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I'm Sick Of The Constant Crashes, Game Freezes For No Reason And General Glitchiness


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Okay in the last two weeks my games crashed dozens of times


Most common:


going from arsenal to mod or back glitches the game so I can't move or do anything and my warframe runs in place until I close the game - wjhy does it need to show my warframe walking over to it at all!?


The game just crashes halfway through a mission for absolutely no reason - seriously none, it just closes the game.


speaking in clan chat, get invited to a game, after accepting the character gets locked in place and can't move.


Not only that but there have been tons of glitches that are just annoying.


On a mission I got an axe mod I was looking for, then on the door that requires two people to activate one of the panels didn't show up, effectively halting the mission and meaning we had to quit and lost the mod - seriously f*** you game


This wouldn't be so bad, but the game still tracks those as part of your profile and counts it as abandoning the mission (almost as annoying as spawning into a mission right in the middle of an enemy mob and dying before you even get control)


How about instead of adding new junk like arkwings the dev's actually fix the broken s*** first!? You know actually do their job, since they have the gall to charge frankly ridiculous prices for the ingame currency. (don't even get me started on the prime access)


For those wondering yes I have bought platinum (once I got a 50% discount as the original price is just criminal) for the price I actually paid for another early access game that has only crashed twice in the entire time I've been playing it, which is about twice as long as this game.


The bugs, coupled with a few obnoxious features (like the beacons you have to craft for the hydro) really are turning me off this game after such a promising start, I really enjoyed the early stuff but now it's just annoying and feels very half-arsed.


However since, like a fool, I've already given the dev's some money they probably will just delete this and go back to counting their money pile, rather than try and make the game live up to it's initial potential (since they're just throwing features at it now without bothering to fix anything)

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playing warframe!


I have it fullscreen, so I don't have anything else running and it seems to only crash in the less graphic intensive parts, when there's tons of enemies and particle effects it's fine, when I try to go from my arsenal to my mod menu it crashes (well, glitches out)


in the mission crashes it's almost always towards the end of a mission after most of the enemies are dead (like at the end of a 30 min survival run in an empty corridor)


for the record I have played it windowed and if anything that's worse.

Edited by WereFowl
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As much as you won't want to hear it, the game is still labeled as "beta" which means it's up to us to report these bugs so that they can fix them. And, the best way to help fix your problems is to give specific details as to how they happened.


You experience loss of functionality on your ship:

-Are you moving between screens quickly?

-Are you sliding into the terminals (this causes issues)?

-Which terminals were you using?


You experience random game crashes:

-Start a support ticket and they can look at your logs to help determine the cause (click support at the bottom of this page)


You have troubles with joining parties:

-Bring attention to the matter and explain how and when you start having problems


Mission progress is bugged:

-Give details about the problem (multi-panel locked door button is missing or obstructed, which tileset, etc.)



They may not fix every little bug that we experience, but DE really do fix a lot more problems than other companies (and more frequently). But, we have to give them the information they need to fix these things. They could spend all of their resources finding bugs themselves, but then they wouldn't make any new content and the game would grow stale.

Edited by Ailith
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I know it's beta, but the thing is, I've played other Beta games and none are this buggy, plus they are not games which have a purchasable currency. They shouldn't have that system in place if the game is so unstable.


I have made sure to send error reports for the crashes, but it feels like throwing a message in a bottle out to the sea for all the feedback you get. (hell even an automated apology would be something)


for the mod menu I walk up to it, I never have a problem accessing the menu initially it's when I go from arsenal to mod menu directly that the game breaks.


edit: I do like the game it just feels like they are just putting allot of content and events out at the moment for the sake of making more money and grabbing peoples attention, rather than keeping the game fun. 

Edited by WereFowl
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do you use a labtop? because sometimes labtop-hardware does not like games.

[edit]: ok, pc hardware does this too sometimes. my graphics card hates minecraft and crashes all the time if i try to play it. maybe this is whats happening to you

Edited by Cocopeli
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In addition to reinstalling drivers, the game itself, etc, I suggest also sending in crash reports whenever possible.


Whatever issues you're experiencing, they seem to be slightly isolated, which probably explains why they haven't been patched yet. Be sure to help DE by sending in crash logs, and they in turn will help you by fixing the issues faster.

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Thing is I'm just tempted to uninstall and never look back, have unlocked all the planets and other than event missions, there is nothing left but grinding.


I have other games that are not anywhere near this buggy and I'm fed up of the blatant attempts to grub money out of me (like how obnoxious it is getting either Nekros or Hydros parts to build in game or the 3 hour Kubrow wait unless you use platinum, plus the fact they charge you for warframe slots and only give you a tiny amount so you buy platinum for them early on before you realize how dull the game gets after a very short while)

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I disabled it as it took forever to connect to a game with it on. 


I'm not even exaggerating about the amount of crashes. I played for about 3 hours today and had at least 6 crashes, if not more.


Other than the crashes the game performs well on my laptop.

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ont he one hand you have all these crashes which could be repaired

on the other hand you dont seem to like the game very much.


and if you dont really like a game which doesnt run well on your labtop, theres nothing bad in just uninstalling and forgetting it.

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As much as you won't want to hear it, the game is still labeled as "beta" which means it's up to us to report these bugs so that they can fix them. And, the best way to help fix your problems is to give specific details as to how they happened.


You experience loss of functionality on your ship:

-Are you moving between screens quickly?

-Are you sliding into the terminals (this causes issues)?

-Which terminals were you using?


You experience random game crashes:

-Start a support ticket and they can look at your logs to help determine the cause (click support at the bottom of this page)


You have troubles with joining parties:

-Bring attention to the matter and explain how and when you start having problems


Mission progress is bugged:

-Give details about the problem (multi-panel locked door button is missing or obstructed, which tileset, etc.)



They may not fix every little bug that we experience, but DE really do fix a lot more problems than other companies (and more frequently). But, we have to give them the information they need to fix these things. They could spend all of their resources finding bugs themselves, but then they wouldn't make any new content and the game would grow stale.


In addition to these questions what are your computers specs? Part of that may be the issue, I don't know it is just a thought.


Edit: Also what OS are you using?

Edited by Zaelocke
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I don't have the number to hand and have practially stopped playing, just sick of the glitches and the blatant attempts at forcing playing to have to buy platinum,(defrosting Kubrows, how Argon crystals are now almost impossible to find + their degredation, the intentionally tiny number of warframe slots you get at the begining, when the game's still fun to sucker you into purchasing platinum before you realise what a grind fest it is)


Screw this game.

Edited by WereFowl
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