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Too Much Credits?!


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I know the recent credit buff is very nice. However, I find that it is too much credits and the game will be burned through much faster in this linear game. I think the credits should be toned down a bit but more than the amount earned before.

As of now the credits earned have been doubled to the point it is faster than the previous Cronus farming.

Yes, with the difference that you have to actually play in high end systems to earn the big bucks. I don't see the problem here. At all. I mean, I actually do credit alert missions now because they're finally worth the time it takes to do them!


Right and?


Save your money, do it slowly.


There's slowly and there's glacial. F2P games need to trickle a small sense of progress to the player to keep their interest. When it takes 30-50k just to build a gun, 100k to build a warframe (with lots of farming for the BPs), 50k + a whole lot of farming for fusion cores/dupe mods to max out one mod (to say nothing of really expensive ones like serration that'll cost upwards of 200k), 1-2k a mission doesn't feel much like progress.

Say you want to get a viper. That's 20k for the BP and 20k to build the gun itself. That's anywhere from 20 to 40 missions just to raise the credits for that. So basically, you've gotta spend most of a day playing just to get started on your gun. And Cthulhu help you if you want a dual pistol, because that means you more than double what it'll cost since you need two pistols and then have to pay extra on top of that.

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LOL! I never had millions of dollars ever. In fact, the most amount of money i ever had in this game was when i went for the Shade BP that cost 100k and i acquired through doing normal alerts, selling some spare BPs, and doing defense missions.


I've been saying how easy its to make cash ever since i tried for my Shade. 


And im pretty sure you were in that thread where i mentioned getting my Shade in a couple of days.


I have like 21k NOW .... you want a pic as proof? Im running normals mission not selling anything to see how fast it is to get cash to build the new two weapons. And so far i got the two BPs and i had enough for the BRAKATA! But since it requires 500 Alloy i started upgrading my Ash ability mods which i was running Blade Storm and Teleport at 0 rank up until a few minutes ago when i rank BS to 2.


Meanwhile, it was so hard to make cash for everyone else that they resorted to farming Vor excessively. Do tell me, do you even comprehend the concept of other people having equally valid opinions? Or the fact that your random anecdotes are not data and never will be? If it hasn't gotten through your skull after the last 50 or so threads you've been in, you are a very special unique snowflake and your experience means less than nothing to everyone else who thinks you should stop talking about your special unique snowflakeness.

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Meanwhile, it was so hard to make cash for everyone else that they resorted to farming Vor excessively.


People ran the Cronus BP because it was fast cash not because there was no other way to make cash.

People were lazy and wanted the credits ASAP.



Do tell me, do you even comprehend the concept of other people having equally valid opinions?


I got 100k by playing the game in a totally normal way, no tricks, no max mods, no nothing.

Why would you need any other option by playing the game like any other person.


The only difference was the fact that i didnt try to rank up my mods ASAP so i just banked my money.



Or the fact that your random anecdotes are not data and never will be? If it hasn't gotten through your skull after the last 50 or so threads you've been in, you are a very special unique snowflake and your experience means less than nothing to everyone else who thinks you should stop talking about your special unique snowflakeness.


So playing the game just as is without any tricks and getting to build a second sentinel provides no evidence?

I didnt do ANYTHING that any other person cant do but thats......just some "unique experience"?


This is just like the people screaming about no ammo and dont buy ammo boxes.

The answer is clearly there in front you but you dont choose to take it because you want the game to play like you want rather than follow the rules setup.


There was never a problem with money, people just didnt know how to spend it.

People wanted to rank up their mods to max in one go and were confused that you need to slowly make the climb.

It's like they somehow never played a game where you level stuff.


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So playing the game just as is without any tricks and getting to build a second sentinel provides no evidence?

I didnt do ANYTHING that any other person cant do but thats......just some "unique experience"?


This is just like the people screaming about no ammo and dont buy ammo boxes.

