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De Steve A Moment Of Your Time.


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Good morning DE Steve,


I hope you will forgive me but I tried to pm you but it wouldn't let me.


I'm writing you today to inquire about something you said in a DEV Stream. Around the time of U14's release. I can't remember if it was before or after. But any hoo.


When asked if we would be able to color our Liset's it was said by You. That yes we could as well as other customizations. As of now we are unable to do this. I was wondering, when you thought we might be able to do this. and to what extent will we be able to do this. and what other customizations will we be able to do.



                                                                                                                                           Thank you for your time.

                                                                                                                                           Sincerely Ookami Nihonto

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Ok there is no real need to try and PM DE steve over this. If you really follow the information from the live-streams then you will know that the lisets have been set up and designed to allow for the colour customisation. They showed an example showing this and it allow us to colour varied of panels on the liset as well as the engine/exhaust energy colour. Here is the preview image from the stream: 



However there I would wager most development time is being placed on Archwing so we don't need people trying to contact directly right now. We need juicy juicy archwind ASAP!


I would say if you want an updated answer to your question you should wait till the next developer live stream. There is one every two weeks, but some get assigned to particular elements. Steve is on general streams; which always happen at least once a month. The next stream should be this Friday, but we do not know if it is a particular area steam (e.g. Sound or level design). The thread for questions to the devs on the stream will probably go up in the next 48 hours. 


However their is a lot more that goes into adding the liset customisation into the game. We were told a while back on the forums by a Dev that it would be delayed as its going to take more time. If you want to know why here is a list of questions that need answering. 


Firstly we will need a UI interface to be able to pick the colours and then see them being appiled. This means a 3D liset model you need to be able to see and spin.

Thats another complete interface for Pablo and Dorian to design and implemented 

Next, where does this interface go? In the liset? In the dojo? If in the liset then where does the terminal go? 


Next we decisions need to be made about colour pallets. Do we use existing ones? Do we give new ones? How are these acquired? Platinum? How much? Default ones only? How about a quest reward?


Next the game needs to allow you to see the colour of friends lisets on loading screens otherwise whats the point. That needs to be added to the game so that it communicates this information. 


Then any other customisation e.g. vors bobble head. extra liset armour can be added only once all the above is implemented, tested and released. 


There I have given you a moment of my time so that moment of Steves time can go back to working on this amazing time. 

Do not worry, we will get customisation at some point. However dont be suprised if it has been pushed back in favour of other things. *cough* Archwing *cough*



And i'd like to pilot it from the inside of my Liset.

You can fly it around on loading screens using WASD or a Controller. As for piloting at other times... Why? It is just supposed to be an immersive interface between missions. You soon will have more independent flight with Archwing stuff. Besides where do we fly the ship from? We don't fly the ship. Ordis does. 

Edited by MDRLOz
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Ok there is no real need to try and PM DE steve over this. If you really follow the information from the live-streams then you will know that the lisets have been set up and designed to allow for the colour customisation. They showed an example showing this and it allow us to colour varied of panels on the liset as well as the engine/exhaust energy colour. Here is the preview image from the stream: 



However there I would wager most development time is being placed on Archwing so we don't need people trying to contact directly right now. We need juicy juicy archwind ASAP!


I would say if you want an updated answer to your question you should wait till the next developer live stream. There is one every two weeks, but some get assigned to particular elements. Steve is on general streams; which always happen at least once a month. The next stream should be this Friday, but we do not know if it is a particular area steam (e.g. Sound or level design). The thread for questions to the devs on the stream will probably go up in the next 48 hours. 


However their is a lot more that goes into adding the liset customisation into the game. We were told a while back on the forums by a Dev that it would be delayed as its going to take more time. If you want to know why here is a list of questions that need answering. 


Firstly we will need a UI interface to be able to pick the colours and then see them being appiled. This means a 3D liset model you need to be able to see and spin.

Thats another complete interface for Pablo and Dorian to design and implemented 

Next, where does this interface go? In the liset? In the dojo? If in the liset then where does the terminal go? 


Next we decisions need to be made about colour pallets. Do we use existing ones? Do we give new ones? How are these acquired? Platinum? How much? Default ones only? How about a quest reward?


