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Sprint Sliding - Pro Tactic? Or Bug Exploiting?


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Call it what you will, but I am refering to the rapid run-speed caused by sprinting, sliding and sprinting again in rapid succession.


Before we begin, lets get a few things out of the way:


- Do I care how others play this game? No

- Am I trying to tell anyone how to play? No

- What about Slash-gliding? We can make a different thread for the others ones


A case can be made in favor and against a tactic that boosts run speed specifically because it does require a certain amount of timing and dexterity (Or a really nice keyboard/mouse).


Reasons to keep it as is(Feel free to add your own)


- Increased Movement speed with 0 stamina cost

- Displays keyboard finesse and '1337' skillz to other players

- All games have some form of animation-cancellation-manipulation

- The "It doesn't effect You, so why do you care?" argument



Reasons Not to keep it as is(Feel free to add your own)


- Stamina mods are useless

- Makes the game look like a Benny Hill episode (Google it)

- My fingers get tired after awhile (That's what he said?)


So what do you think?


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Personally, I like to do the 'sprint, slide, jump' then slide from the jump, and repeat that to quickly traverse. It reminds me of Zelda, where Link's fastest traversal method was forward rolling everywhere. Hup! Hup! Whaa! Yop! Hup! Hup! (going from Kokiri forest to Gerudo Valley ex.)


You do lose a bit of control when doing these maneuvers and risk getting hung up on doorways, railings or other geo, whereas if you run normally you can steer around things, i guess that is a bit of a downside... but i have to admit its pretty darn fun :)

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I don't really mind it being ingame.


Sometimes i use it myself but usually i just normally sprint. It just looks too stupid for me to use it all the time.


...and for Mercury Boss Moneyfarmruns i have my Loki with sprintspeed/stamina mods that has the same (if not higher) speed.

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This, as all other exploits is 100% depending on WHO uses it and for what. If a player can use something in the game that gives him/her a bonus why shouldn't he/she? If it's used to enhance crappy gameplay/ teamwork that is the players fault.

Imo tings that look/feel weird or logically just doesn't make any sense should probbably not be in the game. Yet, we (I) should probbably just report this and let DEs deal with what they've created/missed and let them do what they deem necessary.

This is in so many games and we will just have to live with it. Brunny jump, dolphin diving, rocket jump...

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This is actually used to kick enemies and make them fall on the ground to make an ground finisher.Why you want it removed?Yes it makes you faster  but still no need to remove it.It's good to stumble few grineer or corpus


I'm not asking for sliding to be removed.


There is a tactic where you rapidly slide, sprint, and slide again that boosts your movement speed faster than sprinting.

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I for my part ( playing alot of games and learning all the techniques that were not intended, such as GunZ) find that these little "glitches" or moves add to a game's gameplay. I wouldnt want to miss my speedsliding, eventhough it wouldn't be the end of the world. The "gliding" being removed would kill my favourite playstyle completely though :C

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Maybe if jumping and sliding ate some stamina and stamina didn't recharge while you were jump-kicking/sliding? That way it wouldn't be "run forever period". If you could move faster this way but it used an equivalent amount of stamina I think it'd be alright.

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It's an exploit of an unintended glitch. And, honestly, it just looks way too silly, buggy and un-ninja like for me to even want to bother.


Instead of relying on "quirks" in the engine as a crutch, I'll stick to wall-running. Looks way cooler, anyway.

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