The answer is clearly there in front you but you dont choose to take it because you want the game to play like you want rather than follow the rules setup.


There was never a problem with money, people just didnt know how to spend it.

People wanted to rank up their mods to max in one go and were confused that you need to slowly make the climb.

It's like they somehow never played a game where you level stuff.


Or maybe the credit income rate as of 7.0 was extremely low and frustrating to the point where people actually started looking for exploits such as Vor-farming? Oooh you made 100K without farming Vor! Awesome. Do you want a pat on the back? This is why I ask you if you understand that your opinions aren't the only ones that matter.


I could and did too, it just took hours and hours of endless grinding. Endless grinding that is bad for enjoyment, by the way.

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Or maybe the credit income rate as of 7.0 was extremely low and frustrating to the point where people actually started looking for exploits such as Vor-farming? Oooh you made 100K without farming Vor! Awesome. Do you want a pat on the back? This is why I ask you if you understand that your opinions aren't the only ones that matter.


I made 100k from playing the game just like anyone else would, anyone else could do this. There was no tricks there wasnt anything but playing the game and not ranking up every mod in one go.This couldn't be any more simpler. 


And people werent looking for exploits people were running the low level mission constantly when 7 came out because everyone was weak and eventually some one said, "Hey, Cronus is a guaranteed drop and i can quit the mission after it. " This was something that at that point was normal in every boss stage. Dont try to turn it into something else.


I could and did too, it just took hours and hours of endless grinding. Endless grinding that is bad for enjoyment, by the way.



And what are you going to do after endlessly grinding the Cronus BP and building or rank up what you wanted? Play for endless hour and hour right? So what's the hurry?

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And what are you going to do after endlessly grinding the Cronus BP and building or rank up what you wanted? Play for endless hour and hour right? So what's the hurry?


Only you could be so thick to fail to understand there's a difference between playing (X) because I want to and being forced to do (Y). And your brilliant advice to other players is "oh you can make money just fine if you don't actually upgrade your mods, which is an actual system which is important." I'd like to play things I want with the stuff I am grinding for, because if I don't get new stuff the gameplay gets stale. Only you would fail to understand this.


You make about 10,000 credits an hour playing normally. FYI: Having to grind for ten hours to make a Sentinel is not fun. But of course, your only reason to exist, your sole raison d'etre, is to defend all the worst aspects of the game. Korean-style MMO grinding isn't very fun for most people. In fact, the best systems for grinding (Diablo, Borderlands) give you tons of cool stuff all the time. This is not really how Warframe worked unless you farmed Vor after 7.0 because the cool stuff generally needed to be ranked up to be really cool.


And everyone knew about Cronus being a guaranteed drop ages ago. You're pretending it's something new because people ran low level missions instead of a specific result of it being difficult to make money. I'm sorry if you can't understand cause and effect, but if Vor farming only happens after nobody can make money despite it having been perfectly possible ages ago, perhaps it's because people couldn't make money, instead of the bulls**t you're making up about how it's all the fault of people who weren't brave enough to venture past Mercury.

Edited by MJ12
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Only you could be so thick to fail to understand there's a difference between playing (X) because I want to and being forced to do (Y). And your brilliant advice to other players is "oh you can make money just fine if you don't actually upgrade your mods, which is an actual system which is important." I'd like to play things I want with the stuff I am grinding for, because if I don't get new stuff the gameplay gets stale. Only you would fail to understand this.


You make about 10,000 credits an hour playing normally. FYI: Having to grind for ten hours to make a Sentinel is not fun. But of course, your only reason to exist, your sole raison d'etre, is to defend all the worst aspects of the game. Korean-style MMO grinding isn't very fun for most people. In fact, the best systems for grinding (Diablo, Borderlands) give you tons of cool stuff all the time. This is not really how Warframe worked unless you farmed Vor after 7.0 because the cool stuff generally needed to be ranked up to be really cool.


