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Annoying Occurrences


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Reached 10th wave of long @ss Defense potato alert and then "Connection to the host has been lost, you'll be returned to the menu without your potato of course"


and I had to replay all over again.


Christ, why can't we just have an option to whether go on by ourselves or abandon mission when the connection to the host is lost.



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The old rollers. Once I was soloing Kela De Thaym back then. The fight dragged and she spawned a sea of Rollers.

I got stunlocked the moment I hit the ground.



The old rollers still give me nightmares.


For those that don't know:

They used to be much, much faster and turned almost on the spot, no turning circle whatsoever

They never stopped moving, ever

Their hitboxes were bugged and smaller than the model

They had insane armor, and were completley immune to elemental damage

They did damage that wasn't in single digits

They caused stagger at the slightest touch

They came in packs


The only way to deal with them was to jump on a box and shower them with bullets, but even then people had to abort missions because they ran out of ammo, and jumping down from your box meant being stunlocked to death.

Edited by Playford
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Those times when you're sprinting along, you take a flying leap off a platform on to a distant one with an added flying kick for a little bit of extra distance.


You hit the platform sliding, then you slide right off the edge.


Then you reappear on the platform .... still sliding .... and slide right off the edge again.


Then you reappear again .... still bloody sliding .... and this happens until you lose momentum .... by which time you've got annoyed and buggered off to bang your head on a wall.

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Those times when you're sprinting along, you take a flying leap off a platform on to a distant one with an added flying kick for a little bit of extra distance.


You hit the platform sliding, then you slide right off the edge.


Then you reappear on the platform .... still sliding .... and slide right off the edge again.


Then you reappear again .... still bloody sliding .... and this happens until you lose momentum .... by which time you've got annoyed and buggered off to bang your head on a wall.

you can stop that by spamming toggle crouch when it starts happening; at least it works for me.

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grineer bombard.....


the only thing worse than grineer bomberd is two of them in one room....

the only thing worse than that is three of them...


4 bombards in single room is hell... that force me into hysteria :(

(oh no I'm gonna die, so many bombards in one room....)


[although I think it have deeper connection to the fact "when" I can encounter 4 bombards in single room with greatest ease - long time survival against grineer - and then they have quite high amount of health....]


PS. sorry for bad and boring joke about valkyr's skill no4..... just couldn't resist temptation :P

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When Ancients go scorpion on you. Get dragged to one ancient, only to get dragged to a different one, then get dragged back to the previous ancient then get dragged to another ancient.


All of them just trying to disrupt you, or spew toxic clouds on you. Only instead they are playing hot-potenno.

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