Next the game needs to allow you to see the colour of friends lisets on loading screens otherwise whats the point. That needs to be added to the game so that it communicates this information. 


Then any other customisation e.g. vors bobble head. extra liset armour can be added only once all the above is implemented, tested and released. 


There I have given you a moment of my time so that moment of Steves time can go back to working on this amazing time. 

Do not worry, we will get customisation at some point. However dont be suprised if it has been pushed back in favour of other things. *cough* Archwing *cough*



You can fly it around on loading screens using WASD or a Controller. As for piloting at other times... Why? It is just supposed to be an immersive interface between missions. You soon will have more independent flight with Archwing stuff. Besides where do we fly the ship from? We don't fly the ship. Ordis does. 

I have submitted words to this affect in dev stream notifications and started a few forum on these issue in the past and have not had any response so I thought I would put it out there again and Mainly I want to color the inside of my liset more that the out side.and as far as piloting from the inside i just thought it would be cool if we could and as another poster had said we were promised this to come out prior to u15. and as it seems that will be earlier than anyone thought I also wanted to check on the status and like you i also can't wait for archwing.

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I have submitted words to this affect in dev stream notifications and started a few forum on these issue in the past and have not had any response so I thought I would put it out there again and Mainly I want to color the inside of my liset more that the out side.and as far as piloting from the inside i just thought it would be cool if we could and as another poster had said we were promised this to come out prior to u15. and as it seems that will be earlier than anyone thought I also wanted to check on the status and like you i also can't wait for archwing.


Quick little questions like these can also be asked on his twitter page.


I've seen him answer many a tidbit questions in the past.

Edited by Deetwo
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I have submitted words to this affect in dev stream notifications and started a few forum on these issue in the past and have not had any response so I thought I would put it out there again and Mainly I want to color the inside of my liset more that the out side.and as far as piloting from the inside i just thought it would be cool if we could and as another poster had said we were promised this to come out prior to u15. and as it seems that will be earlier than anyone thought I also wanted to check on the status and like you i also can't wait for archwing.

You are that desperate to know if you can colour the inside of your liset? Really, it seems such a minor thing to me. I love the liset but its just a menu system. The ability to "paint the walls" seems hardly an important feature. Also I don't believe this was ever given as something we would customise. Hmm we might get the ability to colour the interfaces based on our warframes energy colour. That was said at one point and I think that is the best you will get. 



Quick little questions like these can also be asked on his twitter page.

I've seen him answer many a tidbit questions in the past.


I don't have a twitter account i'm not that big in to social media.But It would be cool if He did respond to me.


That is an excellent point! Twitter is the way to go for this. If you want an answer I would say you should sign up to twitter if only for the ask your question. Steves twitter answers have defined game desgin. e.g. He promised J3 golem would return and it has. There was some point of a live-stream of changing the name but as he promised it shall be J3 again!



 as far as piloting from the inside i just thought it would be cool if we could and as another poster had said we were promised this to come out prior to u15. and as it seems that will be earlier than anyone thought I also wanted to check on the status and like you i also can't wait for archwing.


Ummm I would not say I have seen and recall everything but I have never heard that we will get the ability to "fly" the liset. In what context would we be doing this. I think, if anything, the other poster is referring to the loading screen flight. This was a suggestion from a player on a live stream and then added to the game.

I mean think about it. There is no 3D space for you to fly the liset in yet. Also what would you do/where would you be flying. Maybe once arch-wing is out there possibility to fly it around in an arch-wing level is possible but currently? No way. Also why would you want this. The liset cant "do" anything. Its just a stealth shuttle. Its just designed to get you from A to B.

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You are that desperate to know if you can colour the inside of your liset? Really, it seems such a minor thing to me. I love the liset but its just a menu system. The ability to "paint the walls" seems hardly an important feature. Also I don't believe this was ever given as something we would customise. Hmm we might get the ability to colour the interfaces based on our warframes energy colour. That was said at one point and I think that is the best you will get. 





