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Update 7.8.0


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I'm not DE_Steve but I can absolutely emphasize the community's standpoint on this to the team.


Thank you, DE_Rebecca. I hope we can expect a response from the team soon as to what is to be done about this whole situation. Just keeping us informed like this is why DE is a company I can get behind. I hope for a solution that will appease all of us.

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Why was the tolstoj cronus harvesting removed?

I was doing it privately, I understand if there were people who did it online, but what about the rest of us who did it privately?


Much better ways of getting credits now anyway, and not so much of a grind.

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Why was the tolstoj cronus harvesting removed?

I was doing it privately, I understand if there were people who did it online, but what about the rest of us who did it privately?


Dude..... do you think that doing it privately was ok? XD Are you trolling or what?

This update is a bless to stop the exploiting, im glad it finally came through

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Is it posible to buy the GRAKATA with the game point's or available only for the premium player's  ?? Locks awesom , 


There's no item yet that's not available in any way in-game. You need to go to the market, buy the blueprints and then craft it at Fountry

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Yesterday I had fun playing with my PARIS again since the elemental damage got a fix, but now(today) it seems to be not working again. I only see regular and crit damage. :( 


I played as Host and Client yesterday and it was fine. I've tried my Hek as well (I had to put it away for now since elemental damage is not being calculated as Client as well) and still no fix. Please take a look at this, DE, I will have to use my LATRON for now to cover the loss damage since it's not bugged. I'd appreciate it if I'll be able to use the PARIS and Hek again :)



EDIT: Here are some screenshots. Top is from today, bottom was from yesterday.





SECOND EDIT: Seems like elementals work on Bosses and not with trash mobs.

Edited by Bloodywing
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Dude..... do you think that doing it privately was ok? XD Are you trolling or what?

This update is a bless to stop the exploiting, im glad it finally came through


Farming Tolstoj was actually more work than doing the new Alerts. So getting credits is easier now.


Which is great. It is much more fun to do an Alert online than speedrunning solo.

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Im actually having 100% more fun with this game now that credit grinding is finally gone. Seriously, thanks for the buff. However I agree that lower lvl alert might need to tone down in the credit reward a little. Burning through a low lvl alert in 3mins for 12k reward just feel weird, as well as the cheaper credit weapon on the market might need the price revisited.

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No you haven't. Every wave of Grineer defence we did tonight ended with exactly 4 enemies hanging back in a distant room waiting till we found them.


They need to fix the spawns, especially the ridiculous back spawn where the room you started from. You always get crushed into the middle. It feels like the normal missions have defense mission spawns.

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Rebecca, please, mention this to Steve and the team too: they haven't fixed the defense spawning 4 enemies who are not moving. i've never experienced before this patch, but now it's constant. it appears they didn't fix it, but broke it more.

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This Telesto (Saturn): Corrupt The Facilities Network Protocols - 40m - 7100cr Alert almost gave my 12k!

I thought these big money alerts were for the later levels?


Think of the young Tenno! They are not going to know what to do with all that extra dosh.

They may end up getting into space weed just because they got nothing else to do. And you know that space weed is just a gateway into doing space rock. Think of the young Tenno!


do you think they have done this maybe to have players revisit other planets and not just to chose the highest cred alerts all the time? yes i understand that you go to different planets for alerts but most are in fact high level content.  or are you saying that lower level players cant enjoy the great creds from lower level alert missions such as these?

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Contrary to what was said, we get absolutely NOTHING if we fail a mission. No modules, resources, credits, or XP. This applies to all mission types.


No one will play Defense missions past five or ten waves, if this isn't resolved.


The Stalker is a joke, instead of a Bogeyman. He needs to be fixed.


Enemies are still hiding in Defense missions.


Objective markers aren't working with the new tiles because of their enormous size.

Edited by DEATHLOK
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Can you give the Shield Lancers the Kraken, as well, rather than the Sicarus that they currently have? It doesn't make much sense that there's a Grineer burst pistol that no Grineer unit uses, while there already is a Grineer unit that uses burst pistols.

Doesn't Grineer Seeker use the Kraken??

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Why can't people ask nicely instead of demanding fixes? 


