enter the Warframe Armory.

Mechanical arms lock the body into place, machines and lights coming alive in the dim underbelly of the Liset.

"Welcome Operator. Please select the desired warframe."

The onboard complement of crafted warframes shimmers in the air for a moment.

The tenno highlights the Frost Prime.

"Excellent choice Operator. Refitting commencing. Please stand by. This might... sting a little. Apologies."

Agony begin to rip through the tenno as Trinitys systems are removed, and continue as the chassi is broken up, part by part, swallowed be the warframe stasis chambers.

But even as the pain become a fire, the Frost Prime systems are fitted into place, and with it the balm of sweet surrender, being born again.

As the parts change, the Trinity imprint fades into oblivion. Steely cold power takes its place, a blizzard of shards, of control, of quiet fury.

The pain is gone, a dim afterthought as he step out of the Armory.

"Refitting complete, Operator. All systems are ready * for dismembering *

for the next mission. The others are waiting."

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I wouldn't mind it, but then it would have to be explained who, or what Tenno are.


Example being a Rhino fitting into a Nekros frame.


Like the poster above, don't want to take TOO long to change frames, so perhaps an option to skip for those who want just a quick easy swap.

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I'd like to think the arsenal pad acts as a teleporter, linked with my main ship where all of my other frames hang out.

I'm not a fan of the one Tenno/many suits thing. And given that we have been told that the Liset docks with a bigger ship that is the explanation I choose to believe

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You mean chilling in the rec room waiting to be chosen?

Yes that works but will never kill the debate. Then we get Mass Effect, only we can only pick one we are never the hero, never Shep. Therin lies the dilemma, do we scrap the immersion in favor of game play? Or find some middle ground like Tenno are machine hosts, or energy.

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tenno are energy, frame changes are fast and effortless.


no surgery required to fit those inhuman frames, bounce between male/female archetype frames. extremely distorted frames no problem.


if you think tenno aren't energy, you're cruel and sadistic...and have to explain hydroid turning into water.

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tenno are energy, frame changes are fast and effortless.


no surgery required to fit those inhuman frames, bounce between male/female archetype frames. extremely distorted frames no problem.


if you think tenno aren't energy, you're cruel and sadistic...and have to explain hydroid turning into water.

space magic!!!! and science.


You mean chilling in the rec room waiting to be chosen?

Yes that works but will never kill the debate. Then we get Mass Effect, only we can only pick one we are never the hero, never Shep. Therin lies the dilemma, do we scrap the immersion in favor of game play? Or find some middle ground like Tenno are machine hosts, or energy.

I would love a scene like that. it be kinda like sly cooper were you could switch between three thieves 


E.X loki cheating at poker with the other frames. 


I'd like to think the arsenal pad acts as a teleporter, linked with my main ship where all of my other frames hang out.

I'm not a fan of the one Tenno/many suits thing. And given that we have been told that the Liset docks with a bigger ship that is the explanation I choose to believe

I like that idea.

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tenno are energy, frame changes are fast and effortless.


no surgery required to fit those inhuman frames, bounce between male/female archetype frames. extremely distorted frames no problem.


if you think tenno aren't energy, you're cruel and sadistic...and have to explain hydroid turning into water.

I choose not to believe that because it is lame. I much prefer the theory that there is one Tenno per Warframe and you switch between them. There are still many, say, Excaliburs, but there is no changing of an Excalibur into a Mag. Tenno naturally have their specific skills and powers, the Warframes simply enhance them. If a young girl came out of the Void with fire powers, she was put into an Ember frame.

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Expanding on my previous post, I'd love to have access to the other ship at some point, and be able to see my other frames walking around and doing stuff (similar to the Normandy in mass effect)

Said ship could also have physical representations of your items, like a mountain of Nanospores in the hold, or a display with your 5 favourite guns.

Other stuff like a firing range would fit in perfectly here as well.

The Liset would be where you access missions and such, but the second ship would be more like a player home, albeit one a lot snaller and without the amenities of a Dojo.

The big advantage of it would be you could really see what you have and give a scale for progress.

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Expanding on my previous post, I'd love to have access to the other ship at some point, and be able to see my other frames walking around and doing stuff (similar to the Normandy in mass effect)

Said ship could also have physical representations of your items, like a mountain of Nanospores in the hold, or a display with your 5 favourite guns.

Other stuff like a firing range would fit in perfectly here as well.

The Liset would be where you access missions and such, but the second ship would be more like a player home, albeit one a lot snaller and without the amenities of a Dojo.

The big advantage of it would be you could really see what you have and give a scale for progress.

DE has said the Liset connects to a bigger ship, so that could happen

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I prefer to think of myself as playing multiple characters, not just changing into a different suit. Whenever I pick a different frame I think of it as another form of Switch Teleport, only consensual. I vehemently dislike this idea of showing Tenno putting on a different frame or being like Ordis.

Edited by UrielColtan
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Expanding on my previous post, I'd love to have access to the other ship at some point, and be able to see my other frames walking around and doing stuff (similar to the Normandy in mass effect)

Said ship could also have physical representations of your items, like a mountain of Nanospores in the hold, or a display with your 5 favourite guns.