And everyone knew about Cronus being a guaranteed drop ages ago. You're pretending it's something new because people ran low level missions instead of a specific result of it being difficult to make money. I'm sorry if you can't understand cause and effect, but if Vor farming only happens after nobody can make money despite it having been perfectly possible ages ago, perhaps it's because people couldn't make money, instead of the bulls**t you're making up about how it's all the fault of people who weren't brave enough to venture past Mercury.


I have 2k credits right now. I find the credit reward is too much.


Instead of bringing up you normal "your an egoistic, toxic, pseudo veteran *insert insult here*" bullS#&$ just accept other opinions that are different from your for a change or just simply don't post. You don't have to make every topic a personal conversation with someone because THAT's Toxic.


Good night

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The amount of credits being earned right now is fine. You won't go insane because you have to farm Cronus all the time. It isn't as fast but it works just fine. You have to realize upgrading mods, crafting weapons and warframes will cost you a lot. You can't burn through the game quickly because if you haven't noticed new things are always being added every week. Unless you are really happy with one warframe and one set of weapons (Primary, Secondary, Melee) then in that sense the game is basically done for you lol.

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I have 2k credits right now. I find the credit reward is too much.


Instead of bringing up you normal "your an egoistic, toxic, pseudo veteran *insert insult here*" bullS#&$ just accept other opinions that are different from your for a change or just simply don't post. You don't have to make every topic a personal conversation with someone because THAT's Toxic.


Good night


Yet another guy who spent 300+ hours in the game with 10 million credits' worth of income saying the credit rewards are too much. If you don't want to be accused of going "f**k you I got mine" maybe you should actually give reasons as to why this is 'too much'. Because being able to grind out a regular Braton's worth of credits in less than an hour doesn't exactly seem like 'way too much' especially since you have other things you need to farm, like resources. Maybe you should consider that most players are going to have a backlog of 7+ updates' worth of content before they can get to your point where they don't have things to spend money on?


Oh, and nice lie about how I started out with "my usual insults" (FYI: If you're going to be an elitist prick, I'm going to call you an elitist prick, if you don't like it, stop being an elitist prick). I pointed out then what I pointed out now. If you've invested hundreds of hours in this game already and are running out of things to spend money on, then argue that everyone is making too many credits and incomes need to be reduced, you better have ironclad reasoning. I want charts. Statistics. Actual scientific samples. Instead of "Oh I can't spend my bitcoins after I bought everything I wanted to buy THREE HUNDRED HOURS IN."


I mean I've only got ~200 hours ("only") and I have literally all but one Warframe right now, and half the weapons. I wonder what the hell I'll have at 300 hours and I'm pretty sure that I'd more or less run out of stuff to spend money on at that point.

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Only you could be so thick to fail to understand there's a difference between playing (X) because I want to and being forced to do (Y).


This isnt about anyone being forced into anything. This about people who dont want to wait and want stuff NAOH!

And this are the same people that then go on to complain about there being nothing to do.

It's silly.


And your brilliant advice to other players is "oh you can make money just fine if you don't actually upgrade your mods, which is an actual system which is important." I'd like to play things I want with the stuff I am grinding for, because if I don't get new stuff the gameplay gets stale. Only you would fail to understand this.


I didnt say dont upgrade your mods i said you dont need to max out your mods. Those are two completely different things.

It's a fact that you dont need max out mod to go through any part of the game at all. Do they help? Sure. But this isnt a necessity that must happen ASAP.


You can slowly rank them up while mostly banking your creds and you would have done fine.


You make about 10,000 credits an hour playing normally. FYI: Having to grind for ten hours to make a Sentinel is not fun.


In the old system outside of Mercury all other missions pretty much gave you 1k credits. So to make AT LEAST 10k credits you needed to complete just 10 missions. And i say AT LEAST because that doesnt count for drops, money from drops, or Alerts which could give you more than 1k so by the end of those 10 missions you could safely have 20k in your bank. Money was never hard to make.