It's not like people are being rude about it, and it does kinda seem like this "fix" wasn't really thought through and is causing a lot of frustration.Twice today I've lost everything from a mission, once because I fell through the floor next to the extraction with the data module (thus ruining it for the other two players I was with) and secondly because we were on that evil mobile defence at the start of Sedna, and we failed to defend the cryopod. True, we failed the objective, but is that cause to strip us of everything we earned? It's only going to make those missions highly avoided, and indeed there was nobody playing online when we went back to do it a second time.The whole thing just seems a bit overkill to stop people farming blueprints, especially now that alerts and higher level missions are far more rewarding.
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Undocumented "note" pistols no longer are accurate at long range.   Lex is only accurate at short and medium range, anything past 30m veers off at a 45 degree angle.


Is this true?  My Twin Vipers still seem to be about the same accuracy (or rather, inaccuracy :P) as before 7.8...  Haven't used my Lex in a while, so I'll test it out.

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Why can't people ask nicely instead of demanding fixes? DE has been listening to the community as we all know. They are humans and deserve to rest and specially deserve some respect from the community. 


I agree. DE has already won over my full support for this game by the way they make decisions and how they listen to their fan-base. Lets pay them all due respect and give our feedback in a manner that helps them build a better game; not whine and throw temper tantrums. 

That said, i know the game's endgame and anti-grinding mentality is still in flux but I think it would be better if the Defense missions gave guaranteed "Good Rares" for the later rewards. Playing to Level 25 to get an enemy radar (or heaven forbid another Fire elemental mod) can be very disappointing.
In addition, I also fully support bringing the jump-slide chaining back. It added certain charm to the game and also enabled slower Warframes to keep up. Macroing this is lame because it removes the skill, but thats the player's choice. If anything I think limiting the velocity so it is more in line with faster Warframe's sprint speed would be appropriate. Best of both worlds! :D
Thanks guys and keep up the good work.
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Reading patch notes the other day made me feel like "wont work" about this "lose/bail out - lose all stuff" part... But you cant sew a feeling to a case:) Now day of experience shows this is in fact a fact: quitters still quit - in boss schematic grinding process, if boss didnt drop the part desired by quitter (s)he, as the name suggests, quits. In doing so (s)he suffers little to no consequence, while those who stay not only have to finish in reduced team, but in one of four cases have to suffer "host transition" which may (or may not) crush game, fail objective or, most commonly, forfeit all loot gathered before the transition of host, including the stuff from the boss. Also one will not know if his loot before host swap was erased until (s)he reaches exit:) (and although I used smile there it isnt funny at all).

Bottom line - the mechanic intended to stop people from forfeiting match not only failed to fulfill it's goal, but also introduced a new source for frustration and, possibly, trolling/griefing if host chooses to ruin game for others for ex. by bailing right near extraction (just imagine the ammount of rage it will generate if all loot were to be lost).

Perhaps this mechanic should be rethought or removed, at least until host transition process is fixed (also those cases where other glitches like players or targets clip through floors or otherwise become unreachable, preventing completion).

Responding to those who would suggest playing in premade groups... well, just dont:) It is neither a solution, nor a good thing to suggest.


Speaking of other less major issues:

- As others said already (and even got a responce from Steve) it would be good to get a more informative description for frame's "powers" i.e.: Damage ammount and type, radius of AoE, range etc. etc. and all this reactive to power level increases and, maybe, interactive to Flow, Continuity, Reach and Focus - all should be in-game.

- Another instance of unthought mechanics seems to be ammo - max. count and increase per picked ammo box is in no relation to per-shot dammage. This, perhaps, should have lead to cirtain weapons being ammo efficient while others not... In reality some weapons never run out of ammo (Lex, Bronco, Latron) while others can never get enough (new gun, furises etc.). Perhaps ammo max. and ammo from pickup should be at least in some degree of reverse proportion to damage per shot? Else many weapons are not realy viable other then just to look cool:)

- Speaking of reverse proportions, a lot of unlove (mild hate) comes from faster frames (namely lokies) to slower ones (namely frosts and rhinos) about "slowing group down"... perhaps to make speeds even in long runs drain on stamina should be reverse proportional to sprint speeds? This way rhinos run slower, but can do so longer, while twichy lokies run faster still, but get winded sooner and all happily reach exit in the same time:)


And seizing moment, already walls-o-text, I would suggest a feature: sorting mod inventory!

- by type of mount (pistol, rifle, frame etc.);

- by type of polarity;

- by rarity;

- hide/stack duplicates.

This would ease navigation alot! Please! Pwetty, please:)


Forgive walls of letters, and maybe lack of english grammar. Yours truly!

Edited by Heartwarder
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