Other stuff like a firing range would fit in perfectly here as well.

The Liset would be where you access missions and such, but the second ship would be more like a player home, albeit one a lot snaller and without the amenities of a Dojo.

The big advantage of it would be you could really see what you have and give a scale for progress.

That would be a good idea. Expanding on that, maybe we should also have the option (perhaps in the games settings) for the frames to be mounted in a display or something, in addition to an option for them to walk around as NPC's. By building for both theories, people that believe they are multiple Tenno are happy, people that believe they are one Tenno are happy, and the debate is settled with no one getting pissed off.


I know that would seem a bit weird, but I think it would allow DE to let players play the game believing their own theories without them arguing or anything, plus they wouldn't have to reveal the nature of the Tenno.

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I choose not to believe that because it is lame. I much prefer the theory that there is one Tenno per Warframe and you switch between them. There are still many, say, Excaliburs, but there is no changing of an Excalibur into a Mag. Tenno naturally have their specific skills and powers, the Warframes simply enhance them. If a young girl came out of the Void with fire powers, she was put into an Ember frame.

so...you're a firm believer in space magic. got it. not sure how believing in space magic is some how greater than believing tenno to be energy, which at least makes some kind of sense as far as the widely varied frames go...but hey, it's your belief.


that, and according to your theory...liset is crowded with different people all with different abilities to match the frames...and some very deformed ones as well. wonder where ordis stuffs them all o.O


not to mention, where do they eat, where do they sleep, where do they...ah...use the facilities. do they shower? exercise? hmm...i'l stop poking now :D

Edited by DeadX65
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tenno are energy, frame changes are fast and effortless.


no surgery required to fit those inhuman frames, bounce between male/female archetype frames. extremely distorted frames no problem.


if you think tenno aren't energy, you're cruel and sadistic...and have to explain hydroid turning into water.


There is no need to explain Hydroid. Hydroman also turns into water, he is still a man, and only able to turn into water, not use other powers. Naiad in DC comics turns into water, she is still a woman and also only has power of water, nothing else.

You can simply accept the concept of certain powers allowing for certain abilities. People talk about how a human body can even be in the Nekros frame but considering his power to create spectral shadows, its possible he can also form his body into as such to fill out his frame..

If the Tenno just put on any frame regardless of gender then why would Lotus even refer to Tenno in gender at all? Like she does in the codex, or call Mirage a "she" during the Mirage quest?

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There is no need to explain Hydroid. Hydroman also turns into water, he is still a man, and only able to turn into water, not use other powers. Naiad in DC comics turns into water, she is still a woman and also only has power of water, nothing else.

You can simply accept the concept of certain powers allowing for certain abilities. People talk about how a human body can even be in the Nekros frame but considering his power to create spectral shadows, its possible he can also form his body into as such to fill out his frame..

If the Tenno just put on any frame regardless of gender then why would Lotus even refer to Tenno in gender at all? Like she does in the codex, or call Mirage a "she" during the Mirage quest?

space magic, got it, that seems to be the running theme here, by the by, captains often call their boats 'she' i still wouldn't want to date a battleship though, some soldiers refer to their weapons as if they were female as well, nothing like a kiss from an AK

Edited by DeadX65
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so...you're a firm believer in space magic. got it. not sure how believing in space magic is some how greater than believing tenno to be energy, which at least makes some kind of sense as far as the widely varied frames go...but hey, it's your belief.


that, and according to your theory...liset is crowded with different people all with different abilities to match the frames...and some very deformed ones as well. wonder where ordis stuffs them all o.O


not to mention, where do they eat, where do they sleep, where do they...ah...use the facilities. do they shower? exercise? hmm...i'l stop poking now :D


Are you choosing to ignore the whole 'liset docks to a larger ship' thing that we know about from devstreams or do you genuinely not know about that despite it being mentioned already in this thread?

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so...you're a firm believer in space magic. got it. not sure how believing in space magic is some how greater than believing tenno to be energy, which at least makes some kind of sense as far as the widely varied frames go...but hey, it's your belief.


that, and according to your theory...liset is crowded with different people all with different abilities to match the frames...and some very deformed ones as well. wonder where ordis stuffs them all o.O

Better yet... who cares whether it's one tenno or many or if they're energy or solid beings or ugly underneath the helmet or normal? Many games have this same "issue" and no one bats an eye. All these started out as highDEAS and just snowballed into the unnecessary zone. It isn't lore breaking as if it is we control one tenno or many because it still makes zero sense. How do Prime Warframes play into either of theories? Why is the guy next to me wearing the same "coveted and rare" syndana as me? It's a multiplayer game so these happen literally all the time, there's no sense in dwelling in it.

Edited by (PS4)kiddplay13
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space magic, got it, that seems to be the running theme here, by the by, captains often call their boats 'she' i still wouldn't want to date a battleship though, some soldiers refer to their weapons as if they were female as well, nothing like a kiss from an AK



You're pretty closed minded. What makes being "energy" any less "space magic"? Read the codex about Ember's backstory. They specifically refer to a girl burning an officer. Nothing about being a non disclosed gender energy being doing as such.

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