That is an excellent point! Twitter is the way to go for this. If you want an answer I would say you should sign up to twitter if only for the ask your question. Steves twitter answers have defined game desgin. e.g. He promised J3 golem would return and it has. There was some point of a live-stream of changing the name but as he promised it shall be J3 again!




Ummm I would not say I have seen and recall everything but I have never heard that we will get the ability to "fly" the liset. In what context would we be doing this. I think, if anything, the other poster is referring to the loading screen flight. This was a suggestion from a player on a live stream and then added to the game.

I mean think about it. There is no 3D space for you to fly the liset in yet. Also what would you do/where would you be flying. Maybe once arch-wing is out there possibility to fly it around in an arch-wing level is possible but currently? No way. Also why would you want this. The liset cant "do" anything. Its just a stealth shuttle. Its just designed to get you from A to B.

for the liset question just in the loading screen thought it would just be cooler than doing it from the outside.


I started a twitter and there wasn't enough room the rewrite everything i was asking about so i just refered him to this forum. And I just think the idea of making the inside of our, OUR, ships more to our liking would be cooler plus i want to move the stations around to where i would like them to be like have the foundry and mod station on the same wall. and the incubator where the arsenal is and the arsenal where the foundry is. and the inside of the ship doesn't correspond to how we are deployed and evacuated from missions on the liset. and i'm tired of looking at plain white and and charcole gray I want some color and I don't like the scrapes in the paint i want to fix it up make it look like a Killer owns it not a vagabond cruising the emptiness of space.

Edited by Ookami_Nihonto
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for the liset question just in the loading screen thought it would just be cooler than doing it from the outside.


I started a twitter and there wasn't enough room the rewrite everything i was asking about so i just refered him to this forum. And I just think the idea of making the inside of our, OUR, ships more to our liking would be cooler plus i want to move the stations around to where i would like them to be like have the foundry and mod station on the same wall. and the incubator where the arsenal is and the arsenal where the foundry is. and the inside of the ship doesn't correspond to how we are deployed and evacuated from missions on the liset. and i'm tired of looking at plain white and and charcole gray I want some color and I don't like the scrapes in the paint i want to fix it up make it look like a Killer owns it not a vagabond cruising the emptiness of space.


"Steve, will we ever be able to change the appearance and layout of the liset interiors?"


Your question for Steve to be asked on twitter. Short and to the point. 


How would you fly the liset from inside... but.... it doesn't have controls.. .that's what Ordis is for... ARGH MY BRAIN!


I did not notice internal scrapes and damage to ship. Could you point these out to me. 

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"Steve, will we ever be able to change the appearance and layout of the liset interiors?"


Your question for Steve to be asked on twitter. Short and to the point. 


How would you fly the liset from inside... but.... it doesn't have controls.. .that's what Ordis is for... ARGH MY BRAIN!


I did not notice internal scrapes and damage to ship. Could you point these out to me. 

thanks for the help. to answer your questions.

you would still you the wasd keys. you'd just be able to look out the wind screen. and in if you look around the ship you will see scrapes in the paint on the bulkheads, overheads, if your in the lower room and look up the ramp at what appears to be sliding doors there visible there as well, and aslo if you go to the market or codex the consoles have scratches in the paint. As well why does the lower room sometimes fill up with fog to where you can barely see.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok I have spoken with DE Steve via twitter,  and he has confirmed that yes we will get Ship customizations. among which will be colors, deco and expansion of the lower room of the ship. But as to what and when and how it will come about still no definite answers as of yet. But, its coming so thats a plus

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Firstly we will need a UI interface to be able to pick the colours and then see them being appiled. This means a 3D liset model you need to be able to see and spin.

Thats another complete interface for Pablo and Dorian to design and implemented 

Next, where does this interface go? In the liset? In the dojo? If in the liset then where does the terminal go?

Well, when we were first shown the Liset, the upper deck was about twice as large, with four computer terminals. And at some point, they mentioned the option to acquire a bigger orbiter module (lower level). Once we have Archwing, they could make a quest where we have to salvage derelicts in the asteroid belts to build the bigger orbiter, which could hold additional consoles e.g. for Liset customization (could show systems' status the rest of the time). Until then, just stuff it into the Esc menu like everything else.

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