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Line Of Sight, Wich Ability Will Be More Compromised?


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That's my thoughts on it.

If it blocks a lot of other AOE abilities, then I can accept the changes.
If it only blocks Radial Blind...thats a bit of a undeserved, and un-needed, nerf to excalibur.

I mean, boxes and walls block AOE attacks from the enemies already, such as the Moas Stomp, the Arson Eximus' fire blast, any boss AOE, so it only makes sense that if they are going to start requiring LOS that they go the entire way and add LOS to most of our abilities as well, not just RB.

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some abilities will be like moar useless than others, they should be buffed, but wich ones?

Radial Javelin allready uses LoS and is really really bad compared to the other "ultimates"

Now all the abilities will be "Radial-Javelined"? Like Radial-Javelined Rhino Stomp? xD

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Then what about all of the Moa stomps, Jackal's stomp, and even heavy ground slams?
They dont go through containers or walls, yet they are the same thing as Rhino Stomp, as in shockwaves that travels through the ground.
So if we are going to consider LOS for abilities, it only makes sense to apply it to Rhino Stomp as the other examples of it in game are affected by LOS.

And M-Prime primes the enemy with anti-matter.
Anti-matter is like normal matter in that it is solid and cant just pass through things.
The main difference is that if anti-matter + matter collide they explode.
But seeing as how anti-matter is solid, it doesn't make sense for it to go through walls and doors and floors and everything else.

And besides, DE said that they noticed Radial Blind since it went for such a large area and stunned all of the enemies.
Fact is M-Prime can go a lot further than RB ever could with a single cast.  So if that is their reason for nerfing RB, then they should also consider the same thing for M-Prime.
Just saying.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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Then what about all of the Moa stomps, Jackal's stomp...

I think those shouldn't be LOS exemptions because it's the same kinda argument we had with toxin auras from Ancients. We're not trying to liken the Tenno to their enemies, or vice versa - player logic shouldn't necessarily follow from mob logic because the two aren't equivalent entities. To have a random orange arc radiate out from behind a stack of containers isn't fun, it's unfair.


I think that reasonably logical abilities shouldn't be affected by LOS (on a case-by-case basis) because of:

- the mechanics of the ability (i.e. Loki's Radial Disarm is reliant on being able to affect enemies in a radius, regardless of cover, as the basis of the skill, not so much the damage); or

- the appropriateness of LOS (i.e. Nyx's Chaos clearly shouldn't be hindered by LOS due to the thematic context in which it is presented).


That said, I'm all for introducing LOS requirements to nullify or at least mitigate damage AoE skills. No reason why Ice Wave should be able to go through boxes. I'd just like to see careful consideration on a case-by-case basis for each ability in terms of how well it synergises with the mechanics and the theme of the frame, rather than simple 'yes' or 'no' as a blanket response, and certainly not as a blanket rule for all abilities.

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Well this is turning into a whole can of worms that threatens to ruin tons of abilities and make the game less fun...


I mean the problem is there are so many times when it's annoying to have to go kill the enemy hiding behind cover, or hiding somewhere you're unsure of. But luckily with most AoE abilities you can just flush them out and get on with the game. It would be tedious otherwise.


As for Radial Blind, I'd say it's dumb that it lets you start every room with all the enemies stunned, but Banshee's Silence does the same exact thing so I dunno maybe they should leave Radial Blind alone and ask themselves, "Why aren't Excalibur players using the other abilities?" and fix those abilities.


I would suggest starting by making Slash Dash and Super Jump much more responsive. Slash Dash needs to be good enough at mobility so you don't need a copter weapon, otherwise why does the warframe have such an ability if people are just going to copter instead? Get rid of the initial delay. And Super Jump needs to be much faster so you can more reliably dodge threats and get into position for Radial Javelin faster.

Edited by Inmemoratus
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Line of sight for AOE abilities? Are you guys out of your mind?


Let see what will happen: Nyx Chaos -> kinda useless, Rhino Stomp -> kinda useless, Mags Crush -> useless, Saryns Miasma -kinda useless, Nekros desecrate -> "ARE YOU TOTALLY $&*&*#(%& NOW"-useless, Vaubans Bastille -> would still work actually, Embers World of Fire -> she got her knees ripped out, her legs broken and now you will chop of her arms too? sure... why not... and well, do buff abilities like roar count as AOE too? Sure, lets make them line of sight too then!


Short answer to line of sight: YOU DARE NOT

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It will completely destroy Nekros.


As in, no one will ever use him.


If I have to actually see the bodies I am desecrating, that means I'm out in the open waving my hand like a moron.


As a Nekros, you find a corner near the group of bodies, and cast. You don't stand around in the middle of the room of said bodies to cast.


If LoS is forced on Nekros, he will effectively be a dead frame, which is ironic since he is Nekros I suppose.

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And besides, DE said that they noticed Radial Blind since it went for such a large area and stunned all of the enemies.

Fact is M-Prime can go a lot further than RB ever could with a single cast.  So if that is their reason for nerfing RB, then they should also consider the same thing for M-Prime.

Just saying.

MPrime doesnt stop enemies entirely. It may even speed them up.

MPrime takes a few seconds after cast to match the max range of RB.

Recasting MPrime will not force enemies already affected by it to stop.


Take this logical fallacy elsewhere please.

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I think they should buff some of the other skills, i use Nekros and Excalibroh, and for excal i use super jump only ForFUN and mobility, but no slash dash and radial javelin becouse it useless, if they take out the duration on Slash Dash and change the travel distance for range, it will be a nice skill and usefull. But... its not.

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