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Until the game has weapon specific ammo pools/pickup amounts, this gun is worthless.


Theres already a specific ammo pools and its 20 for rifles.


Also: Use grakata, get ammo hungry in the first 10 sec and no single grakata ammo drop in the whole level..... yeah its a great idea.

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Let's face it: It has less DPS than a Braton, less accuracy than a Braton and less ammo efficiency than a Braton.


In other words: It's inferior to a Braton in about any way possible.



Until the game has weapon specific ammo pools/pickup amounts, this gun is worthless.


Vote for MG ammo pool.

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Theres already a specific ammo pools and its 20 for rifles.


Also: Use grakata, get ammo hungry in the first 10 sec and no single grakata ammo drop in the whole level..... yeah its a great idea.


As in, Gorgon ammo pool equals 500; Grakata ammo pool equals 900; etc.  Hence, weapon specific.

Edited by Rydiak
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I got this piece of garbage to 30 with a potato. It is inferior to almost every gun out there. Chews through ammo, takes a clip to kill one infested and has no special benefits. It has no secret crit bonus, its crit chance is awful actually.


Flat out piece of garbage. Don't waste your time with this gun.

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I got this piece of garbage to 30 with a potato. It is inferior to almost every gun out there. Chews through ammo, takes a clip to kill one infested and has no special benefits. It has no secret crit bonus, its crit chance is awful actually.


Flat out piece of garbage. Don't waste your time with this gun.


Then it's exactly what I expected it to be when I saw the stats on it...

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Feels like I'm using the Twin Vipers as a Primary, which isn't a good thing. Vipers can hose down maybe one enemy (excluding ancients/boss mobs) in a matter of seconds, but then is has to reload. This thing has basically the same problem. It'll chew up all your ammo quickly too. It's fun/useful if you use it fully modded while running through low missions with a new friend or something, but has no practical use on the higher end maps such as Xini. I say give it a solid base crit, as others have suggested, that way with crit mods maybe you could mow through 2 or 3 enemies with decent crit procs before needing to reload, which would make it considerably more viable. You could almost use Akbolto as a Primary source of damage and then swap to this to mow through an ancient in your face quickly.

Edited by biggians
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The Grakata is a glorious weapon of destruction. I use it to run Hades. Whoever says the Dual Staple Guns (Twin Vipers, but that must be a typo) are bad says the Grakata is bad, too. And to those people I say: Cool. You don't like it and that is fine. I'll enjoy this beast while you complain about it.

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Once you fit in Multishot on it, its sheer RoF Begins to make sense.


Seriously. It becomes a totally different weapon.


any weapon heavy moded its good/godly.


so the argument " IF YOU PUT MODS TO IT !" no makes sense.

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any weapon heavy moded its good/godly.


so the argument " IF YOU PUT MODS TO IT !" no makes sense.


Aren't we supposed to put mods in them, though? I mean, what you say makes sense if you play without putting mods in your gun. Lol.

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so the argument " IF YOU PUT MODS TO IT !" no makes sense.


It makes no sense at all, this gentleman here is correct. Because, we all know that true comparisons only happen with unmodded weapons. What else would you use?


Sarcasm aside, the statement makes all the sense in the world, because the right mods on the right gun make it strong. For the Grakata: Multishot, Base Damage, Freeze Damage, AP Damage, Shock Damage, Crit Chance, Crit Damage. Make the per-bullet-damage higher. RoF/Clipsize are already through the roof.


If you put clipsize, reload, max ammo, RoF on the Grakata, you are losing resource-efficiency and feel like you are just throwing ammo away.

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Defend it all you want, but that doesn't make it better.

The Video shows just how bad the ammo efficiency of this weapon is as he needed about half of his total ammo pool just to clear a single room. The problem is that you don't get anything in return for the weapons downsides. Even the Twin Vipers give you something: The highest DPS of all weapons in the game.


The Grakata has bad damage output and bad ammo efficiency with no redeeming qualities.


It could use a slight increase in damage and an overall low recoil to make spamming ammo very controllable.


It can kill enemies, no doubt about it, but that doesn't mean that it is as good at doing so as other weapons are.

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Underwhelming so far.

Efficiency per bullet isn't there at all, my twin vipers kill stuff better, and thats saying a lot.


I'm confused as to where to place this weapon,

It's not a bullet-hose, the mag size is too small for it. (max ammo as well)

Crit-rate seems low so no exploiting that.

Low damage per bullet.

Reload is too slow for such a small mag and low damage.

Too inaccurate for headshot-spamming.

Decently heavy recoil, it moves in a circular pattern instead of just upwards.


It basically has all the downsides but no pro's.


Maybe it's just me, but bullets feel like they travel slower than normal with this weapon.


At the very least the mag size should be increased to 90 or something.



Basically, the weapon needs an upside, and i'm not seeing one.

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Mine is level 9 atm with 60% Serration, working my way through Ceres, Grineer are taking 1 or 2 damage per bullet, 8 from a headshot, taking 2 or 2 and a bit of a 3rd clip to kill a level 30 Grineer, even with aiming at the head.


So far it seems just absolutely terrible, but I think it will have good versatility at level 30, you don't really have to put Speed Trigger on it so you can free  up a slot for a huge elemental damage and swap it in and out different elements depending on enemy rather then picking a new gun.


I'll come back to this thread when I have it at level 30 and post again.

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any weapon heavy moded its good/godly.


so the argument " IF YOU PUT MODS TO IT !" no makes sense.


So the arguement that it becomes a good gun naturally through the course of playing the game isn't valid? Because my Grak was pretty crap at first, but once I was able to mod it up, I kill things much, much faster than most guns. My Boltor, Strun and Braton Vandal were junk before I modded them; does that make them a junk weapons? You are supposed to overcome weapon shortcomings and increase strengths through mods, that's the whole point of the system. If the Grakata is meant to be a burst-damage weapon, it nails it pretty well. If you aren't a goddamn spaz, ammo problems don't crop up until late in the level, and that's when you don't utilize your sidearm and melee weapons in tandem.


I still would like some solid numbers on the crit rate, though; I haven't brought up any crit-centric mods for rifles as of yet to test it myself.


Plus, this thing is just fun to use. I would love a damage increase, don't get me wrong, but right now I'm enjoying it.

Edited by MoonicusMaximus
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It makes no sense at all, this gentleman here is correct. Because, we all know that true comparisons only happen with unmodded weapons. What else would you use?


Sarcasm aside, the statement makes all the sense in the world, because the right mods on the right gun make it strong. For the Grakata: Multishot, Base Damage, Freeze Damage, AP Damage, Shock Damage, Crit Chance, Crit Damage. Make the per-bullet-damage higher. RoF/Clipsize are already through the roof.


If you put clipsize, reload, max ammo, RoF on the Grakata, you are losing resource-efficiency and feel like you are just throwing ammo away.


Hurr im smart ! if i put those mods to anyweapon is going to do better than the Grakata...


IF unmoded is a crappy weapon in comparasion against other weapons what makes you think if you mod the grakata is going to do better than other modded weapons ? Also the thing doesnt even has polarity slot to worth modding it...

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