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Looks Like We Have Another King Of Melee


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Scindo P needs about 10% more crit IMO. 5% is just too low to get berserking to wind up to max in any reasonable amount of time, 15 would make it viable (same as DN) and alleviate some of that slow attack speed problem. DN with full berserking stacks and a 3x damage multiplier will badly out damage a SP without berserking and a 2-2.5x multi.

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Scindo Prime is a slightly longer Jat kittag with 2 more spins. :/ The combo is also easier to pull off....


The difference beatween jat kittag and Scindo Prime is about 100 damage, so don't get to hyped. :/



Also Kronen is by far the strongest melee weapon in the game. NO question.

Edited by Feallike
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Scindo Prime is a step in the right direction.....and these comments are proof.......it has high damage and no one is screaming NERF...probably because it is slow....make all Heavies like this please ..but have some that are a tad bit faster too 

Edited by Ishki88
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I have no opinion on which is "The new King of Melee" as I use my melee weapon for mobility and rarely for killing. But one thing that troubles me about some of the responses in this thread is that some seem to think that real world in game application is not necessary to proper min-maxing and theory crafting. Excel spreadsheets are an excellent tool to compare numbers on paper and should be used in any theory craft discussion. However they must also be tempered with in game application as well. The game is not played in Microsoft Excel or Warframe-Builder and what is best on paper is not always best in real world testing. My clan recently held a Dark Sector Defense Solo Melee only contest and it was the first time I had used melee for an extended period of time. When deciding on what build to use I did what any respectable min-maxer would do. I put numbers in a spreadsheet and came up with what was the best on paper damage. When I used it in game the results were less than stellar within the confines of what I was doing. After plugging in numbers for multiple builds I settled on one that was not the highest paper damage but in game application was far superior to any of the other 3 builds I used. 



The quality is a little crappy as I was having frame rate issues so I recorded at a low resolution to be less intensive. I tried the same thing with Scindo Prime and found it much less effective under these particular circumstances.

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