But of course, your only reason to exist, your sole raison d'etre, is to defend all the worst aspects of the game.


Yes, i like pointing out the obvious answers staring people in the face.

Run out of ammo? Buy ammo box. Problem solved.

You dont want to buy ammo? That's your problem and not the game's.



Korean-style MMO grinding isn't very fun for most people. In fact, the best systems for grinding (Diablo, Borderlands) give you tons of cool stuff all the time. This is not really how Warframe worked unless you farmed Vor after 7.0 because the cool stuff generally needed to be ranked up to be really cool.


You know what's funny about this "Korean MMO grind" people keep spouting?

That's actually AMERICAN-style MMOs. The first generation of MMOs played like that and when those folks over there got into MMOs they adopted it. So it's hilarious that people call it that. The whole starting era of MMOs had them played just like that. And there are STILL people playing those games, btw.



And everyone knew about Cronus being a guaranteed drop ages ago. You're pretending it's something new because people ran low level missions instead of a specific result of it being difficult to make money. I'm sorry if you can't understand cause and effect, but if Vor farming only happens after nobody can make money despite it having been perfectly possible ages ago, perhaps it's because people couldn't make money, instead of the bulls**t you're making up about how it's all the fault of people who weren't brave enough to venture past Mercury.


Yeah Cronus BP was always there but it was never a factor because money didnt matter at all.  What mattered back in the day? Mods. What was the mission that everyone played? Xini. Why? Cause it was the fastest way to get mod. It wasn't because it was the only way to get mods it was because it was fastest AND easiest way since the Infested all piled up in the middle all neatly for AOEs.


People will ALWAYS look for the fastest and easiest way to get something and it has NOTHING to do with anything but the fact that they can get it faster.


I specifically made a joke thread to point this out, btw.


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pretty close . 50k for the 5 rank ones. but it DOUBLES every extra rank so 10 rank ones like redirection are 100k for rank 6, 200k for 7, 400k for 8, 800k for rank 9. wait that doesnt seem right...


300 creds(common)*1024= 307200.  for the last level (X whatever multiplier for mods that arent same). I just checked with fusion cores only and total cost for redirection 0->10 = 183 cores + 439050 credits


good thing there arent any 10 rank rare mods yet...

You might find this interesting:

Using just Rare-5 cores, it would take 415 800 credits to max Redirection, (it would take exactly 132 Rare-5 cores).

By contrast, it would only cost 37 800 credits to take a Rare mod to rank 5.


It would actually only take 1023 duplicates to max out.

Edited by IcarusNine
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Burp. Even if Vor was not fixed, with the current patch, you would need roughly 3 mins to get to Vor, kill him and get out. And that is only 3.5k. Within 10 minutes of doing a specific alert, I got roughly 12k. Seems good? That alert was a 6k+ base credits alert and at the end of it, the real amount was 9k+ excluding pickup credits. So, someone tell me that speedrunning high level/high reward alerts isn't worth it anymore please? (Note that they changed Alert credit rewards to a maximum of 10k so you can easily get the most out of some missions.)

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theres something fundamentally wrong with peoples brains where grinding and farming is an acceptable substitute for content  that is fun and rewarding + challenging



Vor farming was NOT fun but people had no incentive to play higher lvl planets because vor gave you better money. I am glad that now higher lvl planets give more money cos I finaly have people to run Pluto with, before it was a fricking miracle when I got group there.

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Just want to let you know. Upgrading a mod to full its potential can cost at least 50,000. Mods like Serration, Redirection will take even more (probably like 200k)

This.  People can complain about credits being too easy to earn after they've managed to fully mod out all their warframes and weapons :|

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That's really to much!!!

Before,i got 100k or more on 1 day if i want, now its like 300-500k

It's ok if we get more, but thats really to much


By the way...

To much credits can destroy the game...

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